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The girls of Barcelona


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All these people going on and on about Olya and Diane's guy.  What a freaking joke!!  Olya, Diane, Kim, etc. etc. etc. and what happened to Olya is what happens on a daily basis.  Those guys are nobodies boyfriends, they are fuck buddies from Tinder more than likely and I'm sure each of those guys have had those 3 girls on numerous occasions.  It's not any of those girls first trips to wonderful, I like to fuck anything that moves....Barcelona!!

However, NO means NO in every language and therefore the asshole should have stopped!!!!!

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Somebody needs to go tell those 2 desperate dumbasses in the B5 thread that if they are waiting for the 3 drug addicts to get back they are waisting their time.  They packed bags to go to a Hotel and have sex and then sometime tomorrow they will go to the beach before they come back home.  They won't be coming back tonight!!  What a fucking bunch of losers!!!!!

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Harley WTF is this thread all about ? Your poor little boy who has been mistreated in the Barcelona threads for goodness sake ?  that you have to Bail  out to unmoderated thread so you can post your bullshit, Are you really that much of rookie that you have bail out to the unmoderated threads ?


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21 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Harley WTF is this thread all about ? Your poor little boy who has been mistreated in the Barcelona threads for goodness sake ?  that you have to Bail  out to unmoderated thread so you can post your bullshit, Are you really that much of rookie that you have bail out the the unmoderated threads ?

when this forum grows some balls, will be the day I might slightly think about coming back into the Barcelona threads.  as it stands right now, this is supposed to be an adult forum about adult sites and as an adult forum people should be able to say whatever the hell they want to without being banned every other day. This forum is a "G" rated forum at best....and it's ran by a bunch of cowards!!   it's childish behavior by a bunch of pussy ass moderators that can't let grown adults handle things between themselves.  instead what you have is this bullshit report button because somebody got their feelings hurt.  i say fuck them and fuck the moderators that take up for them.  i've never seen a forum run like this one is and the only reason it's being run like it is, is because people think that kissing these cam whores asses is going to buy them something.  you know what kissing these cam whores asses buys you?  it buys you 3 fucking douche bag tenants going to a hotel and having sex all night....that's what it buys you!!!

So.....I'll stay here where I can cus and say the things that nobody else will say because they are a bunch of chicken shit motherfuckers!!!

now, if you will excuse me, i'm going to blow some carbon out of my cars engine!!

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And it is no wonder that RLC banned you Harley--based on these rants.  I am sure that the people who run RLC are adults. 

Most members in here are adults and this certainly is not adult conversation- and do not need the childish no class potty mouth spewing vulgarities. No one gets their feeling hurt, they just don't like this kind of rhetoric.   Talk about morals !!!! 

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24 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

you guys are idiots. keep throwing away the people who make things happen and give others something to think about or bang their head against. welcome to the land of boredom and pent up attitudes cc. want to see how it ends up, look no further then the vhtv forums. 

whatever they may say Harley, you are a rock star. you have a style that i can appreciate. 

I appreciate that Amy, you and I have been on the same page for a long time.  The other idiots have ruined everything for everyone!!!  I used to like H1 but I've seen the real H1 recently and several others that are in that clique and it just speaks volumes to me.  Thank you again and fuck them!!!  I'm going to catch some shuteye so I can get up in the morning and plan my day.  Have a great night Amy!!!

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