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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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9 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

I'm finding it strange that it appears only people that live outside America that is upset and saddened by what Trump has done to your country today. Isn't there one American that is concerned about your country turned into a Banana Republic by Trump? It's so very sad. I'm worried about what Trump can do in the next 14 days to you. But none of you care you only care about Trump not your country. Why do you place Trump before Country?

Please there must be one brave American that puts Country before Trump.

Fight for your Country not Trump.

Trump has not done anything. I'm hearing reports of Antifa being responsible for some of this. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Watch out the Trump haters will pounce on you for such a comment.

The comment was meant for the Trump supporters ... that they all believe that the world is conspiring against them so their greatest leader in America’s history is stolen .. As USA is the greatest believer of conspiracy theories , have one saying that it was all organized by the democrats party so as Trump looks bad .. 


To be serious now , we are all human beings and I hope that this won’t lead to any civil war things , you have one innocent woman dead , how do you call it there “ collateral damage “ .. and you are  still debating  about who won the elections instead of proceed united as a nation and look how you will face the real problems ,  pandemic , unemployment , health system and so much more that we at the other side of Atlantic have better knowledge than all of you there .

I have zero interest on who should be president as in Europe my country follows what Germany says as they are the european commanders here  , before saying that you are the greatest nation , look all yourself in the mirror and ask yourselves how the hell did you reach today to experience one of the most embarrassing moments in your small history as a nation . 

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9 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

I'm finding it strange that it appears only people that live outside America that is upset and saddened by what Trump has done to your country today. Isn't there one American that is concerned about your country turned into a Banana Republic by Trump? It's so very sad. I'm worried about what Trump can do in the next 14 days to you. But none of you care you only care about Trump not your country. Why do you place Trump before Country?

Please there must be one brave American that puts Country before Trump.

Fight for your Country not Trump.

Most of what he's done for our country was good. The news media just won't tell you about those things.

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The comment was meant for the Trump supporters ... that they all believe that the world is conspiring against them so their greatest leader in America’s history is stolen .. As USA is the greatest believer of conspiracy theories , have one saying that it was all organized by the democrats party so as Trump looks bad .. 

I told them it was sarcasm...:biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Most of what he's done for our country was good. The news media just won't tell you about those things.

Sorry, but your country tonight looks like a Banana Republic.

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5 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Most of what he's done for our country was good. The news media just won't tell you about those things.

Sadly the recent bad shit has overtaken any good stuff Ridge...but that's just from an outsiders point of view...

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The comment was meant for the Trump supporters ... that they all believe that the world is conspiring against them so their greatest leader in America’s history is stolen .. As USA is the greatest believer of conspiracy theories , have one saying that it was all organized by the democrats party so as Trump looks bad .. 


To be serious now , we are all human beings and I hope that this won’t lead to any civil war things , you have one innocent woman dead , how do you call it there “ collateral damage “ .. and you are  still debating  about who won the elections instead of proceed united as a nation and look how you will face the real problems ,  pandemic , unemployment , health system and so much more that we at the other side of Atlantic have better knowledge than all of you there .

I have zero interest on who should be president as in Europe my country follows what Germany says as they are the european commanders here  , before saying that you are the greatest nation , look all yourself in the mirror and ask yourselves how the hell did you reach today to experience one of the most embarrassing moments in your small history as a nation . 

Yeah Greece going bankrupt several short years ago wasn't embarrassing at all. Better stay in your own glass house. :dodgy:  Conservatives seek to avoid this.  If the US were to pull what Greece did, we would all be in big trouble.  

Since the debt crisis began in 2010, the various European authorities and private investors have loaned Greece nearly 320 billion euros. It was the biggest financial rescue of a bankrupt country in history. 2 As of January 2019, Greece has only repaid 41.6 billion euros. It has scheduled debt payments beyond 2060

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

The comment was meant for the Trump supporters ... that they all believe that the world is conspiring against them so their greatest leader in America’s history is stolen .. As USA is the greatest believer of conspiracy theories , have one saying that it was all organized by the democrats party so as Trump looks bad .. 


To be serious now , we are all human beings and I hope that this won’t lead to any civil war things , you have one innocent woman dead , how do you call it there “ collateral damage “ .. and you are  still debating  about who won the elections instead of proceed united as a nation and look for you will face the real problem , pandemic , unemployment , health system and so much more that we at the other side of Atlantic have better knowledge than all of you there .

I have zero interest on who should be president as in Europe my country follows what Germany says as they are the european commanders do , before saying that you are the greatest nation , look all yourself in the mirror and ask yourselves how the hell did you reach today to experience one of the most embarrassing moments in your small history as a nation . 

Elections are the only way American citizens can change their government. This is what happens when people no longer trust that electoral process. Trump received 63 million votes in 2016 and 75 million votes in 2020. Joe Biden hardly even campaigned and received 80 million votes. Many people have a hard time believing that Biden received that many votes.. Plus, there were many, many other irregularities in the voting process.

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

After what happened today at the Capitol I wonder if the Democrats still want to defund the police?😉

Was ist vor dem Capitol passiert ? Dieser Affe von Trump hat nach 2 Monaten und vielen Niederlagen vor vielen Gerichten immer noch nicht erkannt ER hat die Wahl gegen Biden VERLOREN. Und immer noch hetzt dieser dumme Idiot seine Anhänger - den MOB - gegen die demokratische Autorität auf. Und dieser Mob (Ridge inclusive ???) stürmt das Parlament. TRUMP ist der Täter - und Trump wird dafür - und für viele andere Verbrechen im GEFÄNGNIS landen. Und das ist gut so !!!! 😁

Trump wird als Looser und schlechtester US-Präsident in die Geschichte der USA eingehen. Welche SCHANDE !!!

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