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US General Domestic Politics #2 Begins 01/14/21.

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Of course, the media environment was set up for the likes of Trump. America is filled with racism, sexism, and hatred, and with mass media outlets like Rupert Murdoch's Fox News that have no responsibility to...


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38 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Of course, the media environment was set up for the likes of Trump. America is filled with racism, sexism, and hatred, and with mass media outlets like Rupert Murdoch's Fox News that have no responsibility to...


America is not filled with racism, sexism and hatred. You and the person who wrote this article are the ones filled with hatred.  Better look inside at your own sickness.

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34 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

America is not filled with racism, sexism and hatred. You and the person who wrote this article are the ones filled with hatred.  Better look inside at your own sickness.

Still blind, eh RR?

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“I feel like I'm not in my skin," Trump supporter
Florine Goldfarb tells the paper. "It's a horrible feeling.
I don't like what they did to the president."


Gingrich's republican party worked on destroying the Clinton's since Bill was inaugurated ... they debased Obama for the 8 years he was in office with lies and distortions that maintained for the 4 years Trump was in office.

Trump deserved much worse than he got and it will be sweet justice to watch him lose in court over and over and over again ....

His conviction in the impeachment is essential to muzzle the man by taking away his security access, limit his post-presidential perks as well as invalidate the many pardons he plans on giving the insurrectionist.

Trump defined how to do it, he asked for it .... he's going to get it and his little snowflakes need just keep on melting ... we owe them nothing!


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I would like to be told which Trump policies Biden and Democrats are going to reverse?

Climate change involvement perhaps but then that will cost Americans jobs at least in the short term.

What else?

Immigration? The Honduras migrant caravan is on its way!!!! Will they be let in or turned away? Will Mexico stop them as a favour to Biden? I can't wait to see how Biden will open the door to mass migration in the US. I'm sure it will be in secret to try to hide it from US citizens!

Foreign policy?

Will Biden let Iran develop an atomic bomb or North Korea too?

Russia. How will Biden get tougher with Putin???? He won't do anything will he?

China. Will Biden let China continue to steal intellectual property and continue to manufacture more and more goods and take ownership of the US debt mountain?

Debt. Will Biden reduce the deficit? Will he raise taxes to the extent that is needed to even knock off the odd Trillion or so? 

I don't try to defend Trump. I just want to know how Biden is going to change the world. He hasn't managed to do so in nearly 50 years of involvement in Politics! 

Biden supported the terrorist organisation in Northern Ireland that killed men, women and children in my country. His support was achieved by never objecting to their actions.  Biden likes wars. He voted in favour of all of them during his time in politics. At least because of his senile state he won't be able to remember the nuclear codes!!!!

So let's move the argument away from Trump the man and discuss Policy. 

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What he means by 'not now' is don't spoil my inauguration!!! He will try to bribe them by offering financial support to their government who will of course immediately waste any money sent to them.. then again a new limo isn't a waste of money is it!!!!

The pathetic EU has been bunging money to Turkey to beg them to keep the thousands of Syrians from crossing into the EU!!! Free movement my arse!!!!!

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