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Adeline & Markus General Chat 2018

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13 minutes ago, happyone said:

More and more, it appears that Adeline is just having sex, but not really into it or enjoying it.

She's had the same look for months now. It's the sole reason why I've stopped watching them, which sucks for me because I think she has one of the best bodies on RLC right now. But their sex is so cringey to look at so I don't even bother anymore.

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On 10/20/2018 at 12:22 PM, happyone said:

More and more, it appears that Adeline is just having sex, but not really into it or enjoying it.

how can you say she's not enjoying sex when she's talking or laughing the whole time it's going on, if that's not real passion what is? ( wink-wink )

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After seeing Hope's latest video offering I'm inclined to think that these two are slowly getting there and that he is trying to please her as much as himself which wasn't the case when we first encountered them.

She looked willing to please but at the same time ready to tell him when it wasn't doing anything for her and to try another approach. I think over time we'll see more and more experimentation from both of them as Adeline loses more of her inhibitions and he loses not only his selfish tendencies, but the condom once in a while for oral and or other games they might play. I really think she's at last more than just his receptacle, although it's taken some time to reach that point. 

Hopefully soon we'll begin to see more and more interesting things happening and a lot of what we're seeing is quite natural for a couple as they learn about one another's needs and bodies. My take at least.

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