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29 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Immediately checks the stats. LOL

Alex and Lina are only profit-oriented managers. But - they are honest and offer transparent conditions. Therefore, their tenants have phone statistics application, VH chats.

This is not other manager-style - who worked with participants on black schemes, without statistics and payments by mood&additional services. I hope VH - finally closes door for management to him (only as a participant) - just next time, his black schemes will be more tricky and not so arrogant.

But if (80% is true) - they are on standard terms of Alex and Lina. This is a test period. Statistics - just watch how it works (views growth). They will not get money - they earned. But they have daily/weekly statistics rate - to pass the test period and get fixed salary.

34 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

In blindspot again

Well this is debatable. Rather, quality "natural-level" blindspots. In some apartments, hidden places look natural and no questions. Blindspot are necessary in each apartment - otherwise complaints, fines, breaking rules.

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10 minutes ago, groomy said:

Alex and Lina are only profit-oriented managers. But - they are honest and offer transparent conditions. Therefore, their tenants have phone statistics application, VH chats.

This is not other manager-style - who worked with participants on black schemes, without statistics and payments by mood&additional services. I hope VH - finally closes door for management to him (only as a participant) - just next time, his black schemes will be more tricky and not so arrogant.

But if (80% is true) - they are on standard terms of Alex and Lina. This is a test period. Statistics - just watch how it works (views growth). They will not get money - they earned. But they have daily/weekly statistics rate - to pass the test period and get fixed salary.

Bold: That one should have been kick off as quick as it was know his schemes to rip off tenants

And i don't believe A&L are totally transparent with their employees not even with VH (Elsa&Tom???). And for a very long time. 


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