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Discussion: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #1


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5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I'm not worried...For me hopefully, it will convey to the public that it's mild in the majority of cases, and it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom...as long as he doesn't get worse 😏

Very good point, this is the message I've been trying to get across to a lot of my healthy but anxious family and friend.

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5 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

I've been in quarantine for two weeks.  But i don't live in the US whare news about the outside world is difficult to come by.

Seems like you also don't do anything with your day but sit in front of the news. I've had a pretty productive day around the house and I don't like the way the media is reporting on the situation and spreading a lot of misinformation so I don't tune in to the crap because I have better shit to do. Instead I wait for the government press briefing to get my news first hand before the mom twists it all around and so far I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Maybe it feels like I'm days behind to you but I'm right on time to me, I'm sorry that upsets you.

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2 minutes ago, AntEater said:

Seems like you also don't do anything with your day but sit in front of the news. I've had a pretty productive day around the house and I don't like the way the media is reporting on the situation and spreading a lot of misinformation so I don't tune in to the crap because I have better shit to do. Instead I wait for the government press briefing to get my news first hand before the mom twists it all around and so far I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Maybe it feels like I'm days behind to you but I'm right on time to me, I'm sorry that upsets you.

You actually believe the drivel President Bone Spurs is shovelling.   :dodgy:

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10 minutes ago, AntEater said:

Seems like you also don't do anything with your day but sit in front of the news. I've had a pretty productive day around the house and I don't like the way the media is reporting on the situation and spreading a lot of misinformation so I don't tune in to the crap because I have better shit to do. Instead I wait for the government press briefing to get my news first hand before the mom twists it all around and so far I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Maybe it feels like I'm days behind to you but I'm right on time to me, I'm sorry that upsets you.

I'll leave you to your bubble.  It's just too bad that people like you vote...having no knowledge of the outside world.  Then you wonder why the rest of the world is so against Trump supporters.  I got lots of yard work done today BTW.

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1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said:

We have over 2.7 million people in MIAMI-DADE & now we have our first Corona Virus death


MIAMI (WSVN) - Miami-Dade County has reported its first coronavirus-related death, and he has been identified as a 40-year-old man with no prior...


Im skeptical. Who knows what he might have had even though the article says no prior issues. In the end a lot of these type of stories end up being "fake news". If you notice it doesn't say that he was tested for corona only that his friend said he had it. There was a similar article going around about the 39 year-old New Orleans social worker that caused a lot of drama and it turned out that she did from pneumonia and not corona.


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2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

You actually believe the drivel President Bone Spurs is shovelling.   :dodgy:

Let me start of by saying I'm no Trump fan because I just don't agree with a lot of his policies, BUT I have a lot of respect for how he has handled this situation. If you watch the press briefing and hear it first hand and not from news articles I think you would feel the same way. He has put all of his differences aside and worked hard to solve this problem. Not only that the press briefings do not consist of just Trump speaking, there's a combination of people that make-up the task force, including Dr's, researchers, economists and a whole bunch of different professionals that are working around the clock who answer questions and give updates on what is going on. They really help put a lot of what you see in the media in perspective since there is so much misinformation and fear mongering gong around. So yes I'm very proud and totally believe everything they have been talking about because unlike the crap the media is spewing there stuff comes to fruition. Don't let the media lead you blindly, if you really want to know what's going on in the States listen to the professionals talk first hand, not the ones trying to sell you something. 

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37 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

I'll leave you to your bubble.  It's just too bad that people like you vote...having no knowledge of the outside world.  Then you wonder why the rest of the world is so against Trump supporters.  I got lots of yard work done today BTW.

LOL you think I'm a Trump supporter. Well good thing I just replied to @stncld316 before this and my first line clearly states I'm no fan of Trump at the best of times. Also knowing that I know a hell of a lot more than your average world about the outside world  I'm not bother feel free to think what you want. But please do give yourself a big huge pat on the back for me for knowing sooooooooo much about the world, you sound like you really want it.

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2 minutes ago, AntEater said:

Let me start of by saying I'm not Trump fan because I just don't agree on a lot of his policies, BUT I have a lot of respect for how he has handled this situation. If you watch the press briefing and hear it first hand and not from news articles I think you would feel the same way. He has put all of his differences aside and worked hard to solve this problem. Not only that the press briefings do not consist of just Trump speaking, there's a combination of people that make-up the task force, including Dr's, researchers, economists and a whole bunch of different professionals that are working around the clock who answer questions and give updates on what is going on. They really help put a lot of what you see in the media in perspective since there is so much misinformation and fear mongering gong around. So yes I'm very proud and totally believe everything they have been talking about because unlike the crap the media is spewing there stuff comes to fruition. Don't let the media lead you blindly, if you really want to know what's going on in the States listen to the professionals talk first hand, not the ones trying to sell you something. 

So do you think you're all gonna be back on track by Easter then, according to your President?...🥴

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

So do you think you're all gonna be back on track by Easter then, according to your President?...🥴

Just like the president said, we're both no experts so him nor I can say yes or no, BUT we can have hope to aim for that and have that be our goal, is that so bad? Ultimately though, just like Trump said, it will be up to what advice the professionals recommend. I can't complain about that.

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