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Carla and Yanai General 2019 Chat #1

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2 hours ago, ze81 said:

My bet..after the party they all will leave or at least the guests.This house is what it is..

Looks like you're right with it. Make up refresh, and soon they're probably gone. 

The guest girl was quite interesting. But Maybe i would be better to cast some a bit more younger people. 

1 hour ago, Lyree said:

I only see 2 male visitor and someone I can not explain.  Then again they may all have serious chance. We do not know which way she goes yet, Carla may have a chance.

One of the guys is a bit hard to classify, but there are definitely three male guests. 

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6 hours ago, wa ss said:

My spanish is not excellent but i can say few things i understood.

The guest girl is intetrested in the RLC project but is single at the moment, C and Y organised a blind date for her with the blond guy. Shes 37 and have over 2000 followers on tinder.


that say's it all!

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6 hours ago, mikeusa said:

I hope they have fun out there...not to much fun.

I always find it very disappointing when a party suddenly moves out of the view of the cameras, because that means we' re missing the best part to watch. 


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19 hours ago, AntEater said:

Guest sleeping over but two beds ready.


Made-up bed can mean anything. Masha tidied up her apartment for two days and at the end it was just her mother who came to visit her. 

Nevertheless I am curious for whom Carla and Yanai have prepared the double bed. 

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