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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 July #3


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42 minutes ago, tito216 said:

Digame usted que ve desde las 04:33:50 hasta las 04:51:00 tanto en las camaras 8 como camara 9? No se moleste porque ya se lo digo yo, 04:33:50 camara 8 se ve perfectamente a Stella y Belle cubriendo a Carolina con la sabana, asi hasta las 04:51:00, tanto en una como en otra camara ( 8-9 ) se ve perfectamente lo que yo considero una mentira, engaño o burla al abonado por parte de estas señoritas

Beacuse Caro asked them to. You can't see the dildo, you can't see where the fingers. You can't see where Caro's hand is, you can't see where Belle's fingers. You can't see where Stella's fingers are. You can't see Caro's arm moving. You can't see Caro's mouth next to Lola's pussy moving. Amazingly cheorographed for drunk and drugged girls 3 of whom had fucked openly on that bed just days before. Your willingness not to see is remarkable. Yes have your opinion but I'm telling you, you are so wrong. It lasted 20 minutes as well, 20 minutes of constant movement. Apart from the fact of it, what motive do you think they have for not doing what they did? This isn't some pre-show before going out this is a bunch of high girls who have been having sexual encounters in and out of the flat for a couple of weeks. Belle made it clear after this that she wouldn't fuck without certain help. Here she got in the mood before hand and the others had to wait until they kicked in for her. She then fetched the dildo. Belle continues to try for another 11 minutes after the period you are talking still under cover because Caro wanted that. Caro and Belle knew each other very well and why would they continue  show more than minutes after the other 2 girls have stopped. It is because Belle is still trying to give Caro an orgasm just like she tried persistently with others 2 weeks earlier. At 5:09 Caro is still using the dildo after Belle leaves at 5:08:54 to look for something but you see Belle's hand movement clearly immediately before.

At 04:51:00 I only saw one camera (8) and on that was Belle's shadow so maybe you have a clear view for a couple of seconds of 30 minutes. But I also have clear views which give strong evidence and late Belle is definitely rubbing Caro's clit and puts her mouth to it but maybe just to kiss it. So half-an-hour of vigorous acting according to you, 30 minutes of Belle trying hard to give Caro an orgasm to my eyes and I am not going to change my mind. 

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2 hours ago, alokin said:

Friend I understand your weakness to Bella but she and the current inhabitants of B2 are not worth ... as I predict the coupon proved to be a failure ... already the alcohol does not help if the girls sit with handsets in the hands ... It was a terrible time to move a few bodies you are ... but the next groaning remained in history ....


Not quite sure what you are saying but I would point out Sara and Aurora have fucked. I got a bit of nostalgia with Belle naked on that table but that was all there was. I expected Belle to stay the night - she changed her underwear - but maybe Belle's no sex without help still stands but on the other hand she's having sex anyway. The other girls - no excuse.

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36 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

Hot Damn that young woman has one hell of a body !!!! Love those huge suckable mouthful nipples.

I love those forms!! Boobs and butt!! The fun and slightly wild party-loving personallity adds to it too!!


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5 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Stella naked on the floor in her room

I wanna sit with Stella ..right now... best time to have a conversation with her... doing her hair..

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