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B7 - General Topic 2022 #5 (June)

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3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

In fact, voyeurism is observation, it is feeling arousal in observing intimate or sexual acts of other people, but it does not only concern the classic sex between man and woman. And being straight, which means I don't like men, and consequently I'm not interested in watching sex between men and women. I prefer to look at a woman's intimacy when she is alone, and see things she wouldn't do with a male presence.


Your first sentence confirms what I said, sex (i.e. arousal, intimacy, sexual acts) is intrinsic in voyeurism.  So I don't know what you're arguing about.  And what does your sexual preferences have to do with any of this?  I think things are getting lost in translation and I've grown tired of going in circles with you on this.  So I'm out.

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11 minutes ago, p4design said:

La tua prima frase conferma quanto ho detto, il sesso (cioè l'eccitazione, l'intimità, gli atti sessuali) è intrinseco al voyeurismo. Quindi non so di cosa stai discutendo. E cosa hanno a che fare le tue preferenze sessuali con tutto questo? Penso che le cose si stiano perdendo nella traduzione e mi sono stancato di girare in tondo con te su questo. Quindi sono fuori.

Bravo, tanto e’ inutile farvelo capire

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1 minute ago, p4design said:

Allo stesso modo.

Io il concetto RLC l’ho capito, voi no. Pagate per aspettere di vedere che scopano con qualcuno😂 e nel frattempo vi lamentate se non lo fanno.

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6 minutes ago, Mauri said:

I understand the RLC concept, you don't. You pay to wait until they fuck someone 😂 and in the meantime you complain if they don't.

like I said.  Your talking in circles.  There is no use in further discussion.  I won't engage any longer.

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It's funny. No more writings about Holly and Thor. There sessions take aproximately 2-4 minutttes, and cant satisfy Holly. Mrlene, and Lilith, and Karol are more interesting. It takes up to 30-40 minutes and not just in and out. So Holly take Thor and his mirror attitudes with you to Bali - no on the other hand - it'll be bad for pooor Tweety

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Il y a 4 heures, p4design a dit :

So you're just as deluded as Zorro.  Do you actually think people would pay if there wasn't any sex taking place.  Voyeur, by definition involves viewing sex and you're paying for it on RLC just like any other porn site.  There is no difference.  Stop deluding yourself. 

Some people choose to live in delusion, it perhaps helps them to live.

Let them be, we can't help those who refuse to see reality as it is.

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Il y a 2 heures, p4design a dit :

like I said.  Your talking in circles.  There is no use in further discussion.  I won't engage any longer.

I had the same 'discussion' with him previously & arrived at the same conclusion as you.

He talks in circles and give plenty of reasons which really make no sense.

Let them be, there are a few of them here who choose to be delusional.

We can't force them to come to terms with reality.

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