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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #49 (May)

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2 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

it's the daily routine of their lives that some voyeurs like, even turned on by... some anticipate nudity and enjoy that titty slip that never come on videos , the sexy looks or laughs between friends in apts, the weird parties that don;t get covered on off site ....  the sexy clothes or ass shot when Holly leans over the edge of her kitchen counter.... so many things that would never get covered on off site places ...they just cover the sex .

If I can add to that, its not entirley about the sex , which is fine, but may or may not happen. Watching the interactions play out is for me, interesting. Some of it is fabricated role play and some of it is genuine evolving relationships. As Mark, says, depends on what you want!!

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7 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

i want to ask a question guys that .. what is the use and benefit of subscribing rlc ....???

Lots of good responses, but to be precise, what has been most exciting to me is when there is a party or similar event where the people are having fun and getting loose and it's possible that anything might happen.   It's the expectation and watching that is the exciting part.    Or when someone like Masha (and she may be the only one) is on the prey trying to seduce someone ... watching that is super hot to me.

Also what makes this fun is the banter here.  So if you sign up for RLC, you want to be here too.  I think it would be way too boring to watch alone and for those who probably do watch alone, those people seem a bit scary to me.  

And note that when we get into those modes where we are all wanting to see something magical happen ... if it DOES happen, it's almost a bit underwhelming.

I will also say here and now -- because if I don't Harley will -- this is also sad as it really is an addiction of sorts, like gambling, where you play and play and hoping for a big payout that never comes.  Hope RLC can see this:  THE PAYOUT ALMOST NEVER COMES.   So I am not proud of this and my days are probably limited here for this reason ... but I have enjoyed chatting with you all and I absolutely love the most when something big is developing and we all wonder if we will hit the jackpot.    There are very few jackpots ... just like gambling.  I would put Martina/Nelly in the jackpot category (a HUGE jackpot) and maybe the Babi MMF threesome in the jackpot category and of course when Masha finally finally FINALLY fucked her new boyfriend ... another great jackpot.

The fake shows are fun to watch at times but not as exciting.  Of course they provide little payouts like slot machines in the casino.  Like when Holly went down on Megs ... or when Claire went down on Lorraine on Valentine's Day.  But as they say in Las Vegas, if you play slot machines, you are not a serious gambler.

Anyway, that is my two cents. 

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3 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Lots of good responses, but to be precise, what has been most exciting to me is when there is a party or similar event where the people are having fun and getting loose and it's possible that anything might happen.   It's the expectation and watching that is the exciting part.    Or when someone like Masha (and she may be the only one) is on the prey trying to seduce someone ... watching that is super hot to me.

Also what makes this fun is the banter here.  So if you sign up for RLC, you want to be here too.  I think it would be way too boring to watch alone and for those who probably do watch alone, those people seem a bit scary to me.  

And note that when we get into those modes where we are all wanting to see something magical happen ... if it DOES happen, it's almost a bit underwhelming.

I will also say here and now -- because if I don't Harley will -- this is also sad as it really is an addiction of sorts, like gambling, where you play and play and hoping for a big payout that never comes.  Hope RLC can see this:  THE PAYOUT ALMOST NEVER COMES.   So I am not proud of this and my days are probably limited here for this reason ... but I have enjoyed chatting with you all and I absolutely love the most when something big is developing and we all wonder if we will hit the jackpot.    There are very few jackpots ... just like gambling.  I would put Martina/Nelly in the jackpot category (a HUGE jackpot) and maybe the Babi MMF threesome in the jackpot category and of course when Masha finally finally FINALLY fucked her new boyfriend ... another great jackpot.

The fake shows are fun to watch at times but not as exciting.  Of course they provide little payouts like slot machines in the casino.  Like when Holly went down on Megs ... or when Claire went down on Lorraine on Valentine's Day.  But as they say in Las Vegas, if you play slot machines, you are not a serious gambler.

Anyway, that is my two cents. 

other currencies are available 😂

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37 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Lots of good responses, but to be precise, what has been most exciting to me is when there is a party or similar event where the people are having fun and getting loose and it's possible that anything might happen.   It's the expectation and watching that is the exciting part.    Or when someone like Masha (and she may be the only one) is on the prey trying to seduce someone ... watching that is super hot to me.

Also what makes this fun is the banter here.  So if you sign up for RLC, you want to be here too.  I think it would be way too boring to watch alone and for those who probably do watch alone, those people seem a bit scary to me.  

And note that when we get into those modes where we are all wanting to see something magical happen ... if it DOES happen, it's almost a bit underwhelming.

I will also say here and now -- because if I don't Harley will -- this is also sad as it really is an addiction of sorts, like gambling, where you play and play and hoping for a big payout that never comes.  Hope RLC can see this:  THE PAYOUT ALMOST NEVER COMES.   So I am not proud of this and my days are probably limited here for this reason ... but I have enjoyed chatting with you all and I absolutely love the most when something big is developing and we all wonder if we will hit the jackpot.    There are very few jackpots ... just like gambling.  I would put Martina/Nelly in the jackpot category (a HUGE jackpot) and maybe the Babi MMF threesome in the jackpot category and of course when Masha finally finally FINALLY fucked her new boyfriend ... another great jackpot.

