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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and its Political Ramifications #6

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(Johns) Hopkins, on Monday, reported that the worldwide death count from COVID-19 is more than 2.4 million and that the U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 fatalities. The U.S., according to Hopkins, has more deaths from COVID-19 than two other coronavirus hotspots, Mexico and Brazil, combined.

Total deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be much higher than current official counts. Once the virus has receded, experts will be able to dig through the data and develop a more complete picture of the disease's impact, and the death toll is expected to be revised upward.

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On 2/15/2021 at 12:28 AM, Ridgerunner said:

At least I'm not a phony like you are.

Are you sure.  You keep telling everyone the election was stolen when there is simply no truth it was. It was all a Trump Conspiracy Theory but if one keeps telling the lie like Trump over and over they tend to believe it themselves.  

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On 2/17/2021 at 1:39 AM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

What percentage of dead people in the past year actually died of Covid? I mean to say, old people usually die of the usual seasonal flu, which turns into CHF, which then turns into pneumonia (a common way to die). And it is listed as "Covid" now because hospital payments are much easier to procure. And we know that beyond old age, obesity is the primary death factor. Of "races" -- an entirely artificial concept -- the death lines precisely follow the obesity rates. These rates, in order for my nation, African-American ancestry, Hispanic-Amerasian ancestry, European ancestry and finally Asian ancestry. How about that? The fucking virus is a goddamn racist!

I mean, for Christ's sake, we must follow the science, and we're all gonna die from it, aren't we? So what's the fuss? Wear a couple masks, avoid other people, shut down your business, profession, career or job, and just sit and watch TV until the damn virus quits mutating sometime in the middle of next week.

Me, hell, I'm just watching cool sci-fi movies: you know, the one where the virus escapes from the lab and kills people by making them enraged...

(Anybody who says that I'm cold and cruel about this will get slapped in the face. I personally know this situation from personal experience better than the politicians do.)





This lady has a big reputation in the UK for being outspoken (or courageously honest depending on your view) Covid has become the only thing people in the UK die of since the pandemic began.  Many relatives are now coming forward challenging the reason for death on their loved ones death certificates.  The scandal is growing!!!!

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On 2/24/2021 at 6:06 PM, letsdothis said:

(Johns) Hopkins, on Monday, reported that the worldwide death count from COVID-19 is more than 2.4 million and that the U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 fatalities. The U.S., according to Hopkins, has more deaths from COVID-19 than two other coronavirus hotspots, Mexico and Brazil, combined.

Total deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be much higher than current official counts. Once the virus has receded, experts will be able to dig through the data and develop a more complete picture of the disease's impact, and the death toll is expected to be revised upward.

The United States has the third largest population on Earth.  #1 China does not report their actual cases. #2 India doesn't have a reporting infrastructure. Because of the political situation here, and because hospitals get reimbursed 100% without question, there is a tendency to determine that even people who die in accidents but have a Covid antigen in their system get reported as Covid.

And of course, the highest rates are in the States with governments which exert the highest level of control over their citizens. I know this from personal experience, so I'm likely to be suspicious when politicians and hijacked-science report otherwise.

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"A new study found that while states with Democratic governors suffered from higher COVID-19 incidences and fatality rates at the outset of the global pandemic, states with Republican governors suffered more severely as the COVID-19 crisis continued throughout the second half of 2020."


A new study found that while states with Democratic governors suffered from higher COVID-19 incidences and fatality rates at the...
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