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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - November #3

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To those who say we miss nothing: There has already been alot of great life today. All 4 had a nice lunch together, Cherry taking a bath and now Holly masturbating. I'm glad to see the girls thrive, even though they have to live in a construction site. ❤️

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12 hours ago, ed2 said:

Define important? RLC is so much more than just the big events! Most of my affection actually comes from the very minor details. I personally missed alot that I love to watch! Like Holly waking up, dressing, cooking, eating, showering and just chilling, smiling, chatting, laughing and so on. If we still had the bathroom downstairs, I'd say Holly peeing. 😉 It's the peoples lifes we follow, people we feel attatched to, so everything is potencially interesting. And as Naga said, regardless if we miss anything important, because that's not the point. We should not have had a situation where only half the house is online, and only every now and then, in the first place.


It's would be so nice if we could actually follow the lives of the girls.  But do you really think this is the case in GOV? I don't think so. 

There are, on the one hand, all the artificial events. So much of the behaviour and all the shows are clearly performed only for the entertainment of the audience and do not happen from the self-interest of the girls. Thereby not only the big events, like the pseudo parties in B1 and B2, are affected, rather the artificial events take place throughout the entire day. There are girls who hold their genitals into the camera for hours or just walking around the apartment half naked all the time. Just take the twins as examples. Their B1 life seems to consist only of naked massaging each other or washing each other off. Recently both events with rose leaves, just ridiculous.

Then there are, on the other hand, all the elements that are missing. Here it is primarily the social contacts of the girls that hardly ever find their way into the GOV apartments. It should be remembered that a lot of the girls are there in an repeated stay. They go out several times a week, and often stay away over night, but hardly ever get visited in the apartments. Here too, it's not just about the big events. Both, the big events like real parties with real guests and the small events like for example a guy just pick up his girl to go on a trip together, are censored away. My goodness, there are girls in the cast who are almost a year in the project and who have never had sex in the apartments. 

I can understand what you mean when you say "Most of my affection actually comes from the very minor details. ", because this is also true for me very similarly. Just, i have no interest in interpreting a fraction of there actual life as something complete or to ignore the whole ridiculousness that take place in this apartments. I think it would be better if RLC finally cast girls who are really ready to live in the apartments. It would be best if the GOV apartments include real emotions and real relationships.


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50 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Sarebbe così bello se potessimo davvero seguire la vita delle ragazze. Ma pensi davvero che sia così nel GOV? Io non la penso così. 

Ci sono, da un lato, tutti gli eventi artificiali. Gran parte del comportamento e tutti gli spettacoli sono chiaramente eseguiti solo per l'intrattenimento del pubblico e non accadono per l'interesse personale delle ragazze. In tal modo non solo i grandi eventi, come le pseudo feste in B1 e B2, sono interessati, ma gli eventi artificiali si svolgono durante l'intera giornata. Ci sono ragazze che tengono i genitali nella macchina fotografica per ore o che passeggiano per l'appartamento mezzo nudo tutto il tempo. Prendi solo i gemelli come esempi. La loro vita in B1 sembra consistere solo nel massaggiarsi a vicenda o nel lavarsi a vicenda. Di recente entrambi gli eventi con foglie di rosa, semplicemente ridicoli.

Poi ci sono, invece, tutti gli elementi che mancano. Qui sono soprattutto i contatti sociali delle ragazze che difficilmente trovano la loro strada negli appartamenti del GOV. Va ricordato che molte ragazze sono lì in un soggiorno ripetuto. Escono più volte alla settimana e spesso restano lontani durante la notte, ma quasi mai vengono visitati negli appartamenti. Anche qui non si tratta solo dei grandi eventi. Entrambi, i grandi eventi come feste reali con ospiti reali e piccoli eventi come ad esempio un ragazzo che va a prendere la sua ragazza per fare un viaggio insieme, vengono censurati. Mio Dio, ci sono ragazze nel cast che sono quasi un anno nel progetto e che non hanno mai fatto sesso negli appartamenti. 

Posso capire cosa intendi quando dici "La maggior parte del mio affetto proviene in realtà da dettagli molto minori", perché questo è vero anche per me in modo molto simile. Solo, non mi interessa interpretare una parte della vita reale come qualcosa di completo o ignorare tutta la ridicolità che si verificano in questi appartamenti. Penso che sarebbe meglio se RLC avesse finalmente scelto ragazze che erano davvero pronte a vivere negli appartamenti. Sarebbe meglio se gli appartamenti GOV includessero emozioni vere e relazioni reali.


THAT'S ENOUGH!!! you always say the same fucking thing, do you want real life ?? then let them do what they want, if they don't want to bring guests into the apartment then they don't. it's their life, not yours, I don't think your home is a museum with so many visitors coming and going, and you don't have sex with every guest that comes.

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

THAT'S ENOUGH!!! you always say the same fucking thing, do you want real life ?? then let them do what they want, if they don't want to bring guests into the apartment then they don't. it's their life, not yours, I don't think your home is a museum with so many visitors coming and going, and you don't have sex with every guest that comes.

Agree,he doesn't have right to have his opinions,only the "chosen ones" have,how dare he to expect real life in cams and not the BS that is "given" to us,how dare he!!Enough is enough indeed,lets see what the nuns will have for diner,my bet a delicious soap and after hopefully they will watch a nice movie,bravo!

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2 minutes ago, ze81 said:

D'accordo, non ha il diritto di avere le sue opinioni, solo i "prescelti" hanno, come osa aspettarsi la vita reale in cam e non la BS che ci viene "data", come osa! Basta! anzi, vediamo cosa avranno le suore per la cena, la mia scommessa è una saponetta deliziosa e dopo si spera che guarderanno un bel film, bravo!

I did not say that he cannot give his opinion, but every day he says the same thing, for you real life is only if they bring someone home and have sex with them,
Bravo, watching a movie is part of real life, this is not a TV show, nor managed by porn directors.

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Just now, Mauri said:

I did not say that he cannot give his opinion, but every day he says the same thing, for you real life is only if they bring someone home and have sex with them,
Bravo, watching a movie is part of real life, this is not a TV show, nor managed by porn directors.

If he(or anyone else)pays and watch the site and situations are usual the same then what people coment,talk Will be the same,and when situations change the coments will also change,usualy that's how any forum works.

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1 minute ago, ze81 said:

Se lui (o chiunque altro) paga e guarda il sito e le situazioni sono sempre le stesse, allora ciò che le persone commentano, le conversazioni saranno le stesse, e quando le situazioni cambiano anche i commenti cambieranno, di solito è così che funziona qualsiasi forum.

if you don't like it, you can not pay

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3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

I did not say that he cannot give his opinion, but every day he says the same thing, for you real life is only if they bring someone home and have sex with them,
Bravo, watching a movie is part of real life, this is not a TV show, nor managed by porn directors.

You realize that the show character of the GOV apartments is my biggest point of criticism and were i did say anything about managed by porn directors? Did you even read my message? 

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