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B5 COV Alexandra & Lucian / Piper & Taylor / Claire & Carlos - General Topic 2020 #11 (November)


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6 minutes ago, Noldus said:

They have 157 days today, so still 100 days to match A&L 😉 

Yes but it was mentioned someone said at the party at B4 they were leaving today also I'm going to find the post a member here heard them mentioned it at the party.

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Hace 2 minutos, Daleys dijo:

Sí, pero se mencionó que alguien dijo en la fiesta en B4 que se iban hoy y también voy a encontrar la publicación que un miembro aquí escuchó que lo mencionó en la fiesta.

Mauri mencionó que Taylor había dicho que A&L se iba hoy.

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1 minute ago, omedo said:

Mauri mentioned that Taylor had said A&L was leaving today.

Must have ben Taylor said they were leaving Monday. That was the subject of the post so i assumed they were leaving also. It wasn't mentioned about A and L in the post will try and find the post again.

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10 minutes ago, Daleys said:

Deve aver detto Ben Taylor che sarebbero partiti lunedì. Quello era l'argomento del post, quindi ho pensato che se ne sarebbero andati anche loro. Non è stato menzionato A e L nel post proverò a trovare di nuovo il post.

Noldus aveva chiesto se A&l stessero facendo i bagagli sabato, e io ho risposto di si perche’ Taylor aveva detto a Megan, che sarebbero partiti lunedi. Non ho detto che se ne sarebbero andati anche P&T

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3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Noldus asked if A&L were packing Saturday, and I said yes because Taylor told Megan, they were leaving on Monday. I didn't say P&T would leave as well

No but when you said Taylor said they were leaving on Monday i thought you meant they were leaving as well but i said before a few minutes ago I misunderstood what you said.

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Ho God no..is the "pupet" couple that the b1 girl puted them doing what she wanted..some big bs show..join that the girl isnt atractive at all.Cant "pimp" Bogdan find some new but also atractive girls?In Carla house we had tons of gorgeous latinas guests.

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