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Comments & Quotes from Picture & Video Topics - Related to Removed Content (2018)

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7 minutes ago, curious said:

wouldnt it be better if you would say something on all these? are the rar files checked by anyone before put in the forum? or it is no needed?

useless, easy to rename a *.rar file in *.mp4.
it's still a rar, or worse. and you clic without scan on all mp4 ?
I repeat, 0 feedback problem, and very lot DL.

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Don't upload files.  If you feel people seem unappreciative, DON'T UPLOAD!!  Save yourself the frustration and/or anxiety and don't do it. Take the advice from someone who has uploaded a 'few' files.

BTW, you're very easy to bait. 😉

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On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:08 PM, GonzaloCS said:

Hello Friends, I'm new here and I want to share part of my recordings. I hope you like it.

Hola amigos, soy nuevo aquí y quiero compartir parte de mis grabaciones. Espero que te guste.

(Video Content No Longer Available)

Thanks for posting. It downloaded nicely after a couple of false starts.

Your contribution is much appreciated.

Out of interest is this a recently taken video or one from your personal archives?

Either way, it's a pretty good one and I don't recall seeing it before.

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4 hours ago, curious said:

wouldnt it be better if you would say something on all these? are the rar files checked by anyone before put in the forum? or it is no needed?

I myself check every Video that have Links to Third Party Hosts.  If I see anything that is Malicious in Nature the Link gets Removed and the Post will be Marked as Video Content No Longer Available and a Notice will be Placed on the Post Notifying the Member as to why it was Removed.  If it's Marked as No Longer Available with No Notice Posted then its Time Limit has Run the Course or the DMCA had it Removed.

All I have seen so far with the .RAR Extension is a Password has to be Entered before it can be Extracted. Once Extracted the Videos are in an .AVI or .MP4 Format which can be played on Most Video Players.

How a Member chooses to Upload their Videos is solely upon themselves.   Other Members can Download the File or wait for another Member who Downloaded the Video to place it on a Host that's more easier to use.  Arguing how one chooses to Upload will likely not make the Member change their Method of Upload.

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3 hours ago, curious said:

of course i know where mal spy could be packaged... specialy with mkvs...

but the rar are more dangerous. arent they? SPECIALY WHEN WITH PASSWORD! am i wrong?

is there any reason to rar files? how does it protect you from DMCA when you post your links HERE to be seen by everybody!

you answered / confirmed what i say about nath for long time now... if you dont understand what i say its ok.

It doesn't matter how the File is Packaged or Format used. The DMCA will take them down regardless.  A video does not have to be seen to be removed. All RLC has to do is Compile the Links into a Text File Edit them to make them Clickable and then Forward the Links to DMCA so they can be sent to the Server for Removal.  If a Server Receives a Large Lot of Content to Remove they are not going to check the File for Validity they'll just remove it and be done with it. Since RLC can see the Pictures showing the Thumbnails on the Post it shows what the Video is about there is no real need to check the Video's Content to make sure it's their Product.  

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1 hour ago, bubbleobillo said:

Gracias por publicar. Se descargó bien después de un par de inicios en falso.

Tu contribución es muy apreciada.

Fuera de interés ¿es este un video recientemente tomado o uno de sus archivos personales?

De cualquier manera, es bastante bueno y no recuerdo haberlo visto antes.

It is a capture made on 10-24-2017 ... Leora as beautiful as ever.

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17 hours ago, curious said:

rar files could be dangerous for non experienced persons. i believe mods would have to say a word on this.

i know invisible files could be compressed which after decompressing could be harmful.

i m not ofending you nath but i m explaining what i think @golfer06 says.. i ve told you again tht you CANNOT BEAT DMCA and all this effort from yrside could be called AT LEAST SUSPICIOUS



12 hours ago, curious said:

of course i know where mal spy could be packaged... specialy with mkvs...

but the rar are more dangerous. arent they? SPECIALY WHEN WITH PASSWORD! am i wrong?

is there any reason to rar files? how does it protect you from DMCA when you post your links HERE to be seen by everybody!

you answered / confirmed what i say about nath for long time now... if you dont understand what i say its ok.

RAR or ZIP files are no more dangerous than, say, your typical audio or
video file, for concealing malware, whether you're an experienced or
inexperienced user. Implanting one type of file inside another, innocent
looking file is called steganography and it's been around for hundreds
of years. It's just that now we can do it digitally, instead of by hand.

"Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image, or
video within another file, message, image, or video." - Wikipedia

And the file being concealed could be an executable, malware file. And,
viruses are just one type of malware. Also, a file that is password-
protected is no indication, whatever, that it is or might be a malicious

This PCWorld article talks about steganography in JPG files, but could
just as easily apply to other file types.

Watch out for photos containing malware

Here's another from SecurityIntelligence.

Steganography: A Safe Haven for Malware

"Video files are not typically thought of as potentially malicious or
infected file types, but it is possible for malware to be embedded in
or disguised as a video file. Due to this common misconception,
audio and video files are incredibly intriguing threat vectors for
malware writers.

That means that any image, audio or video file, for example, that
you didn't create yourself, could potentially harbor some type of
malware. And, it's possible that an image, audio or video file
could be more dangerous than an archive file (RAR or Zip),
because most people don't know or expect them to be hiding
malware within them.

Examples of File Type Exploits (also from OPSWAT)

Below is a table listing the popular media file formats that have been
recently exploited by routing the user to malicious sites [3].

File Format Detection Description First Reported
Downloader-UA.b Exploits flaw in Digital Rights Management [1] January, 2005
Real Media
W32/Realor.worm Infects Real Media files to embed link to malicious sites [2] November, 2006
Real Media
Human crafted Launches malicious web pages without prompting [3] December, 2007
QucikTime.mov Human crafted Launches embedded hyperlinks to pornographic sites [4] April, 2008
Adobe Flash.swf Exploit-CVE-2007-0071 Vulnerability in DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData tag [5] June, 2008
Windows.asf W32/GetCodec.worm Infects .asf files to embed links to malicious web pages [6] July, 2008
Adobe Flash.swf Exploit-SWF.c Vulnerability in AVM2 "new function" opcode [7] June, 2010
QuickTime.mov Human crafted Executes arbitrary code on the target user's system [8] August, 2010
Adobe Flash.swf Exploit-CVE-2010-2885 Vulnerability in ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 [9] September, 2010
Adobe Flash.swf Exploit-CVE2010-3654 Vulnerability in AVM2 MultiName button class [10] October, 2010
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9 hours ago, Howard said:


Don't upload files.  If you feel people seem unappreciative, DON'T UPLOAD!!  Save yourself the frustration and/or anxiety and don't do it. Take the advice from someone who has uploaded a 'few' files.

BTW, you're very easy to bait. 😉

You could just as easily take what you said and flip it around 180-degrees
to say, "To those who don't understand, don't download and stop

I've downloaded every video file that I could find that was uploaded by
Nath and never experienced any type of problem, whatsoever, at any point
in the process. Everything has always worked and it's an extremely quick
and easy process. It's just a little different from what we're used to seeing.
And, anyone can learn how to do it in minutes, no matter how old you
think you are. Contrary to popular belief, it is very possible to teach an old
dog new tricks. If you believe otherwise, you're selling yourself short.

Many of us long-time users can remember a time, and not that long ago,
when the RLC content that was posted stayed around forever. Then, RLC
started playing hardball, ripping down everything that was posted.

Nath is simply trying to find a way to make files available for download
for just a bit longer. If he can extend that time period, even for just a few
days, I, for one, applaud his efforts and I think he deserves more credit
and recognition for that and less criticism. JMO

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Finally managend to get this registration done properly. Seems like some mail providers aren't accepted or blocking the confirmation mail ( even in SPAM Fodler there isn't anything).

So at this point a huge thanks to everyone who shared those videos. Otherwise we would miss all those beautiful sights, while sleeping/working and well doing all the pther stuff that needs to be done. So every video and pictures are very much  aprreciated.


As to those discussions before. They are freakin ridiculous and leave me wondering if some people are the first time online and using the internet? I don't even know whar to say to people complaining about rar files. I can partly understand the discussion about where the files are uploaded, however openload is currently for example a pretty common hoster, which left people complaining here and i'm still wondering why? I don't get a single popUp, add whatever on those links.

I mean it's 2018 people should have heard of adblockers, Antivirus software ( hey it meanwhile comes with windows OS!), so it's more unusual if people don't use them. And if they don't it's thei personal problem and they should just stop bithcing about it and pissing all those who share of, cause those who share are the the ones who make this forum worthwhile and running in the first place and it should be the choice of those where they put there stuff online.

If you don't like where this is or which format it is, just don't click on it and keep you mouth shut.


So again, thanks to all those who share there stuff with us, especially just man, nath75, howard, hope85 and all the one  i missed in this list. I hope to be uploading some stuff myself after beeing a lurker/leecher, however you want to call it for to long. Recording works already, only thing left is to cut those videos to a proper size and to find a place to upload them

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