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Clarice & Sean (2019) Part #1

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I promise I don't understand... my parties with my friends are never the same and we had a great time. These people throw parties and always end up the same, with a lot of sex, but everything else boring. They don't really know how to have fun and this makes them more boring every day that passes.

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3 minutes ago, Gudari said:

I promise I don't understand... my parties with my friends are never the same and we had a great time. These people throw parties and always end up the same, with a lot of sex, but everything else boring. They don't really know how to have fun and this makes them more boring every day that passes.

Would anyones parties on this entire site be interesting if there was no sex? We have fun parties here also. We play games, dance in the kitchen, play beer pong on the patio, and I'm starting to suspect some are having sex on my bed or in my bathroom during said parties. We have a blast, but it would boring as hell to anyone else. Same on here, theres not too much excitement watching others party, even if it's a great party. Even worse we cant understand what's being said, which would be very interesting. 

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2 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

Would anyones parties on this entire site be interesting if there was no sex? We have fun parties here also. We play games, dance in the kitchen, play beer pong on the patio, and I'm starting to suspect some are having sex on my bed or in my bathroom during said parties. We have a blast, but it would boring as hell to anyone else. Same on here, theres not too much excitement watching others party, even if it's a great party. Even worse we cant understand what's being said, which would be very interesting. 

Sounds fun to me 😁👍

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4 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

¿Le anyones partes el contenido de este sitio interesante si no hubo sexo? Tenemos partes de diversión aquí también. Jugamos juegos, baile en la cocina, jugar pong de la cerveza en el patio, y estoy empezando a sospechar que algunos están teniendo sexo en la cama o en el baño durante dicha partes. Tenemos una explosión, pero sería aburrido como el infierno a nadie más. Lo mismo aquí, theres no demasiado entusiasmo viendo a los demás partido, incluso si se trata de una gran fiesta. Peor aún no podemos entender lo que se dice, lo que sería muy interesante. 

It doesn't always have to end in sex for me. Just a little more fun, to do different things for themselves and not for the viewer. Sometimes innuendo and fun work more than monotony. This is missing in most apartments because they focus solely on sex for the viewer and forget to enjoy themselves.

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