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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

you are dirty cop moos54. run along back to your clubhole. the village is missing their idiot.

Enjoy Amy being here to show us your real face
If it can make you feel better to believe some things :biggrin:

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

stupid comment that means nothing and makes no sense. who do you serve anyways moos54? this forum or the goon in the clubs? i know! dirty ass cop.

chris knierim wow GIF by Team USA

Why do you continue to comment on the forum in this case? because at the level of unnecessary comments, I think we can award you a gold medal :biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Because I fucking paid for it. You are not an objective moderator and in my opinion you should turn in your moderator badge. You abused your access to information about me and use it illegally to serve other members interests and guess what I fucking know all about it. So, go fuck yourself you piece of shit bad cop!

lol I have never seen so much bullshit in a single comment :biggrin:
There is a big difference between what you think is the reality and the real reality
But I guess you just have to believe your own reality for it to come to life, at least in your head ^^

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20 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

have a nice day dirty cop. i got you plain and simple. you used your knowledge as a moderator to serve the interest of other members against me. i got you and that's all that matters.

bla bla bla 

Stop inventing theories that are only current in your head :angel:

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24 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

not in my head, more like in print. turn in your badge dirty cop. you're not an angel you are a trader to your job as a moderator and i know it for a fact. 

You really have big psychological problems, I hope that one day you will find the help you need but CC can't really help you
You just make up your own reality and you seem to believe it hard as iron
I might be a bad cop and moderator but at least I think I'm a good person which you are not
I can easily look at myself in the mirror because I know that all the accusations against me are just slander and lies

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

dude, i told you already i know what you did and i can prove it so shut up and go back to your clubhole and serve your masters. 

You can't prove anything cause there's nothing to prove, it's that simple 

have a good day

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9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

oh yes i can. in writing. you abused your position as a moderator to provide information about me to service the interest of other members. i have proof, but ill be damed if ill show you. have a nice fucking day dirty cop. 

Ostriches Going Crazy GIF by chuber channel

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People that spout all of this, "I can prove it", crap and never do, have nothing to back up their claims. They just try and get under the skin of another.

With moos54, it appears that ain't happening. 

@Amy3 whatever you think is true, isn't. As a person that held Stone Cold's position for a couple of years, I can tell you that even as a Board Admin, SC can see next to no personal information. Not your name, address, race, color or creed. Those permissions are locked out by the board owner, Depraved Media. That's why I don't do it anymore. Invision wanted my life history and a copy of my Driver's License, to allow those permissions to be opened up. I flatly refused and bowed out. As a lowly Moderator, moos, thes, squirrel, they can't see a thing aside of your IP. All they have as far as power goes is the ability to lock out a Member. And even then, that has to be approved by Admin for it to be carried out in full. He/She, alone decides who stays and who goes. As proof of that statement, you and many more like you are still here to post just about anything that you like. 

Trust me, if the Mods had any of the so-called powers that you believe them to have, I could name off at least 20 people in a row that would have been banned a looooong time ago. I may even include myself in that list. I post very little of the shit that I used to. I used to be like you and HFB and stir the shit just for fun and to see how much of a rise I could get in your blood pressures.

You put way too much into the Hotel California. Put on your high heeled sneakers and close the door. 

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9 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Because I fucking paid for it. You are not an objective moderator and in my opinion you should turn in your moderator badge. You abused your access to information about me and use it illegally to serve other members interests and guess what I fucking know all about it. So, go fuck yourself you piece of shit bad cop!

100% agree!!

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I don't know what the mods are privy to and I seem to trust TBG with what he says...however, there are times where things are questionable concerning just how much they know.  Is it because of the various cliques or clubs they are in on this forum,  who knows for sure but at times it does seem strange to just how much they know!


On a good note,  I surprised my daughters family this morning at 7:00am with a homemade breakfast which made my grandkids extremely happy and of course the mom and dad were happy too because they didn't have to worry about it.  My son-n-law got woken up and was a little grumpy at first but he got over it very quickly and we had a nice breakfast/visit!!

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4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I don't know what the mods are privy to and I seem to trust TBG with what he says...however, there are times where things are questionable concerning just how much they know.  Is it because of the various cliques or clubs they are in on this forum,  who knows for sure but at times it does seem strange to just how much they know!

The clubs and cliques, I know nothing about. I don't believe that an internal club should be formed among members. That is the idea of a forum, so that the entire community within the forum knows what is going on. If you want to PM with a small group, good on you. But, those PM/IM groups should be limited to 5 members and no more. Further, those members must be current Premium Members. No other 'on the side' clubs should be permitted. Again, that is my opinion, I don't own the board.

Just like a club, I'm sure the mods confer in a private thread of their own. You would have to with a board this size. They all need to be on the same page.

I send in reports just like others do. But, these are reports of kiddie porn, something that is very questionable or just an outright disregard for the posted rules. What other folks do here like calling names or posting ridiculous political bullshit is all up to them to do as they wish. If I don't like it, I skip it and move on, though most of it is totally annoying and a disruption to a thread. Not that anything politically intelligent is really posted here. It is ALL made up garbage and opinions. Very little is based on fact.

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