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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic February #6

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4 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Mila in B1 again .

I have a feeling her and Sera fell out again last night because it was odd she left her bag in B1 and didn't just sleep there. She's here to pick it up and hopefully patch things up with Sera again..But, this is just speculation on my part...

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2 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

I am new to this camcaps forum. Can someone explain how to translate messages please.

if you are using Google, just right click and you will see Translate to English-click on that and you are good--

Sometimes, when you open a forum and there is a different language than English--the top right will ask if you would like to translate the page.

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Thank you for how to translate. i will pick things up as I go. I am mostly just reading until I am more familiar with what is going on. I have only posted twice before this and both were ignored so I wasn't sure they were even showing up

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12 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

Thank you for how to translate. i will pick things up as I go. I am mostly just reading until I am more familiar with what is going on. I have only posted twice before this and both were ignored so I wasn't sure they were even showing up

To verify a comment was posted, click on your profile picture and select "Content."

A different way to translate -- which I usually do -- is to simply copy & paste the comment to another window so you can use different translators. The results will sometimes be very different. Plus, although Google can't handle Klingon, Bing does, and sometimes I've found Klingon useful. Just remember that these are TRANSLATORS, not INTERPRETERS, and idiomatic phrases can cause havoc with understanding what someone actually meant. Hence, "read between the lines" and understand that the words from a TRANSLATOR may have nothing to do with the poster's intent.

Welcome to CamCaps and post often. You'll get the hang of it. Any problems, just contact me or the other Mods.


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