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Who won the first presidential debate?   

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Who won the first U.S. presidential debate?

    • Donald Trump (R)
    • Joe Biden (D)

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  • Poll closed on 10/03/2020 at 04:00 AM

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50 minutes ago, Lurtz said:

Es wäre großartig, nicht zu beschuldigen, sondern Ihren Standpunkt zu beweisen.
Die USA haben den Nazis niemals den Krieg erklärt. Und von einem regionalen Konflikt zu sprechen, wenn alle europäischen Länder in einen Krieg verwickelt sind, bedeutet dies einen Mangel an Wissen über die Geschichte, der Sie diskreditiert.

Und was auch immer die USA zuvor getan haben, dieser iranische General ist in der Tat ein Verbrecher, der sein eigenes Volk ermordet hat.

Und wenn Sie jedes Land auslöschen wollen, das Mord begangen hat, dann dinamiten Sie einfach den Planeten, denn es gibt kein Land auf der Welt, das nicht für Staatsmord verantwortlich ist.

Und ich bemühe mich, auf Englisch zu schreiben, was nicht meine Sprache ist, also mache dasselbe.

Ich "beschuldige" nicht, ich erinnere nur an Tatsachen die allgemein bekannt sein sollten. Da erübrigen sich "Beweise". 1939 war zunächst ein regionaler Krieg gegen Polen. Frankreich und England mischten sich danach ein. Frankreich wurde von der deutschen Wehrmacht in wenigen Wochen besiegt und besetzt, England stand vor dem Aus. Wenn der Dummkopf von Hitler in Dünkirchen den Sack zu gemacht hätte wäre der europäische Krieg beendet gewesen und England wäre heute deutsche Provinz. Aber der Trottel von Hitler musste aus "Hass gegen Kommunisten" ja unbedingt Russland angreifen - trotz Einigungsvertrag mit Russland. Von Anfang an haben die USA England mit großen Geleitzügen von Schiffen mit Waffen und Material versorgt. Nur wenige Schiffe konnten deutsche U-Boote versenken. Das meiste Material kam in England an. Die USA hat also lange Zeit aktiv in den europäischen Konflikt eingegriffen. Erst am 11.12.1941 erklärten Deutschland und Italien deshalb folgerichtig der USA den Krieg. Damit wurde die USA nun auch offiziell Kriegspartei - der Weltkrieg war perfekt.

Das Gewaltmonopol liegt bei der UNO. Die USA haben kein internationales Recht mit Krieg, Attentaten, Drohnen, Militär-Einsätzen wahllos Menschen zu töten - völlig egal für was diese Menschen schuldig sein mögen. Das ist Fakt.

Ich will kein Land auslöschen. Der Begriff "Schurkenstaat" trifft für die selbstherrliche USA jedoch zu 100% zu ! Krawall machen und für die Folgen keine Verantwortung übernehmen, zum Beispiel für die Syrien-Flüchtlinge. Erst durch den völkerrechtswidrigen kriminellen Angriffskrieg gegen den Irak bekam der IS Größe und Schlagkraft und versuchte in Syrien die Macht zu ergreifen. Wo ist in der Flüchtlingsfrage das "Amerika first" ??? Verbrannte Erde hinterlassen und die EU räumt die Scherben auf ? Europäische Politiker sind einfach nur dumm wenn sie die USA nicht deutlich die Verantwortung zuweisen. 

In welcher Sprache ich schreibe können Sie getrost mir überlassen. Ich bin Deutscher und schreibe in der Kultur-Sprache der Dichter und Denker, in deutsch. Anglo-amerikanisch benutze ich nur in fremden Ländern als mögliches Hilfsmittel, doch ungern.

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15 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

I am not "blaming", I am only reminding of facts that should be well known. There is no need for "evidence". 1939 was initially a regional war against Poland. France and England then intervened. France was defeated and occupied by the German Wehrmacht in a few weeks, England was on the verge of extinction. If Hitler's stupidity had been sacked in Dunkirk, the European war would have ended and England would be a German province today. But Hitler's swearing-in had to attack Russia out of "hatred of communists" - despite the unification agreement with Russia. From the very beginning, the UNITED States has supplied England with weapons and materials with large convoys of ships. Few ships were able to sink German submarines. Most of the material arrived in England. The United States has therefore been actively involved in the European conflict for a long time. It was not until 11.12.1941 that Germany and Italy logically declared war on the USA. With this, the USA became officially a party to the war - the world war was perfect.

The monopoly on violence lies with the UN. The US has no international law with war, assassinations, drones, military operations to kill people indiscriminately - no matter what they owe. That is a fact.

I don't want to wipe out any country. However, the term "rogue state" applies 100% to the self-governing USA ! riot and take no responsibility for the consequences, for example for the Syrian refugees. It was only through the criminal war against Iraq, which is contrary to international law, that ISIS gained size and clout and tried to seize power in Syria. Where is the "America first" on the refugee issue ??? Left burnt earth and the EU clears the shards ? European politicians are simply stupid if they do not clearly assign responsibility to the United States.

