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The Leora withdrawal therapy group.

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On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 9:20 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.


Having watched Leora for the past six years. I will constantly be comparing the other Girls/Ladies to her. It will take me a while to treat her like a good book. That being, put on a shelf and reopened ( thanks to my archives ) when ever I wish to do so. Leora's, and Paul's tenure with RLC. Will be treated as one of life's rare experiences. Most likely never to be equaled, and forever, not be forgotten.

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10 hours ago, scutus said:

Having watched Leora for the past six years. I will constantly be comparing the other Girls/Ladies to her. It will take me a while to treat her like a good book. That being, put on a shelf and reopened ( thanks to my archives ) when ever I wish to do so. Leora's, and Paul's tenure with RLC. Will be treated as one of life's rare experiences. Most likely never to be equaled, and forever, not be forgotten.

Because there will only ever be one Leora, I will not be watching or comparing her with other girls, I couldn't be bothered when she was on RLC, so I certainly won't be watching " The also ran's " in the future...If you've tasted best fillet of steak, why would you want hamburger's.....I am not referring to you personally Scutus, I'm generalising.

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9 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Because there will only ever be one Leora, I will not be watching or comparing her with other girls, I couldn't be bothered when she was on RLC, so I certainly won't be watching " The also ran's " in the future...If you've tasted best fillet of steak, why would you want hamburger's.....

Jimbo, I have one question. But by all means, do not bother to answer. Where are you going to take your "over stuffed self " to gloat and spew your idea of intelligence when this forum dies ?????????

The lights on your stage are fading, and the curtain is closing.  Make sure that if you already have not done it, to put one mirror in front of another mirror, of course allow room for you stand in between the two mirrors. So that you can watch yourself fade into infinity, getting smaller with each image.

Don't forget to count how many reflections you see. So that you can astound the world with the size of your captive audience.    😂 

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9 hours ago, scutus said:

Jimbo, I have one question. But by all means, do not bother to answer. Where are you going to take your "over stuffed self " to gloat and spew your idea of intelligence when this forum dies ?????????

The lights on your stage are fading, and the curtain is closing.  Make sure that if you already have not done it, to put one mirror in front of another mirror, of course allow room for you stand in between the two mirrors. So that you can watch yourself fade into infinity, getting smaller with each image.

Don't forget to count how many reflections you see. So that you can astound the world with the size of your captive audience.    😂 

HaHa !!   As always slug, Very brave behind the shield of anonymity..Your venom never surprises me.....And for those on the forum who have no idea why he is being such an arsehole let me explain....Over two years ago he accused me of being responsible for Leora deleting her account on various social media sites including this forum, I wasn't, and myself and certain others on this forum know who was and why.

But Scutus being the supercilious holier than I prick that he is, decided that without a shred of proof or evidence ( which I openly invited him to supply via this forum ) that the outrageous figments of his warped imagination were fact.....Despite several times being asked to supply said evidence.

His trouble is that I don't subscribe to his idea of a true Leora sycophant like himself....Unlike him I could see faults with her, the same as we all have faults...apparently nobody is perfect apart from Leora and him in his strange lonely world....Either that or as I once mentioned to him, perhaps its because I am English and he has strong Irish genes....Either way I don't give a damn.

My very existence seems to bother him, and periodically he rares up and decides it's time to open old wounds, today being such a time, strangely enough I have been expecting it, as he is so predictable. His existence has no bearing on my life whatsoever, and his rantings are nothing more than the rantings of an imbecile, who has been deeply wounded by the sudden loss of the one thing that gave him a reason to live his miserable self obsessed life. Leora!!  

Knowing how his demented mentality works, I will as always allow him the privilege of the final word ( His mum always allowed him to have it, so I indulge him also ).

So slug, do your worse, vent your spleen with your fantasies and lies, but do not expect another reply. Toodles!!

I wish you nothing but good health, and hope that one day your troubled mind finds peace.

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