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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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5 minutes ago, happyone said:

No sirve de nada si RLC no puede mantener operadas las cámaras y el departamento :angry:

No way! They will blame the clients, for criticizing the houses and the girls because you are the ones who, with your accurate comments, and according to them negative, cause all the problems in the house ....
Surely, in the last maintenance, they will not have had enough time to repair all the electrical problems of the house, nor that the cameras have cuts, habitual, or that the cameras were frozen, in the best moments, or maintenance, when the girls They are inside the houses, like the girls, they do not leave the houses, and at that moment they can do all the maintenance they want.
As I say, you are the culprits ... RLC are the little sisters of charity

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