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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 July #6

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finally I saw the replay of last night, we say all that has been seen in these months, concentrated in one night, I must say that I appreciated the replay, because you can also see people's expressions, like when that gentleman of Damira had sex with Deby, spray of lubricant and sex like in classic porn movies, besides Deby seems to me the youngest of all the girls and it makes me a bit disgusted to see how it is used, but this is my opinion, anyway the scene that I most impressed is Damira who gives her stallion a blowjob in front of her room, I don't know if involving a girl, it's one of the most vulgar things I've ever seen and vulgar things I've seen a lot, they should make a single subscription between the twelve apartments of RLC and thirty of VHTV, so much the same things are seen, perhaps the girls of VHTV, are more beautiful

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14 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Spero che rimanga per almeno 2-3 mesi. 👍


honestly I don't see any difference between RLC and a porn site, except for the fact that a porn site is free and you don't have to hope they fuck, and I'll tell you more, Sofie has earned € 4,800 Bonus for making a show on her own without removing the underpants, so if all these shows are made to make money, I don't think we need to put up an orgy or become a lesbian if they've never been in reality

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at this point, I really wonder if everyone wants to see many nights like the one we had last night, save your money, I point out at least 10 porn sites where you see the same things without paying a euro, maybe Damira's stallion is gone away, after all his work he did it so he could return the Gigolo

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10 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Sofie has earned € 4,800 Bonus for making a show on her own without removing the underpants

Well if you want to see girls not taking their panties off, go watch her. The rest of us who enjoy action will watch Megan and Belle.

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3 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Beh, se vuoi vedere ragazze che non si tolgono le mutandine, vai a guardarla. Il resto di noi che ama l'azione guarderà Megan e Belle.

I figured you didn't understand the concept, if you want to see this, you don't need to pay

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il y a 14 minutes, Mauri a dit :

I figured you didn't understand the concept, if you want to see this, you don't need to pay

How can you watch RLC without paying do you know a way to access the whole site without subscribing.

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4 minutes ago, Sergio said:

at this point, I really wonder if everyone wants to see many nights like the one we had last night, save your money, I point out at least 10 porn sites where you see the same things without paying a euro, maybe Damira's stallion is gone away, after all his work he did it so he could return the Gigolo

I can not agree more, but this applies to all shows we see in Barcelona (including the fake lesbian shows). 

What makes RLC really different, and what I think is the added value in relation to just porn, is the real life element. Unfortunately there is very little of that in the girls only apartments, because the real emotions and real relationships are missing completly. Most of the girls are not even into girls and most oft them have most likely BF at home. It is so useless.

Anyway, couples in B4 are a first step of improvement, because normaly at least the relationship between this two people are real.That is why i liked the event with Belle&Nate and Magan&Rocco. The important thing is that it means something to those present.

What happened in the living room at the same time (with the remaining girls and one porno couple) for example, was just bullshit, because they were only unrealistic and annoying.


31 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Sofie has earned € 4,800 Bonus for making a show on her own without removing the underpants, so if all these shows are made to make money, I don't think we need to put up an orgy or become a lesbian if they've never been in reality

Sofie is the best example of a person who shouldn't be in the project. She is skillful in pretending but is never really involved and has never really lived in the apartment (over all the months she has been there). She acts like a show zombie (lifeless and emotionless). 

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15 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Non posso essere più d'accordo, ma questo vale per tutti gli spettacoli che vediamo a Barcellona (compresi i falsi spettacoli lesbici). 

Ciò che rende RLC davvero diverso, e quello che penso sia il valore aggiunto in relazione al solo porno, è l'elemento di vita reale. Purtroppo negli appartamenti per ragazze c'è davvero poco, perché le emozioni vere e le relazioni vere mancano completamente. La maggior parte delle ragazze non ama nemmeno le ragazze e la maggior parte di loro ha molto probabilmente BF a casa. È così inutile.

Ad ogni modo, le coppie in B4 sono un primo passo di miglioramento, perché normalmente il rapporto tra queste due persone è reale, ecco perché mi è piaciuto l'evento con Belle & Nate e Magan & Rocco. L'importante è che significhi qualcosa per i presenti.

Quello che è successo nel soggiorno allo stesso tempo (con le restanti ragazze e una coppia di porno), ad esempio, è stata solo una cazzata, perché erano solo irreali e fastidiosi.


Sofie è il miglior esempio di persona che non dovrebbe partecipare al progetto. È brava a fingere ma non è mai realmente coinvolta e non ha mai vissuto davvero nell'appartamento (per tutti i mesi in cui è stata lì). Si comporta come uno zombi da spettacolo (senza vita e senza emozioni). 

real life is when they eat. take a shower. they watch TV, when they go out to do shoppin or have fun ... it's not all based on sex, even if they're in front of the cams, they get paid the same. but it seems that here people want to see only sex all day and still have something to complain about, if it's false it's not good, and if it's true it's not how they would have wanted it ...
I took Sofie as an example, but it applies to all those who are in RLC

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10 minutes ago, Mauri said:

real life is when they eat. take a shower. they watch TV, when they go out to do shoppin or have fun ... it's not all based on sex, even if they're in front of the cams, they get paid the same. but it seems that here people want to see only sex all day and still have something to complain about, if it's false it's not good, and if it's true it's not how they would have wanted it ...
I took Sofie as an example, but it applies to all those who are in RLC

However, RLC do not need to pay the money for people to  allow us to see them eat or watch TV. It is to see more that just that. The real added value is to see what is otherwise not to be seen, because it is part of the private life. 

BTW, I wasn't only interested in the sex, rather how the couples dealt with it to suddenly become some kind of swingers. In addition, Belle is always very sympathetic when she is excited. I also liked that they spoke english almost all the time. Some additional Advantage of this mix country couples.

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