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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #8

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3 hours ago, Just In said:

I find it quite interesting that still all the hostility towards this young lady comes from this forum and as far as I have seen not the apartment residents. I wonder if those with the hostility in this forum will ever get over it.

There is not 100% hostility.  I, for one, and I know many others, who welcome any appearance of Doe.  It is such a joy for me to see her every six months.  I was treated with a wonderful surprise watching the timeline tonight!  I respect the opinion of those who cannot let go of the past and blame everything ugly that happened solely on Doe, but that's completely unfair.  She was an innocent bystander.  Nina and Doe have made amends, and it's only a matter of time till Kira and Doe mend fences, too.  They were such a STRONG triumvirate, the Three Russketeers!  A bond like that can't stay divided for long till they come together again.  

17 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

Maybe she has hypnotic powers?

Indeed.  Just look into those Doe eyes...   you WILL fall in love  😍  


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...and people say that Nina and Kira are "boring."  Oh you poor fools and newbies, if only you knew and witnessed the life and love, failures and successes, drama and beautiful moments, and basic simple life that these two amazing girls have lived out before our very eyes for the past six years... that's right, since 2014... you might understand better.  Meanwhile, give them the respect they've earned.  There's a reason for their longevity.  😉  

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il y a 52 minutes, sturmchaser a dit :

Just look into those Doe eyes...   you WILL fall in love

I have!  I didn't!  😂 

But!  I am not as antagonistic towards DE as I have been.  Not sure if all the wounds will be healed between the three of them, but there will not be a return to the solid friendship they all used to have.  I think they may possibly still have business ties together, which is why she comes around to see Nina.  Let us not forget that they meet in the apartment, with so many people watching (including possibly Kira) that nothing romantic/sexual would ever happen between them.  Even though some on here would like that.

It's purely platonic now.  We even get a cheeky wave from DE as she is leaving, which is astounding in itself, as she was always desperate to avoid acknowledging the cameras before.


DE waving.png

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Hi Sturm  I agree now Nina and doe have made up I think Kira and  doe should bite. the bullet  say sorry  give  each other a kiss and a hug ,Life is too short these days with Viras still aroundLI think they should all go back to the app. Have one of Kiras meals   
and sort out the problems have a couple. Of drinks  and relax a bit .

Not have a 3 some ( it would be nice) that will never happen again but just be friends again 

It would be nice to Have a 2 some  in the appp but I think. The landlady is anti lesbian , that maybe stopping the girls 

I would say I’m paying the rent so I will live my life as I want. 
And to Kira put your wedding ring back on you look lost without it 

( I spoke too soon she has her wedding ring on this morning)

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