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B4 Girls on vacation - General Topic June 2018 #2

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30 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Ok, I haven't any info about her.
Her friend is arriving today,
Darina is leaving tomorrow the 18th, and Serena on the 20th (have I heard) 😉 

Noldus, tell us the truth, it is you who organize the stay for the girls

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10 hours ago, Sergio said:

No he visto esto, pero casi todas las noches lo hago, así que no creo haber perdido nada. Me pregunto cuánto durará esta situación.

Well, in my opinion, I do not think it takes you long to see any change.
Although that change, I think it will not be what some of us would like.
But I already tell you, and you will also know, everything in this house is done for a reason.

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34 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Ok, no tengo ninguna información sobre ella.
Su amiga llegará hoy,
Darina se irá mañana el 18 y Serena el día 20 (lo he oído) 😉 

Thanks for the information, and I think I can confirm your information.

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5 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Noldus, dinos la verdad, eres tú quien organiza la estadía para las chicas

Surely he has very good sources, he does not have to reveal them ... but it is fortunate that someone like him wants to share his time and work with us.
Thanks to him, we know how things are going around the houses of Barcelona.

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2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Siempre he querido ser un emperador, pero desafortunadamente no soy yo :astuto:

Surely you would do better and with better taste.
But there is what there is ... and maybe, we can not ask for much more either.

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Great that Serena finally is leaving. Any word on when Candy will do the same?

Seems like her BF burnt all the connections she had with the other girls, hasn't been much contact between them after he left.

Hopefully Malina and Anastasiia moves down to the dual bed room, and someone more playfull gets the room with better views.

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