The fake shows are fun to watch at times but not as exciting.  Of course they provide little payouts like slot machines in the casino.  Like when Holly went down on Megs ... or when Claire went down on Lorraine on Valentine's Day.  But as they say in Las Vegas, if you play slot machines, you are not a serious gambler.

Anyway, that is my two cents. 

Nice resume 😉

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6 minutes ago, TheGambit said:

Was Megan in the pool totally naked? With Bogdan around?

Just opened up RLC and dont have replay enabled.

No had a thong on and think only her and holly/Masha in the house, and they went out about the time Meg went back to her room 2ish, Meg went out alone about an hour later.

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Weird all this Megan-Holly stuff, they were like sisters and something clearly happened, I know you guys have been talking about it, I thought it was my perception but I'm curious how Masha been around could've affected or how things will turn out when Masha's not around, Megan seems to be now hanging with N/B and Gina.

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19 hours ago, auraaaaaa said:

i want to ask a question guys that .. what is the use and benefit of subscribing rlc ....???

because if we can see all the rlc videos on internet or hidden sites ...

then what is the use can anyone brief me ?

And what happens when something happens in the apartment that isn't posted on some shit popup ridden site?

Where do you think those videos come from? Do you think they are magically pulled out of their asshole? Or do you possibly think they come from someone else's subscription?


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17 minutes ago, TheGambit said:

Weird all this Megan-Holly stuff, they were like sisters and something clearly happened, I know you guys have been talking about it, I thought it was my perception but I'm curious how Masha been around could've affected or how things will turn out when Masha's not around, Megan seems to be now hanging with N/B and Gina.

Its a question that i dont think anyone can answer.

Thee was no big row, nothing obvious i think. Might have missed something or talked about. To me something happened either at the party that caused friction or just after. What no idea Meg was drunk, Masha all over her and Holly, jealousy? wouldnt of thought as Alek did them both.

Meg was pissed the time she came back from Ginas and outside  was a mess and the bathroom, but was that enough?

Masha has got into Hollys head and now they are never apart. Yep Nelly has moved in on Meg, something else that is a mystery, not sure its a sex thing.

Masha is the centre point, wasnt welcomed by her best mate Nelly, they dont really speak. 7 days until Masha goes home, if she goes, or has she got other plans?

Is the tent Boggy put up just outside and then moved down the bottom of the garden still there? M and H have spent time down there off cam.

Only so many cigarettes you can smoke:angel:

Nelly had a big breakdown the other night after returning from Ginas, Boggy was going to go out and leave her by the looks, eventually settled down but something is wrong in said Villa.

No stupid parties, no more darts/cards..

Been told not too? if not why the sudden no drinking, gone teetotal now without Gina

The family dinner the other night was 5 people sitting around waiting to be allowed to leave.

Not speaking the language makes it impossible to get the picture

Thats my take, right or wrong

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18 minutes ago, mspanker said:

È una domanda a cui non credo che nessuno possa rispondere.

Te non era una grande lite, niente di ovvio credo. Potrebbe essersi perso qualcosa o parlato. A me è successo qualcosa o alla festa che ha causato attriti o subito dopo. Che ne dici di Meg era ubriaca, Masha dappertutto e Holly, gelosia? non avrebbe pensato come Alek ha fatto entrambi.

Meg era incazzata la volta che è tornata da Ginas e fuori c'era un casino e il bagno, ma era abbastanza?

Masha è entrata nella testa di Hollys e ora non si separano mai. Sì, Nelly si è trasferita su Meg, qualcos'altro che è un mistero, non sono sicuro che sia una questione di sesso.

Masha è il punto centrale, non è stata accolta dal suo migliore amico Nelly, non parlano davvero. 7 giorni fino a quando Masha torna a casa, se va, o ha altri piani?

La tenda Boggy è stata montata appena fuori e poi spostata in fondo al giardino ancora lì? M e H hanno passato del tempo laggiù fuori dalla telecamera.

Puoi fumare solo così tante sigarette:angelo:

Nelly ha avuto un grosso esaurimento la scorsa notte dopo essere tornata da Ginas, Boggy stava per uscire e lasciarla a guardare, alla fine si è sistemata ma qualcosa non va in Villa.

Niente feste stupide, niente più freccette / carte ..

Non l'hanno detto anche tu? se non il motivo per cui all'improvviso non si beveva, ora astemio senza Gina

La cena in famiglia l'altra sera era di 5 persone sedute in attesa di poter partire.

Non parlare la lingua rende impossibile ottenere l'immagine

Questa è la mia opinione, giusta o sbagliata

Chi deve saperlo, lo sa’ cosa e’ successo... ma come sempre, le informazioni non vengono condivise😉

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41 minutes ago, mspanker said:

No had a thong on and think only her and holly/Masha in the house, and they went out about the time Meg went back to her room 2ish, Meg went out alone about an hour later.

I can see Megan's legs at the pool from the window at the bottom of the stairs from the front door...at the same time I see Bogdan tying his shoes to go out.  So Bogdan did see her there for sure.

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