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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - December #4

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2 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Tanti progressi e ora un tale evento di cazzate. Non ho idea di cosa stia facendo RLC, ma questo evento è il contrario di REAL LIFE. 

È così falso, così incredibilmente sciocco e insignificante. Tutto questo in un sito che finge di dare uno sguardo alla vita privata dei residenti. WTF?!?


if all this had happened with the boys instead it was real I imagine? it is real that 7 girls try to fuck one, but please

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6 minutes ago, Mauri said:

if all this had happened with the boys instead it was real I imagine? it is real that 7 girls try to fuck one, but please

Are you blind? There's a guy in B4 in the living room.  This has nothing to do with guys or no guys, it is simply a silly show

My goodness the whole looks like a porn shoot without sex. All just for the camera. They would never do somthing like that in REAL LIFE. 

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40 minutes ago, ed2 said:

My source, the Tailor, he told me they arrived 5 minutes apart.

LMAO and in your mind that can only mean one thing and that is that they arrived separately?  Not that it could have taken her or him an extra 5 minutes to make sure they had everything out of the cab/taxi??

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

Well I see I'm gonna be torn between this show and the UK general election results tonight for out and out excitement..Tricky one...😏

Yeah looks like Corbin and his gang are going to get their own version of a strap-on used on them by the UK public...lol

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Sei cieco? C'è un ragazzo in B4 nel soggiorno. Questo non ha nulla a che fare con ragazzi o senza ragazzi, è semplicemente uno spettacolo sciocco

Mio Dio, tutto sembra un film porno senza sesso. Tutto solo per la fotocamera. Non farebbero mai nulla del genere in REAL LIFE. 

of course I've seen it, but it's boring for you because it doesn't participate, if there had been the other two you'd have said the contraio, as you can see, the girls have fun anyway,

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12 minutes ago, Alladino said:

So much progress and now such a bullshit event. I have no idea what RLC is up to, but this event is the opposite REAL LIFE. 

It's so fake, so incredibly silly and meaningless. All this on one site that pretends to give an insight into the private life of the residents. WTF?!?

and all for the low low price of $45.00 a month...LMAO

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3 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LMAO e secondo te ciò può significare solo una cosa e cioè che sono arrivati separatamente? Non che ci sarebbero voluti altri 5 minuti per assicurarsi che avessero tutto fuori dal taxi / taxi ??

Holly arrived after Alla's boyfriend, she spent the night with those two

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