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54 minutes ago, corpslibre said:

Es ist wahr, dass ich die Ehre habe, der erste gewesen zu sein, der den Abgang von Radi angekündigt hat, ich hätte viel lieber den von Tweety angekündigt

Warum denn ausgerechnet Tweety ? Wem hat sie denn  so geschadet das manche den Bann über sie legen wollen? Mir fallen da ein oder zwei Mädchen ein, die es mehr verdient hätten entfernt zu werden. Soll doch mal jeder seine Fantasie spielen lassen wen ich wohl meinen könnte. Man muß nur die negativen Kommentare einiger der Foristen aus den letzten Tagen noch einmal lesen.

Und was Radi betrifft: Ich bedaure dass sie gegangen ist ( wurde ? ) RLC verändert damit seinen Charakter, genau wie nach dem In vielerlei Hinsicht unrühmlichen Abgang von Malia. Leora ist leider seit dem eine Gleiche unter Gleichen. Was wäre denn geschehen wenn sie nicht in Prag in dieser privilegierten Luxuswohnung agieren könnte sondern sich in der Villa arrangieren oder durchsetzen müßte ? Eigentlich wäre es an der Zeit daß auch sie als übriggebliebene Vertreterin der " alten Garde " die Koffer packen müßte und so für eine eventuelle interessante Neubesetzung der Wohnung sorgen könnte.

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21 minutes ago, moules said:

Currently, $100 US dollars buys 95 euros.  The dollar has appreciated in value against the euro recently because of rising energy costs, and the war in Ukraine.  One year ago, $100 bought 83 euros.

You have to remember the check fee. Americans still use checks, something we quit   over 30 years ago. 🙂 

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Someone suggested Radi might re-appear in B-5.   Maybe so.

It does appear that RLC is having difficulty finding couples on vacation.  Russians aren't being given visas, Ukrainian couples are either staying home to fight the Ukrainian version of the Great Patriotic War (the Russian version is the USSR against Nazi Germany) or if they leave Ukraine, choose not to appear on a voyeur cam site.  Perhaps, B-5 will no longer be a couples apartment in the future.

Which bedroom in B-4 will be given to the twins?


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1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

When I wrote this is was a mere speculation ... it still is a speculation ... but it occured to me that Radi has spent a huge amount of time recently out of B4.  So it is quite possible that Loraine or whatever bad  juju is going on has something to do with her departure.  

It's my opinion it was not her decision to leave, but RLC decision that she leave. Its not just a coincidence that she moved in such a hurry. There were problems at the villa for her and RLC did not do anything to help when they could have. It's to bad she left and the one that is causing all the problems is still there.

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3 minutes ago, jetlag8 said:

It's my opinion it was not her decision to leave, but RLC decision that she leave. Its not just a coincidence that she moved in such a hurry. There were problems at the villa for her and RLC did not do anything to help when they could have. It's to bad she left and the one that is causing all the problems is still there.

Both have had problems, although I perfectly get what you're saying. And yes, Loraine should definitely leave.

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