ddhm Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 An amazing addition , bringing back one of the best couples and for sure totally unfair being removed , despite some of the best things we have seen either by them or from their uncountable friends who had no problems to visit the apartment , party , drink , have sex on cameras . Can’t wait to see some of their friends back and of course we get the 1 million euros question … Are Carla and Yanai “ allowed “ to mix with the Russian speaking and be part of their community or they will be exclusively with their local Barcelona friends ? The most important is that RLC took the message that the success of Barcelona apartments and not getting fast bored , it is to have fun people , willing to make parties , smiley , with friends willing to appear on cameras and generally couples who have strong personality and can influence the others , Carla and Yanai are amazing with that . After a “steady “ period and losing two great couples like E&M and K&R , it is great to see that RLC understands how the couples concept should continue after the incredible success of introducing Venera and Lion and lately the lesbian couple , well done 😇 Welcome back to one of the greatest couples ever , welcome back Carla and Yanai 😊 1 2
Gerald Knauft Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 2 hours ago, Daleys said: Ich mag Carla und Yanai, also sind sie für mich KEIN Müllrecycling. Wie kann man nur Menschen, die uns nur als Pixel vor die Augen kommen und von denen die allermeisten nur wissen was im Forum gepostet wird, als Müll bezeichnen. ! Das ist einfach nur. schrecklich und saugemein. Auch wenn einige Foristen die lange genug dabei sind vom immer wieder Gleichen nicht sehr angetan sind haben sie noch lange nicht das " Recht " solche Beleidigungen aus der untersten Schublade zu verbreiten. Und noch etwas : haben diese Leute schon mal darüber nachgedacht daß sich neue zahlende Zuschauer und Schreiber von solchen rüden Tönen abgestoßen fühlen und entweder nicht poste, was sehr schade wäre, oder ihr Abo gleich wieder kündigen ? 2
Daleys Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 25 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: How can one call garbage people who only come to our eyes as pixels and most of whom only know what is posted in the forum. ! This is just. horrible and sucky. Even if some foresters who have been around long enough are not very impressed by the same thing over and over again, they still do not have the "right" to spread such insults from the lowest drawer. And one more thing: have these people ever thought about the fact that new paying viewers and writers feel repelled by such rude tones and either don't post, which would be a shame, or cancel their subscription right away? If i understand your post i think for new subscribers who never saw them before it is wrong to say they are recycled garbage and for the others who re-join RLC.
Gerald Knauft Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 20 minutes ago, Daleys said: Wenn ich Ihren Beitrag verstehe, denke ich, dass es für neue Abonnenten, die sie noch nie zuvor gesehen haben, falsch ist zu sagen, dass sie recycelter Müll sind, und für die anderen, die sich wieder RLC anschließen. Vielleicht liegt es an der Übersetzung aber meine Intention ist mein Protest dagegen dass es hier im Forum Menschen gibt die andere Menschen , zumal ohne sie wirklich zu kennen, als menschlichen Müll öffentlich bezeichnen. Schlimm genug wenn man so etwas denkt, aber es auch noch zu posten ist schon mehr als fragwürdig. Sicherlich gibt es verabscheuungswürdige Menschen die man als " Müll " bezeichnen könnte. Das sind aber ganz gewiss nicht die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen am RLC-Projekt, bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit die sie natürlich auch haben. 1 1
Daleys Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 36 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: Maybe it's because of the translation, but my intention is my protest against the fact that there are people here in the forum who publicly describe other people as human garbage, especially since they don't really know them. It's bad enough if you think something like that, but posting it is more than questionable. Certainly there are despicable people who could be called "garbage". But these are certainly not the participants in the RLC project, despite all their differences, which of course they also have. Ok i understand you now.
Catmaster Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 In their last apartment, C&Y always had lots of visitors. I'm looking forward for it!
Alladino Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 3 hours ago, ddhm said: An amazing addition , bringing back one of the best couples and for sure totally unfair being removed , despite some of the best things we have seen either by them or from their uncountable friends who had no problems to visit the apartment , party , drink , have sex on cameras . Can’t wait to see some of their friends back and of course we get the 1 million euros question … Are Carla and Yanai “ allowed “ to mix with the Russian speaking and be part of their community or they will be exclusively with their local Barcelona friends ? The most important is that RLC took the message that the success of Barcelona apartments and not getting fast bored , it is to have fun people , willing to make parties , smiley , with friends willing to appear on cameras and generally couples who have strong personality and can influence the others , Carla and Yanai are amazing with that . After a “steady “ period and losing two great couples like E&M and K&R , it is great to see that RLC understands how the couples concept should continue after the incredible success of introducing Venera and Lion and lately the lesbian couple , well done 😇 Welcome back to one of the greatest couples ever , welcome back Carla and Yanai 😊 Even though I can't remember their names, so much for the best couple ever on RLC 🙃, I agree with you on many things in this post. RLC needs people who are interesting and can inspire others. Not through bullshit shows, but simply because they have a more active lifestyle. If the two can achieve that, it would indeed be a big step in the right direction. However, the fact that I don't remember the names at all makes me a little doubtful. Lets wait and see. Maybe I'll remember when they're in the flat.
FrankZabba Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 11 hours ago, Noldus said: No This is a regular couple's apartment So we can hope they stay there for a long time, without the neighbors complaining about noise. this is the most excellent news, the best couple to ever appear on rlc! great job rlc!
thinga69 Posted June 24, 2022 Posted June 24, 2022 Bad timing to open this apartment. They are out for almost a whole day.
Shinobi49 Posted June 24, 2022 Posted June 24, 2022 21 minutes ago, thinga69 said: Only Carla is there now. She left with one suitcase yesterday and came back with 2 and a hand bag so I guess Yanaiis still at their own flat for now
philo Posted June 24, 2022 Posted June 24, 2022 I recall that Yanai was caught making out with one of his male guest. They seemed to be in love. Carla seemed to forgive him so I guess they must have some kind of understanding. 1
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