Mauri Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 1 minute ago, Ash1 said: Non stanno celebrando il compleanno di nessuno, è solo una festa. Non ci sono torte, candele di compleanno, regali e, a parte cinque o sei palloncini, non ci sono decorazioni. Quando brindavano con i loro bicchieri di plastica, dicevano "Tanti auguri" solo perché dice "Tanti auguri" sulle tazze. Era solo una piccola battuta per il loro stesso divertimento. Non stanno celebrando un compleanno o addirittura fingendo di celebrarne uno. ce ne sono state molte di feste senza torte, palloncini e tutto ciò che hai detto, quando sono entrate Olivia e Ulyana, gli hanno detto tanti auguri.
coolcucumber Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 5 minutes ago, corboblanc said: another sensual and classy evening, far from the millions of vulgar and moral-laden "sukas" who overflow pornographic sites !!!! thank you rlc for this "enlightened" casting !!!!😫 👀👀
AntEater Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 1 hour ago, Mauri said: stanno festeggiando il compleanno di Babi, questa è la prova dei compleanni inventanti, Babi ha festeggiato il suo compleanno pochi giorni dopo il suo arrivo in B1 HAHAHAHA if this is true it's just sad.
nagachilli2 Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 Just now, AntEater said: HAHAHAHA if this is true it's just sad. As Ash mentioned just now, it's nobodies birthday... 1 1
nagachilli2 Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if the girls are just taking the piss out of CC guys who seem to think they have pretend birthdays all the time...😏 1
Fagen Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 Unless they start singing happy birthday later I dont think it's anyones birthday. But we will see.
Mauri Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 3 minutes ago, Fagen said: A meno che non inizino a cantare buon compleanno dopo, non credo sia il compleanno di nessuno. Ma vedremo. lo hanno già fatto
Mauri Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said: Tbh, non sarei sorpreso se le ragazze si stessero solo prendendo per il culo dai ragazzi di CC che sembrano pensare di aver sempre fatto finta di compleanni ... 😏 perchè pensi fanno tutti questi spettacoli? non è una presa per il culo per quelli che vogliono vedere questo?
keeper31 Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 Once again Irma Is doing a good job eating pussy. Lucky Gina.
hollywood31 Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 And i was hoping Irma and Fiora would finally get a go but guess Irma only has eyes for Gina.
nagachilli2 Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 4 minutes ago, keeper31 said: Once again Irma Is doing a good job eating pussy. Lucky Gina. I think she was faking it because we couldn't see...😏 1
Alladino Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 43 minutes ago, Ash1 said: They're not celebrating anyone's birthday, it's just a party. There's no cake, no birthday candles, no gifts, and apart from five or six ballons, there's no decorations either. When they toasted with their plastic cups, they said "Happy Birthday" just because it says "Happy Birthday" on the cups. It was just a little joke for their own amusement. They're not celebrating a birthday or even pretending to celebrate one. Calling this bullshit a party is just nuts. It's friday night and the usual 10 pm show is on. Girls dressed like hookers, pseudo lesbian Action and oher bullshit. It will be lifeless and fake as always. A Show for the camera with Events that would normaly not happen. 1
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