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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 2

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Oh, I know. You're right, but why don't they fix it? They won't even acknowledge that it's a problem. They blame the users own service. Then when enough people complain they pretend to fix it and then it's right back to the way it was again and around and around we go again. Been like this since the site started really. 

...and that's why they don't get my American dollars.  It's an easy fix - the technology is there. VH is just being cheap. More importantly, it's a bad reflection on them that they have little concern for the user experience.

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2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Yes, I know that they are growing. Likely in the USA a lot, which makes this an urgent matter for them I would think and yet nothing happens and the feed is still crap. My job is to speculate on why that is. For some reason we’re supposed to be good little viewers, sit down, and say nothing. This is a silly forum for perverted voyeurs, not a court room last I checked. 

Hey! I resemble that remark!!

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thx! You’re perverted angel of a doll! I said this long ago, VH should give you a free sub just for gracing us with your presence. ❤️

❤️❤️ !

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1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

Making it easier for you to quit 😇

Not nice Jabbath and uncalled for! Amy is only saying what a lot of us have been saying as well. VH is providing a shit service!!!

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26 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thx! You’re perverted angel of a doll! I said this long ago, VH should give you a free sub just for gracing us with your presence. ❤️

The way they do with some other people you mean? :angel:

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6 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Yep and people around here will just accuse you of being hateful. It sucks!! It’s definitely the #1 reason I don’t re join. 

No, I'm only being hateful when I say something against wonderful VH !

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13 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

Waste of time even reporting it now, they just come back with that crap about doing a speed test and giving access to my PC, yeah like that is going to happen! 

They really keep insisting on that??? 😕 

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