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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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10 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

I told HFB when he asked me if I ever got tired of just watching a naked girl I said some women are just works of art and a pleasure just to look at I personally would put Jasmin at the top of that list but I'm sure we all have our favorites here, Leia is my favorite of the current group of girls though

If I ever get sick of watching these gorgeous girls naked, or even clothed, you have permission to shoot me...:dodgy:

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2 minutes ago, slider_69 said:

Yea, the neighbors did complain at times......but that was proof of good times going on.  Have you seen any real parties or good girl action in the CatHouse ?

no and that's what I have commented on a few times on here now the girls have this huge party palace where they can stay up all night making as much noise as they want no neighbors to bitch and they would rather do Ouija board crap we just need to get the right girls here or at least a party leader like we have seen before

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1 hour ago, slider_69 said:

Sí, los vecinos se quejaron a veces ... pero eso era una prueba de que pasaban buenos momentos. ¿Has visto alguna fiesta real o una buena acción de chicas en CatHouse? Este nuevo lugar es oscuro, y se asemeja a un laberinto .............................. cocina aquí, dormitorios en todas partes .... ...... buscar baños y niñas que no hacen más que comer o mirar teléfonos! Personalmente tomaría B1 en cualquier momento ... ¡vecinos y todo! 

The neighbors, was only part of the problem, many times it was the girls who caused those problems, loud music at all hours, even if there was nobody in the house. Early morning parties, during the week, when normal people, have to get up early the next day to work and earn a decent living ... come at 5 or 6 in the morning with their heels on, with the noise that makes, awakening the youngest of the house (young children), are things like that we have seen and heard in the houses, especially in B1, since it had been open for more time.

Anyway, the girls, have not had to resort to neighbors, to ruin a good party, intentionally or not, and I will not enter all the incidents, or party outings, as not remember, however, that after two dinner hours or chats without foundation, only interrupted by a quick make-up, a sudden change of clothes and leaving, almost running to not return until the next morning.
Or because not to say, the eternal afternoons of makeup for arrival the appointed time, simply, to climb on the heels, and with the minimum necessary clothes to not classify themselves as "going naked", to leave equally well into the next day, even Do not come back until very late the next day.

Many people, especially those who lived that, seem to want to forget that, and it is not just to remember this that I explain, but this happened. And if we want to be fair to the new people who read us, we should also know those things, and when it happens again, let them know, it's nothing new.

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7 hours ago, Sergio said:

maldición, me dolió ir a cenar con amigos y perder la noche fantástica en los apartamentos de barcelona

It's not good to be sarcastic, like on the radio, there will be people who do not understand your words ... lol

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Hace 13 horas, nagachilli2 dijo:

Tengo muchos buenos recuerdos de B1, pero ¿realmente tengo muchas buenas cámaras de cerca? ¿Había algo allí para vencer la habitación de Gina en B2, cámara de 2-4 en la habitación de gemelos en B4, o 2-3 para el caso, Karols lleno de cámara en este momento o las cámaras de baño gemelos? ... Para mí, el único cámara decente en B1 fue, creo que fue 7, donde Nicole tuvo algunas sesiones geniales con Miguel ... Me gustó la cocina en B1 aunque ... algunos buenos recuerdos (y mammaries) ... y episodios de 'The Naked Chef' ...:heart:

Skinny memory yours, kidding.
You forget, the beautiful images of Belle and Caroline's pussy in the massage with Anna, in the room of the room. Where the camera from the foot of the bed, almost makes a close-up of both of these women's pussies ...
The masturbations of Anna or Irma from the corner camera in the "small" room, when these girls entered the first time.
Or the games between K & K in that same room.
Not to forget the great moments of many girls in the single room with double bed, where from the camera from the head of the bed, we have seen a lot and good, things as impressive and as pcoo views, as Rita, touched the breasts to Danaya ... that girl who I think did not do much more.

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14 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

I have a lot of good memories of B1, but did they really have a lot of good close up cameras? Was there anything there to beat Gina's room in B2, 2-4 cam in the twins room in B4, or 2-3 for that matter, Karols full on Cam right now or the twins bathroom cams?...For me, the only decent cam in B1 was, I think it was 7, where Nicole had some great sessions with Miguel...I did like the kitchen in B1 though...some great memories (and mammaries)...and episodes of 'The Naked  Chef' ...:heart:

We all have a lot of fond memories of B1 because of the tenants, but the apartment itself wasn't very good imho.

Cam positions and quality was crap, but the apartment was not super comfortable for the girls.

The smaller room for example had malfunctioning air conditioning, cold in winter, hot in summer, with crap Wi-Fi (remember Jess streaming issues), and was noisy - that's for the girls, and for the viewer, we had cams too far from the bed and the NV was a blurry mess.

The apartment at B4 has issues (big, "cold" figuratively speaking) but in my eyes it is an improvement.

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Catching up on replay, and yes, Gina's yoga was absolutely amazing.

But as usual, I will say that Bea was, as always amazing, great naked cleaning, and then, another intimate moment, without lingerie, makeup or anything, in her favorite positions, just focused on her own pleasure, that was so intense at the end that she was out of breath for a while :blush: She is just that perfect !

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