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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #9

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9 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

The cloud keeps looking at her sitting in the kitchen, I think he fancies his chances..😸

He is somewhat patiently waiting for her to get her hair dried. Plus his quick shower, indicates to me, it is possible he will get a compensating BJ for letting Leora  shower without interruption.  :smile:

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25 minutes ago, bubbleobillo said:

Well, that's one theory! Then a bicycle ride to work it off, hopefully!

It appears we were all wrong, she's in white underwear and jeans and is about to depart taking the cloud with her...perhaps an umbrella is needed by either her or us...The latter I would suspect.  

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36 minutes ago, RAME said:

bonjour. j’espère avoir quelques photos du passage  ou elle commence a ce caresser derrière paul.

une petites pensée pour  ceux qui non rien vue  merci d'avance

Tu as l'habitude de poster des photos, toi même ?

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