ddhm Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/9/2021 at 8:50 PM, yelt said: I agree; I would hope there was a lesson learned here. Unfortunately, similar to those with addictions some lessons are hard to learn, and no single treatment may be appropriate for everyone. I was hoping we would see some changes in Martina with the late night to next day partying every weekend. Although, from the forum she may not have partied much this weekend. Perhaps exchange the weekend partying for the 2- or 3-times mini daytime visits? Miss Martina is an independent female and as she has mentioned before “no one can tell her what to do”. In my opinion..She is already seeing Nelly or another Michael? As I have heard not from this forum but another source, Martina is engaged in some serious texting and quiet conversations away from Alberto. As a side note, I would guess Martina's priorities to be school (for now), friends, sex, family then Alberto and the dogs, in that order. Expand Martina has only one priority in life at the moment and this is her school and also she has revealed to Alberto what she wants to achieve professionally and what her dream(s) is ( are ) .. She and Masha are the only ones who see already further and the life after the cameras and that’s what I can say at this moment . The future will reveal what’s really happening so whoever is watching , Martina’s life will leave people happy watching a woman who has clearly set targets and goals in her life and she’s focused on her future ( professionally ) .
Deepdave Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/9/2021 at 8:56 PM, yelt said: Did she go to school today? Hopefully she doesn't come back intoxicated with school in the morning. Expand Martina is back at 22:30. No time for Nelly or fake Michael. Only time for school, Alberto and the dogs. Thank goodness. Nothing more to worry about tonight. 1 1
Adalbert Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/9/2021 at 9:18 PM, ddhm said: Martina has only one priority in life at the moment and this is her school and also she has revealed to Alberto what she wants to achieve professionally and what her dream(s) is ( are ) .. She and Masha are the only ones who see already further and the life after the cameras and that’s what I can say at this moment . The future will reveal what’s really happening so whoever is watching , Martina’s life will leave people happy watching a woman who has clearly set targets and goals in her life and she’s focused on her future ( professionally ) . Expand Agree with what you said about Martina, regarding Marsha I'm not so sure. When we see how long she is at RLC I've really doubts that she has already plan for a life after leaving RLC. Agree she tries a lot but haven't seen anything that might be something to earn money off cam. But as always we see only a small part of their live and miss a lot.🤔
ddhm Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/9/2021 at 9:42 PM, Adalbert said: Agree with what you said about Martina, regarding Marsha I'm not so sure. When we see how long she is at RLC I've really doubts that she has already plan for a life after leaving RLC. Agree she tries a lot but haven't seen anything that might be something to earn money off cam. But as always we see only a small part of their live and miss a lot.🤔 Expand Masha has already showed the interest in music and recorded tracks which has then published not with a big success to be honest , most probably due to Russian speaking and addressed at the Italian market .. she’s also making photo shoots , investing in shares and showing interest at e-coins .. I think she’s quite skillful and very clever and she has been managing great all of the years financially with RLC . We will see how it goes , two winters ago she was thinking about quitting if i remember correctly but if we look closer now , the way her apartment looks , nice decorated , this is a place she has made her “home “ and I think she won’t have any problems in the future .
Ash1 Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 3:20 PM, EMMETT111 said: but she only tells him on cam about things we already seen her do ,but she can go out till 7 or 8 am when ever she goes out now but she never seems to tell him what she did the night before any more now that it is off cam funny huh guess she just isnt doing anything interesting any more Expand - The trip with Nelly to see Martina's parents, during which time they had sex. - The adventures of Taco and his girlfriend Lola, and the puppies that he fathered. One given to Martina which she gave to her brother to take to their parents. - Visiting the hospital with her young school friend after she was beaten by her boyfriend. - Relations with an English girl named Lucy. Martina talks a lot about things that she does off camera, these are just a few examples from memory. I'm sure I could give many more if I thought about it. And she continues to tell Alberto about what she does off camera, including her nights out, it's just that nobody is posting details about them. You wouldn't be interested anyway because she talks about her real life and things that have actually happened, and these don't match up with your fantasies and delusions of her fucking everybody in Barcelona every time she goes out. 4 1
Ash1 Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 3:28 PM, EMMETT111 said: LOL all you guys that think she comes home and tells him everything on cam are funny,think about it we never heard of her doing anything that was not on cam already ,and that fight they had where he said at least i am not out fucking everyone after she said he was acting like a old man that would make me wonder what we dont hear about Expand Martina does tell him everything, you just don't want to believe it because it doesn't fit with the stories that you invent. And it's not just Alberto that Martina talks to, she also talks to her friends and family on the phone. And we have heard her talk about things we haven't seen on camera. See my previous post 😉 As for Alberto saying "at least I am not out fucking everyone", I think this is false and Alberto never said this. 3 1 1
Ash1 Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 6:39 PM, EMMETT111 said: okay so boggy says no more sex with Martina then gives the afore mentioned Martina and ride home but takes three hours the reason being the guy working for RLC in Barcalona needed help with the language for some reason ,then after that he just totaly forgets about telling them they cant have sex and even lets them go on vacation together a couple of times and only put his foot down again after that night they were all in bed together and Nelly made it clear she wanted to only be in bed with Martina then all of a sudden it was not okay for them to be together after that night . What do you have oh thats not what Martina said happened what did you really think she would do come in and say hey boggy said me and nelly could not have sex any more so i just fucked him and now its okay he does not mind now Expand He needed help with the language because he didn't understand it so well. I pointed out earlier this year that Bogdan always spoke with Bruno in English, suggesting that he wasn't as fluent in Spanish as you wanted to believe. I also highlighted Nelly's extreme jealousy, and told you if you understood just how jealous she gets, you would understand how ridiculous your claims are. And it was Nelly that kept things going, forcing Bogdan to accept it, even though he wasn't happy with it. We saw her try to do the same thing later in the year when she kissed Martina at Martina's apartment, even though Bogdan was unhappy and Martina had told her they would stop having sex with each other. And if Nelly was so willing to continue a sexual relationship with Martina despite Bogdan's unhappiness, why would Martina need to have sex with him to keep the relationship going? 1 1 1 1
Ash1 Posted December 9, 2021 Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 7:07 PM, EMMETT111 said: oh and the Boggy would never have sex with anyone but Nelly there is a bunch of guys that think all those visits to his office with Holly were not so inoccent,and to this day nobody ever has explained where Boggy was going all the times he was gone for 2 or 3 days at a time,like i said that one time after a real hot session between M and N he left for 4 days ,nobody ever once said hey were is Boogy they were just happy he was not at B4 they asked no questions lol Expand I don't really remember too many visits to the garage, if any, where it was just Bogdan and Holly. I remember that most of the tenants would frequently disappear to the garage, and Holly would typically be with Megan and Nelly whenever she went there. I remember that most people accepted and believed that they used this as a smoking area, or for recreational drugs during parties. And I also remember that most people didn't think there was anything happening between Bogdan and Holly, and the only people that did was Harley and Lucky. And once again you think the only reason for anyone to leave the apartment is sex, and once again you're wrong. Even if Bogdan's absence was explained to you, if it didn't involve sex, you would just dismiss it in favour of your fantasies and delusions. 2 1
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