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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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26 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

For what. I must have missed that. he was on ignore anyway but yes I admit the ignore system doesn't work too well.

For saying you post crap, but I report very much, the mods are likely tired of me. LOL.

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Just now, BBsq69 said:

Keep being yourself Ed. I have heard that one or two people around here are tired of me LOL

Harley even complained that I posted too many pictures. LOL

I don't think he understood the concept of the board especially the images section.

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53 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Yes well My Belle:heart: is here and was giving a very fine display which I want to encourage just like people encourage the other girls like Karol last night. Nobody else is here and I hadn't post for more than 20 minutes. The girls do read this board. I like Belle so I let her know I'm enjoying what she is doing. If she excites me I say so. Reading in any more than that, especially when others have a very great degree of close contact via social media and I have no idea what they are writing on there and nor do I care and nor should of you, is just ridiculous.

If my posts are bothering people they all know they can switch to ignore. Whey don't they? I leave you to work that out.

Yes it appears on the main page but I can't help that nor can I help a guy who sees 1 and then sees how many more he can count.

Nor can I help that a certain member hates me and will probably do anything to get rid of me and Belle when he was the person who used to post every 2 minutes of his love for Kristy and Kami and what's more all they were doing was lying on the sofa in the underwear. Belle is doing a lot more entertaining and people as shown in the Replay league happen to like it.

So I say to you all speak up for your girls and never lat anyone intimidate you from being yourself. 

I believe it IS important to praise the girls as some of them DO read CC. It's a damn site better than slagging them off all the time, insulting them, making up ridiculous conspiracy theories or stupid ideas that the girls are being controlled by text messages :dodgy:. It's something I've always done with my favourites, although not to the extent that you do. :biggrin:...I also believe many of your posts BB are really just for yourself and Belle.  However, there's nowhere else to post them, so they appear on the main board. I must admit, I skim over quite a few, so if other guys are bothered by them, why not do the same...For me, it's no big deal...

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Rammer. Why should I put you on ignore. You argue in a perfectly civilised manner. My point is that you can ignore what I say. Will be no great loss to you I'm sure.

If you notice My Belle:heart: has been the Top Cam most of this afternoon. She's not dancing in the shower which is why I am not mentioning  it but every time I mentioned iher before she was giving great views and doing what I said.

Many posts on here annoy me.I am certainly not going to stop because people do not like what I say. Besides which I promised to leave this thread when Belle left ana I did.


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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I believe it IS important to praise the girls as some of them DO read CC. It's a damn site better than slagging them off all the time, insulting them, making up ridiculous conspiracy theories or stupid ideas that the girls are being controlled by text messages :dodgy:. It's something I've always done with my favourites, although not to the extent that you do. :biggrin:...I also believe many of your posts BB are really just for yourself and Belle.  However, there's nowhere else to post them, so they appear on the main board. I must admit, I skim over quite a few, so if other guys are bothered by them, why not do the same...For me, it's no big deal...

I wonder who the culprit of this is? :biggrin::biggrin:

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I agree Naga to a point.  There are 10 rotating girls including in this thread.  When the vast majority of posts are about one girl from one viewer it makes for quite a bit of skimming.  BB do your thing and I'll skim.  No problems.

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1 hour ago, BBsq69 said:

Yes well My Belle:heart: is here and was giving a very fine display which I want to encourage just like people encourage the other girls like Karol last night. Nobody else is here and I hadn't post for more than 20 minutes. The girls do read this board. I like Belle so I let her know I'm enjoying what she is doing. If she excites me I say so. Reading in any more than that, especially when others have a very great degree of close contact via social media and I have no idea what they are writing on there and nor do I care and nor should of you, is just ridiculous.

If my posts are bothering people they all know they can switch to ignore. Whey don't they? I leave you to work that out.

Yes it appears on the main page but I can't help that nor can I help a guy who sees 1 and then sees how many more he can count.

Nor can I help that a certain member hates me and will probably do anything to get rid of me and Belle when he was the person who used to post every 2 minutes of his love for Kristy and Kami and what's more all they were doing was lying on the sofa in the underwear. Belle is doing a lot more entertaining and people as shown in the Replay league happen to like it.

So I say to you all speak up for your girls and never lat anyone intimidate you from being yourself. 

bb belle does 10 times more then most Barcelona girls do and I'm very happy that she is here 

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