In which language I write you can confidently leave to me. I am German and write in the cultural language of poets and thinkers, in german. I only use Anglo-American in foreign countries as a possible tool, but reluctantly.

See the source image

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, Scottish Republic said:

We don't forget the horrific pictures of the little, innocent, napalmed children of North Vietnam! That's the true, ugly, murdering face of America.

Lets not forget the ugly face of Germany & Gas Chambers eh.

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6 hours ago, Scottish Republic said:

* Iran's General Soleimani wasn't responsible for the deaths of any innocent people (only in your imagination) .  

What about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people worldwide: Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki), Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. ... an endless series of disgusting and highly immoral mass warcrimes carried out by America; something every American should be thoroughly ashamed of.  

We don't forget the horrific pictures of the little, innocent, napalmed children of North Vietnam! That's the true, ugly, murdering face of America.

Relax, Kim lives about 5km from where I live and is doing quite well.


9 hours ago, Scottish Republic said:

* Iran's General Soleimani wasn't responsible for the deaths of any innocent people (only in your imagination) .  

What about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people worldwide: Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki), Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. ... an endless series of disgusting and highly immoral mass warcrimes carried out by America; something every American should be thoroughly ashamed of.  

We don't forget the horrific pictures of the little, innocent, napalmed children of North Vietnam! That's the true, ugly, murdering face of America.

 You may like to get your facts right before writing such lies.......... The quote taken from Wikipedia...........................

Phan Thi Kim Phc and her family were residents of the village of Tréng Beng In South VietnamOn June 8, 1972, South Vietnamese planes dropped a Napalm bomb on Tréng Béng, which had been attacked and occupied by North Vietnamese forces.[2] Kim Phéc joins a group of civilians and South Vietnamese soldiers Who were fleeing from the Caodai Temple to the safety of South Vietnamese-held positions.[3] The Republic of Vietnam Air Force Pilot mistook the group for enemy soldiers and diverted to attack. The bombing killed two of Kim Phe's cousins and two other villagers. Kim Phéc received third degree burns after her clothing was burned by the fire.[

4 hours ago, Robwin said:

 You may like to get your facts right before writing such lies.......... The quote taken from Wikipedia...........................

Phan Thi Kim Phc and her family were residents of the village of Tréng Beng In South VietnamOn June 8, 1972, South Vietnamese planes dropped a Napalm bomb on Tréng Béng, which had been attacked and occupied by North Vietnamese forces.[2] Kim Phéc joins a group of civilians and South Vietnamese soldiers Who were fleeing from the Caodai Temple to the safety of South Vietnamese-held positions.[3] The Republic of Vietnam Air Force Pilot mistook the group for enemy soldiers and diverted to attack. The bombing killed two of Kim Phe's cousins and two other villagers. Kim Phéc received third degree burns after her clothing was burned by the fire.[

* Well that's what the American news media told you, but it's not the truth.  The Deep-State-owned news media just lie, lie, and lie again, in order to keep the US populace in a constant brainwashed state.

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

* Well that's what the American news media told you, but it's not the truth.  The Deep-State-owned news media just lie, lie, and lie again, in order to keep the US populace in a constant brainwashed state.

Actually she told me that...I've met her

8 hours ago, Robwin said:

Lets not forget the ugly face of Germany & Gas Chambers eh.

* Well, you're very happy to be buddies with Germany now.  Like poodles, Britain and France; Germany licks America's arse.

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14 hours ago, Lurtz said:

once again, I will contradict you, it is this general who led the repression against the demonstrators, in Iran, which would have made a few thousand deaths among HISpopulation

* WRONG ... I think you'll find it was the CIA who led the repression against the demonstrators in Iran.  The murdering CIA are behind many false-flag operations in the Middle East.

19 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

* Well, you're very happy to be buddies with Germany now.  Like poodles, Britain and France; Germany licks America's arse.

Don't be a cunt all your life eh

11 hours ago, Lurtz said:

It would be great not to accuse but to prove your point.
The US never declared war on the Nazis. And to speak of a regional conflict when all the European countries are drawn into a war, it denotes a lack of knowledge of history which discredits you.

And whatever the USA did before, this Iranian general is indeed a criminal who murdered his own people.

And if you want to wipe out every country that has committed murder, just dinamite the planet, because there is not a country in the world that is not responsible for state murder.

And I make the effort to write in English, which is not my language, so do the same.

* No nation on this earth has slaughtered and maimed so many innocent people, than America ... it has murdered more people, and carried out more war crimes. than all the world's nations combined; it's a shameful, immoral, and thoroughly disgusting track record !!!  No wonder Iran called the US The Great Satan (so aptly named).  The world would be a much more peaceful harmonious place without this digusting stain [US] on the face of the planet.

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