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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #16

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On 27/05/2019 at 10:19, esanders9863 said:

 Tu es méchant et pervers, alors pourquoi j'aime ça

tu n aimerais pas voir ca ? tout ce qui viens de la belle leora est beau a voir c est un don du ciel je l aimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! 

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Just now, gigou5076 said:

tu n aimerais pas voir ca ? tout ce qui viens de la belle leora est beau a voir c est un don du ciel je l aimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! 

moi suis une fille de 25 ans et je fantasme beaucoup sur elle sur sa beautee son corp parfait je me leche beaucoup la poitrrine  quand je la  regarde mouilller  ses tetons  et puis je  fait exactement comme elle je repete tout ses gestes et c super cool

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I think Leora's deep throating is getting better and more in the right rhythm than ever, these days.

But you'd think she'd tie her hair back for the short time she's blowing him even if it's just with a rubber band as it must be irritating to keep brushing her hair aside every time she leans towards him. 

A very nice interlude and wouldn't we want to be on the receiving end of THAT!

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On 5/27/2019 at 1:22 AM, gigou5076 said:

j aimerais mieux que ce soit la belle leora  qui urine sur le tapis ou autre endroit tout en se sucant  les seins lol !!!!

What you just said sounds sensual and surprisingly, I think I like it

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6 hours ago, beckett said:

Its a crying shame that neither of these two rarely turn the lights and tv off when they go out, so lazy and ignorant

If they had to Pay the Bills they surely would but since they don't the resources get wasted at RLC's expense.

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1 minute ago, esanders9863 said:

Our Princess has no panties on, so does this mean her visitor has left and maybe she will give us a welcome back bate before Paul gets up

No !! It means she discreetly hides the string internally so it does not distract. She will not be clear until Thursday/Friday. :cry:

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