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5 hours ago, james deen said:

след няколко месеца наблюдение мога спокойно да кажа, че хората издухват цялата тази ситуация на Нели / Богдан / Мартина несъразмерно. Богдан никога не е показвал с каквито и да е действия да има проблем с отношенията между Нели и Мартина. Единствените действия, които съм виждал от него, е насърчение за тях да бъдат заедно, например онази нощ, когато Нели се напиваше силно и той трябваше да я занесе в спалнята, а Мартина ги последва, тя целуна Нели и той беше усмихнат, мисля, че той дори я попита дали иска да остане с нея. Богдан и Мартина са добри приятели.

Exactly!There is hope for this world!There may still be sober-minded people left!👍👏

56 minutes ago, Solasa said:

Съгласен. Хората са заседнали през 19-ти век поради различна култура / религия и имат много ясен начин да мислят как трябва да бъде бракът.

Тонове нормални женени хора са суингъри в наши дни и са щастливи да споделят партньора си. Не мога да разбера как е толкова трудно да си представим, че една семейна двойка, която показва живота си открито на воайорски сайт, е един от тях.

Exactly,Solasa!This has been my line of reasoning for a long time,but i don't know why many people can't understand it here?

1 hour ago, Solasa said:

Agree. It's people being stuck in the 19th century because of different culture/religion and have a very clear way of thinking how a marriage should be.

Tons of normal married people are swingers these days and happy about sharing their partner. Can't understand how it's so hard to imagine a married couple that is showing their lives openly on a voyeur site is one of them.

We still haven’t seen Bogdan ( more him than Alberto because he lives in a luxury house surrounded by nice women  ) showing any signals that he wants to have sex with another woman , i mean he had/has / will always have so many amazing  women around him all the time but he simply doesn’t care for this and he shows total devotion to Nelly .. I don’t know if being and considered a swinger has to do with only one person of a couple … in any case , I agree that Bogdan hasn’t shown any annoyance towards Martina of what’s going on with his wife but it is also definitely confirmed that he was disturbed in the beginning of how this whole story was developing and he expressed his thoughts .


Anyway , their lives , their problems and whatever more is going to occur .. but life experiences from the majority shows that these things don’t end up well .. we have the luxury to watch , so let’s see how this will be  

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Все още не сме виждали Богдан (повече от него, отколкото Алберто, защото той живее в луксозна къща, заобиколена от хубави жени) да показва сигнали, че иска да прави секс с друга жена, искам да кажа, че той е имал / има / винаги ще има толкова много невероятни жени около него през цялото време, но той просто не се интересува от това и проявява пълна преданост към Нели .. Не знам дали да бъдеш и считан за суингър има общо само с един човек от двойка ... във всеки случай, Съгласен съм, че Богдан не е проявявал досада към Мартина за това, което се случва с жена му, но също така определено се потвърждава, че той е бил обезпокоен в началото на развитието на цялата тази история и той е изразил мислите си.


Както и да е, животът им, проблемите им и каквото и да е ще се случи .. но житейският опит от мнозинството показва, че тези неща не свършват добре .. имаме лукса да гледаме, така че нека видим как ще бъде  

That's right!!!We are just voyeurs!Let's enjoy what is presented to us,without constantly analyzing as psychoanalysts or marriage counselors!

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5 hours ago, james deen said:

Después de un par de meses de observación, puedo decir con seguridad que la gente está exagerando toda esta situación de nelly / bogdan / martina. Bogdan nunca ha demostrado con ninguna acción que tenga un problema con la relación entre nelly y martina. Las únicas acciones que he visto de él son animarlos a estar juntos, por ejemplo, esa noche cuando nelly se emborrachó gravemente y él tuvo que llevarla al dormitorio y martina los siguió, le dio un beso a nelly y él era todo sonrisas, creo que él. Incluso le preguntó si quería quedarse con ella. Bogdan y martina son buenos amigos.

I have written it several times but I will repeat it.
After the second sexual encounter between M&N, Bogdan told Martina seriously that he didn't want them to continue with that relationship, she (M) talked to Nelly in the kitchen of B4 and they agreed that they would only be friends and that's when Nelly told M "we'll see", then came the tears and the relationship continued...
Martina also asked Bogdan if Nelly would let him be with other women and he answered with a resounding NO and as we have seen later he even resented her hugging Megan and Holly, that's being a hypocrite.

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il y a 7 minutes, redfan a dit :

¡Así es! ¡¡Somos solo voyeurs !! ¡Disfrutemos de lo que se nos presenta, sin analizarnos constantemente como psicoanalistas o consejeros matrimoniales!

Good reflection, I personally refrain from giving too deep opinions about some people about whom I know practically nothing, I enjoy what they offer me when I can, I put a little humor if possible and little else.

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

We still haven’t seen Bogdan ( more him than Alberto because he lives in a luxury house surrounded by nice women  ) showing any signals that he wants to have sex with another woman , i mean he had/has / will always have so many amazing  women around him all the time but he simply doesn’t care for this and he shows total devotion to Nelly .. I don’t know if being and considered a swinger has to do with only one person of a couple … in any case , I agree that Bogdan hasn’t shown any annoyance towards Martina of what’s going on with his wife but it is also definitely confirmed that he was disturbed in the beginning of how this whole story was developing and he expressed his thoughts .


Anyway , their lives , their problems and whatever more is going to occur .. but life experiences from the majority shows that these things don’t end up well .. we have the luxury to watch , so let’s see how this will be  

Yeah I'm not sure about Bogdan having someone else or even wants to. Could be more of a "hotwife" kind of deal where he and Alberto gets turned on by sharing their girls or simply isn't bothered by it. If they are fine with showing their lives with sex and everything in front of thousands of people on the internet they're likely to have less reservations about stuff like this in their relationships than most of us here would have.

With all the other girls like Megan and Holly I have only seen him as a bigger brother type of figure for them, with no sexual advances from any of them. That is the only part that bothers me about this if the translators are correct, that Nelly told him to stay away from Megan and Holly that he had a nice friendly relationship with.

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3 minutes ago, catalonia said:

Добър размисъл, аз лично се въздържам да давам твърде дълбоки мнения за някои хора, за които на практика не знам нищо, наслаждавам се на това, което ми предлагат, когато мога, влагам малко хумор, ако е възможно и малко друго.

That's how it should be,we're here to have fun,not to judge!

22 minutes ago, Solasa said:

Yeah I'm not sure about Bogdan having someone else or even wants to. Could be more of a "hotwife" kind of deal where he and Alberto gets turned on by sharing their girls or simply isn't bothered by it. If they are fine with showing their lives with sex and everything in front of thousands of people on the internet they're likely to have less reservations about stuff like this in their relationships than most of us here would have.

With all the other girls like Megan and Holly I have only seen him as a bigger brother type of figure for them, with no sexual advances from any of them. That is the only part that bothers me about this if the translators are correct, that Nelly told him to stay away from Megan and Holly that he had a nice friendly relationship with.

Spot on … 😉 she is allowed but he isn’t 😎 that’s why hypocrite Nelly 😡

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