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B5 COV Nelly & Bogdan, Piper & Taylor - General Topic 2020 #1


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2 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Yes, that. But trust me, after what has happened before this I think she would forgive me a few old man jokes! Any way. Thank you for being so nice to her. It means a lot to me. sexy girl enjoys this board because of the good people here. I think I should visit here more. Hey, That Bogdan has a pretty good body. I could learn a few tricks from that dude.

I'm nice to everyone 😁
Seriously though, we need more of the fairer sex on here, and you girls, don't just dip in and out as visitors to CC, join in. You're more than welcome...It's cool to get a women's perspective...👌

Sexy girl's class, living in a class country! ..But I didn't realise you were an item...I hope you have many happy years together...

The forum's usually good fun Jugg...It's what you make it 👌

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3 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I'm nice to everyone 😁
Seriously though, we need more of the fairer sex on here, and you girls, don't just dip in and out as visitors to CC, join in. You're more than welcome...It's cool to get a women's perspective...👌

Sexy girl's class, living in a class country! ..But I didn't realise you were an item...I hope you have many happy years together...

The forum's usually good fun Jugg...It's what you make it 👌

LOL, we are very good friends, that is all. She is her own woman, not owned by any man. I just happen to have an affinity for her. She is special to me and I am happy to see her happy.🙂

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12 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I'm nice to everyone 😁
Seriously though, we need more of the fairer sex on here, and you girls, don't just dip in and out as visitors to CC, join in. You're more than welcome...It's cool to get a women's perspective...👌

Sexy girl's class, living in a class country! ..But I didn't realise you were an item...I hope you have many happy years together...

The forum's usually good fun Jugg...It's what you make it 👌

And, yes, we need to recognize women more on here. sexy girl is, and has been a champion of women on these forums. I have known this for years, but sexy girl has taught me what women have to go through to be recognized.

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8 hours ago, jugghead said:

Sì, quello. Ma credimi, dopo quello che è successo prima penso che mi perdonerebbe qualche battuta da vecchio! Comunque. Grazie per essere così gentile con lei. Significa molto per me. la ragazza sexy gode di questo consiglio grazie alle brave persone qui. Penso che dovrei visitare qui di più. Ehi, quel Bogdan ha un corpo abbastanza buono. Potrei imparare qualche trucco da quel tipo.


8 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

Sono gentile con tutti 😁
Seriamente, però, abbiamo bisogno di più sesso leale qui, e voi ragazze, non limitatevientrare e uscire come visitatori di CC, unitevi a voi. Siete più che benvenuti ... È bello avere una prospettiva femminile ... 👌

Classe di ragazza sexy, che vive in un paese di classe! ..Ma non mi rendevo conto che eri un oggetto ... Spero che tu abbia molti anni felici insieme ...

Il forum di solito è divertente, Jugg ... È quello che fai tu  👌


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