Brokk! Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 Guys, there are already people who do not understand English can we speak clearly and without puzzles please? So it doesn't help anyone to understand and speculations fly. 1 2
Brokk! Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 I went to the cc home page and I think I understand something although not a lot. It has already happened in the past that someone posted things that would be better avoided such as the address of the participants, personal data and so on. And this is why Leora does not trust to invite people into the house and hides from the cameras when she talks on the phone and frankly I understand her, if there are people who draft their personal data lightly... And I remind you that Leora reads on CC, so sooner or later she will find out if anyone publishes anything about her apartment. Don't be surprised if she then changes her attitude. 7
StnCld316 Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 4 minutes ago, Brokk! said: I went to the cc home page and I think I understand something although not a lot. It has already happened in the past that someone posted things that would be better avoided such as the address of the participants, personal data and so on. And this is why Leora does not trust to invite people into the house and hides from the cameras when she talks on the phone and frankly I understand her, if there are people who draft their personal data lightly... And I remind you that Leora reads on CC, so sooner or later she will find out if anyone publishes anything about her apartment. Don't be surprised if she then changes her attitude. There was no address posted it was just a picture with a bunch of windows likely obtained from Google Earth. 1
dougiestyle4u Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY. Less talk, more looky - 😍😋. 1
Brokk! Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 33 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: There was no address posted it was just a picture with a bunch of windows likely obtained from Google Earth. But to look for that precise apartment you must have an address, Prague is not a small city to easily find the condominium where Leora lives I guess. 3
jimbo4 Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 6 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said: And i think only me and you knew the date the wedding happened too (And what he chose to wear for it!). But i guess we have wasted our time G, keeping shit from Leora's chat. What's the old saying - "Women love a Bastard". I agree with you totally mate, but I give Leora more credit inasmuch as I don't believe she is influenced by anything or anyone on the forum. 3 3
taxio Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 al igual que usted Jimbo, como ya he manifestado en alguna ocasión, me uno al agradecimiento y al reconocimiento, por el trabajo que realizan de forma desinteresada. que tanto en la traducción como en su interprecion ayudan a entender y comprender a esta mujer. GRACIAS, MUCHAS GRACIAS!! 1 1
Brokk! Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 21 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said: HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY. Less talk, more looky - 😍😋. There is little to be happy about it, Leora has already had problems in the past with some people who knew where she lived at the time of the first Russian apartment. Let's avoid doing this bullshit because then RLC or Leora herself could take measures that we will not be able to complain about. 3
jimbo4 Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 I have re-posted the below because at the time of posting Number 53 was still active even though number 54 was on page 3. Premium Member 6.9k LocationLONDON Posted 1 hour ago 10 hours ago, taxio said: and that's how it is..... how I've been left without an answer There is nobody who posts on the forum with more information about the imminent arrival of Paul and Eva than Slipper and GagHer. Slipper has kept everyone informed of possible and probable movements since it was decided by Leora and Paul that this reunion would at last take place. Like yourself Taxio most people appreciate the information that is forthcoming from these two individuals, as it is known that they do not speculate or say things to impress others but only to pass on the knowledge that they have gleaned. There are some on here that do nothing but speculate and post unsubstantiated bullshit, but condemn those that tell the truth, and who try to provide a service to others who either can't view for whatever reason or don't have the time or ability to translate as best as possible what is spoken in public by Leora. I personally have nothing but gratitude for these two individuals and anyone else who provides a service beneficial to others, and those ignorant ingrates who treat them with derision should be ashamed. 2 6
patou Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 il y a 7 minutes, jimbo4 a dit : J'ai republié ce qui suit parce qu'au moment de l'affichage, le numéro 53 était toujours actif même si le numéro 54 était à la page 3. Membre Premium 6.9k Emplacement LONDRES Publié il y a 1 heure il y a 10 heures, taxio a dit: et c’est comme ça....... commentaire sur m’a laissé sans réponse Il n’y a personne qui poste sur le forum avec plus d’informations sur l’arrivée imminente de Paul et Eva que Slipper et GagHer. Slipper a tenu tout le monde informé des mouvements possibles et probables depuis qu’il a été décidé par Leora et Paul que cette réunion aurait enfin lieu. Comme vous Taxio, la plupart des gens apprécient les informations qui proviennent de ces deux individus, car on sait qu’ils ne spéculent pas ou ne disent pas des choses pour impressionner les autres, mais seulement pour transmettre les connaissances qu’ils ont glanées. Il y en a ici qui ne font que spéculer et poster des conneries non fondées, mais condamnés ceux qui disent la vérité et qui essaient de fournir un service à d’autres qui ne peuvent pas voir pour une raison quelconque ou qui n’ont pas le temps ou la capacité de traduire le mieux possible ce qui est dit en public par Leora. Personnellement, je n’ai que de la gratitude pour ces deux personnes et toute autre personne qui fournit un service bénéfique aux autres, et ces ingrats ignorants qui les provoquent avec dérision auraient dû avoir honte. Quand je peux j’essaie de donner des informations que j’entends seulement quand j’en suis sur et bien enregistré sinon je ne dis rien mais s’il faut je ne parlerais plus se que j’entend pour éviter les polémiques et je laisse le soin à Guyquad pour c’est très bonne information et plus précis que les miens merci 1 1 3
pulo filipe Posted May 25, 2022 Author Posted May 25, 2022 Morning Leora Been on the phone with Paul long talk yesterday was a great happy night leora On the porch on the SMS phone and eating Blue shirt 19:38 Masturbation With fingers on the balcony Doing gymnastics Take a bath eat italian food On the couch watching movie White panties and white t-shirt In Malia's room on tablet and phone SMS To sleep Beautiful girl 1 2
dougiestyle4u Posted May 25, 2022 Posted May 25, 2022 16 minutes ago, Brokk! said: There is little to be happy about it, Leora has already had problems in the past with some people who knew where she lived at the time of the first Russian apartment. Let's avoid doing this bullshit because then RLC or Leora herself could take measures that we will not be able to complain about. It is what happens when members/people get way too involved with participants inside and outside of the cams. Should JUST enjoy the view that tenants want you to see. Watching Leora in motion, sitting around or sleeping should suffice. Compared to most tenants (past and current) she IS a blessing since she is a major cock teasing eye candy for a true voyeur. Sure her masturbation routines are mostly repetitive and expected BUT she is one hell of a beauty. Other than her masturbation, she definitly knows how to dress, do her daily chores and do the most subtle body movements that make you hungry for her. Obviously, being with RLC for so many years with a dedicated fan base she has shown that she is doing things right for the most part. Who doesn't want to watch a lovely nicely shaped woman spotlessly clean her apartment while sexily dressed or naked? This is one of the best ways for her to draw attention to herself - smart business minded lady reaping the financial rewards. Win for Leora, win for RLC and win for subscribers/viewers. No other tenant past or current has duplicated Leora's "modus operandi" (almost as if it is a crime for her to steal money from subscribers). She is so good at what she does, dammit - 😍 2 1 5
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