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The girls of Barcelona


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44 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

People that spout all of this, "I can prove it", crap and never do, have nothing to back up their claims. They just try and get under the skin of another.

With moos54, it appears that ain't happening. 

@Amy3 whatever you think is true, isn't. As a person that held Stone Cold's position for a couple of years, I can tell you that even as a Board Admin, SC can see next to no personal information. Not your name, address, race, color or creed. Those permissions are locked out by the board owner, Depraved Media. That's why I don't do it anymore. Invision wanted my life history and a copy of my Driver's License, to allow those permissions to be opened up. I flatly refused and bowed out. As a lowly Moderator, moos, thes, squirrel, they can't see a thing aside of your IP. All they have as far as power goes is the ability to lock out a Member. And even then, that has to be approved by Admin for it to be carried out in full. He/She, alone decides who stays and who goes. As proof of that statement, you and many more like you are still here to post just about anything that you like. 

Trust me, if the Mods had any of the so-called powers that you believe them to have, I could name off at least 20 people in a row that would have been banned a looooong time ago. I may even include myself in that list. I post very little of the shit that I used to. I used to be like you and HFB and stir the shit just for fun and to see how much of a rise I could get in your blood pressures.

You put way too much into the Hotel California. Put on your high heeled sneakers and close the door. 

Yeah it always made me laugh that we are accused of dictatorship or other things while they are always present on the forum to say all the bullshit that can go through their brains :angel:

we have to believe that we are not such bad people in the end :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

i didn't say that he shared my personal info, i said he abused his power as a mod to serve other members interests against me. i caught him. the admin can decide what to do about it. guess we'll see. 

you caught me? About what exactly? you know nothing, the only thing you do is preach the false to know the true, too bad it won't work with me, I'm less stupid than it seems :biggrin:

Personally, I have nothing to reproach myself with, so you can do whatever you want
I don't know what you take for drugs but it must be good :biggrin:

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7 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

The clubs and cliques, I know nothing about. I don't believe that an internal club should be formed among members. That is the idea of a forum, so that the entire community within the forum knows what is going on. If you want to PM with a small group, good on you. But, those PM/IM groups should be limited to 5 members and no more. Further, those members must be current Premium Members. No other 'on the side' clubs should be permitted. Again, that is my opinion, I don't own the board.

Just like a club, I'm sure the mods confer in a private thread of their own. You would have to with a board this size. They all need to be on the same page.

I send in reports just like others do. But, these are reports of kiddie porn, something that is very questionable or just an outright disregard for the posted rules. What other folks do here like calling names or posting ridiculous political bullshit is all up to them to do as they wish. If I don't like it, I skip it and move on, though most of it is totally annoying and a disruption to a thread. Not that anything politically intelligent is really posted here. It is ALL made up garbage and opinions. Very little is based on fact.

I don't believe there should be any private cliques/clubs on any forum!!  This forum is so out of touch with what goes on with the actors of RLC it's not even funny, and who cares is someone makes a post about one of the apartments going out on yacht and being the party favors for the wealthy!!  This forum is so limiting that it provides no expansion to what the tenants actually are there for and what the real reason for them being there in the first place.  The Barcelona threads....i'm done with!!  They are the biggest joke for all of RLC, and now that Bogdan has been seen in Carla's place, people are starting to see the affects of that as well.  RLC has just become one big joke but honestly not near as much as this forum has!!!

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He can see no more about you than I can. 

Admin will laugh and click the delete button. Then again, he may be like me and keeps all of things like that in a folder to reference in the future should the need arise. 

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1 minute ago, TBG 150 said:

He can see no more about you than I can. 

Admin will laugh and click the delete button. Then again, he may be like me and keeps all of things like that in a folder to reference in the future should the need arise. 

He would if he was smart!

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

i caught you. now, you may very well get away with it, but i caught you. dirty cop

What did you catch? Be specific. Otherwise it's conjecture and you are bearing false witness

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

i caught you. now, you may very well get away with it, but i caught you. dirty cop

So in your head just saying "i caught you" for that to be a reality? you really need help :angel:
For information, this morning, when you accused me of being in the club doing I don't know what with this or that person, I was actually taking my shower before leaving outside to help real friends 
So hey, you still have some way to go on truth and reality :biggrin:

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All you are doing is running in a circle making blanket false statements not even based on any facts at all. Just because you believe it doesn't mean that it's true. 

Bring fact to the table for discussion, then you have grounds to stand on. Until then, no one will believe you.

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

moos54 used his power as a mod to help the members in the club to discern which accounts belong to me and which ones dont. that is not his job as a mod. he used his power and knowledge of my account against me to serve other members interests. 

This is all slander and lies cause I never did this
I believe that in your country people are filing a complaint for false defamation and to have compensation
Lucky for you I'm a much more sane person than it seems

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

moos54 used his power as a mod to help the members in the club to discern which accounts belong to me and which ones dont. that is not his job as a mod. he used his power and knowledge of my account against me to serve other members interests. 

Power as a Mod is an oxy-moron. They may have that power to see all of the accounts that others have. That is an advantage of being able to see an IP address. And it's not rocket science to match IP's to see who is doing what. Even someone with little print recognition can discern a person's style of writing. Your style is distinctive and can be easily detected. You write in a very negative way.

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

there should be no private clubs and no ignore feature. but if clubs exist moderators should not be moonlighting their services for club members against other members. 

No, there should be no private clubs period!!  Moderators should only moderate and stay out of the general threads of the forum unless it's due to moderation.  I'm on the fence about the ignore feature as I can be over the top at times and if someone doesn't want to listen to me then i'm all for them putting my on the ignore list.  I seriously doubt that there are any members of this forum that have more than 3 or 4 people on their ignore lists.  I have a few more than that because I just don't give a damn about what they say!!

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