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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #23 (March)

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I am the one with the numbers, this time it went better, almost fifty pages of comments for this "love story" between Martina and Nelly, maybe the RLC writers are waking up

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5 minutes ago, Sergio said:

I am the one with the numbers, this time it went better, almost fifty pages of comments for this "love story" between Martina and Nelly, maybe the RLC writers are waking up

a man of few words but still a man you are!!

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Moi, je m'en fous totalement des déviances de la laide N, qui peut bander pour ça? ... il ya un truc qui me fait chier, c'est de voir en permanence sur B4 la vilaine gueule de B une vraie sangsue gluante, un morpion qui s'attache aux poils des couilles, un idiot magistrale! coût de l'opération 45 € pour la vue de ce pitre imbu, jusqu'à l'indigestion 🤮

je zappe mais quand je reviens cet imposteur renifle le cul de H qui est en chaleur comme toujours, ça fait 7 heures que ce guignol en robe de chambre (beaufitude) lui colle au croupion 


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22 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

I don't give a damn about the deviations of the ugly N, who can bandage for that? ... there's one thing that pisses me off, it's to see constantly on B4 the ugly mouth of B a real gooey leech, a morpion that attaches to the hairs of the balls, a masterful idiot! cost of the operation 45 euros for the view of this imbued pit, up to the indigestion 🤮

I zap but when I come back this impostor sniffs the ass of H who is in heat as always, it's been 7 hours that this clown in a dressing gown (beautifulness) sticks him to the rump


wow    real gooey leech, a morpion that attaches to the hairs of the balls   wow

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5 hours ago, Kenpaul said:

I've seen older clips of L&T. You're correct; she did have a different body look.

I like the fact they have a workout routine.

Don't believe the US Covid casualty figures. For some reason there is a financial incentive to report Covid deaths. Example: Larry King, a celebrity here, died head lines said Covid. His family put out a retraction, saying he died of something else. Both parties are guilty of overlooking Covid. A year ago politicians, from both sides, were saying don't worry. Be judicious in your news coverage from US.

Had my first attack fine. Not so fine, attacked but no facts to back it up. Just name calling. I'm sure you've been attacked before.

At one, their time, Alberto was staring at a piece of paper, he did not look happy. Martina did not appear to be home. What was on the paper I wonder.

Have a good day!


Yes, all deaths were being counted at covid. It's all political bullshit and it needs to stop. Get back to normal like Texas and Mississippi has done recently. 

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29 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

I don't give a damn about the deviations of the ugly N, who can bandage for that? ... there's one thing that pisses me off, it's to see constantly on B4 the ugly mouth of B a real gooey leech, a morpion that attaches to the hairs of the balls, a masterful idiot! cost of the operation 45 euros for the view of this imbued pit, up to the indigestion 🤮

I zap but when I come back this impostor sniffs the ass of H who is in heat as always, it's been 7 hours that this clown in a dressing gown (beautifulness) sticks him to the rump


should we not have a separate posting area for most outrageous, colourful,   even  most incomprehensible... quotes/comments of the week.... 

I mean I totally get Lucky and his love of everything Boggy Boo.... but this is new level, eloquence from him ...

One more time     real gooey leech, a morpion that attaches to the hairs of the balls    wow

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3 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

so why would someone who had argue

 people think they are managers because once and awhile we used to see Nora going over contracts with the girls and sure seemed to run things,now we see N and B here and B shows up and helps the girls move from one apt to another or to take one to the airport and seem to have a paid apt off cam you don't think RLC makes these guys or Nora to keep finding a new apt every time they move off cam for awhile,remember N and B would just show up at B5 a lot before they ever moved into B4 so they have to live somewhere when they are not on cam

There has always been RLC off site housing in Barcelona since the days of Kammi and Kristy in B1. There was a famous full service night club that had on-site hotel-like lodging. (The club was the biggest in Barcelona at the time and is no longer in operation)  RLC used to recruit from the club as well as from a model/talent agency. When B1 first went down because Kammi decided to go with her sugar daddy back to Russia, Kristy was left stranded and lived there until things were restored and avoided having to return to Russia. This was told to me by people who communicated with them on their version of facebook, and when almost every girl was easily assessable through social media. 

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il y a 3 minutes, philo a dit :

There has always been RLC off site housing in Barcelona since the days of Kammi and Kristy in B1. There was a famous full service night club that had on-site hotel-like lodging. (The club was the biggest in Barcelona at the time and is no longer in operation)  RLC used to recruit from the club as well as from a model/talent agency. When B1 first went down because Kammi decided to go with her sugar daddy back to Russia, Kristy was left stranded and lived there until things were restored and avoided having to return to Russia. This was told to me by people who communicated with them on their version of facebook, and when almost every girl was easily assessable through social media. 

well its and plain and obvious that they don't recruit from model/talent agencies now, plucked from the local supermarkets by the looks of things.

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1 minute ago, redole1999 said:

well its and plain and obvious that they don't recruit from model/talent agencies now, plucked from the local supermarkets by the looks of things.

We certainly don't see many model types anymore. They changed to the stripper type or the girl next door types. 

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