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Diana and Efim Observations

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Anybody know what going on with Diana & Efim? They seem to be acting different lately, they are in bed now and having a long Conversation. Diana was crying at one point.

I noticed that something is off as well.  This morning as she was getting ready Diana tried to kiss Efim numerous times and he just wasn't responding.  He would turn his head away or just keep on sleeping, ignoring her.  At one point she was just staring at him glumly.  I feel bad for her.  In addition to being a prude, he is acting like a brat. 

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Anybody know what going on with Diana & Efim? They seem to be acting different lately, they are in bed now and having a long Conversation. Diana was crying at one point.

I noticed that something is off as well.  This morning as she was getting ready Diana tried to kiss Efim numerous times and he just wasn't responding.  He would turn his head away or just keep on sleeping, ignoring her.  At one point she was just staring at him glumly.  I feel bad for her.  In addition to being a prude, he is acting like a brat.

He'll find out someday when she leaves him. Then he'll be crying like a baby who had their candy taken away.
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Diana is gorgeous both physically and emotionally. She seems extremely happy in her life. Seems to love Efim greatly and enjoys life with a huge amount of talented friends. Efim is indeed like a little boy at times but does seem loving and is certainly up for fun, fun, fun!

They are the best thing that has happened to RLC since the beginning.

  Please don't get me wrong...........................I agree that Diana is a beautiful, talented girl. I was

just commenting that the Russians (or East Europeans) need to come up with some women that are not

only pretty but also have some curves or at least some tits that are bigger than inflated nipples. I would never

kick Diana out of bed............LOL . ;) ;) ;)

Well, there's always Alina's large-sized friend... :)

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They was tension between them last night too. She tried to talk to him on the couch, but he was basically ignoring her. She threw a weird tantrum and started banging her head against the arm of the couch.

I agree with Calvin, he definitely has that bratty personality and is always pouting if he doesn't get his way.

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I think he's a immature boy who is jealous of Diana. She appears to either have a job or is in some sort of play while he sits at home by himself. He is very controlling of her that's why he does some of the weird thing to her. Such as hitting her till she cries and peeing on her in the shower. He is trying to be in control of her and with her having an outside life he can't control her so he makes her feel guilty by ignoring her an pouting.

This is my belief by no way am I qualify to make any statements beyond my beliefs that are consider to be more that what I belief to be true. So don't read more into what I am saying other than it is my untrained observation .

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Depuis quelque temps, je ne reconnais plus le couple qui est entré dans cet appartement.

Au début, l'un comme l'autre ne pensait qu'au sexe (et la musique bien sur) que ce soit dans la cuisine, la salle de bain ou ailleurs, Efim la carressait, la déculotait pour le plus grand plaisir de Diana  Elle même n'hésitait pas a baisser sa culotte ou qu'elle soit.Prendre une douche conduisait systématiquement à une baise, on a même eu droit a des essais de sodomie ....... etc.

Et puis............ plus rien ??????

Bien sur, Diana à beaucoup de difficultés à jouir pendant leurs rapports,mais cela n'est pas une raison suffisante pour ne plus rien faire.

Aujourdhui on à l'impression d'avoir à faire à deux copains en colocation.

Dommage pour eux......... et pour nous bien sur

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I stand by my original statement I made months ago. I think he's just bored with her and wants to fuck around with other girls.

y yo

one thing is sure, you might be worse with the atomic bomb, when for years you've made ​​the turn, you want other things ......

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He (read: they) have been playing this little game for a long time.  She says she wants sex and he says no.  Then she gets aggressive and he acts arrogant and standoffish.  Then she feins disappointment and starts masturbating under the covers.  He uses his left arm to interrupt that activity.  She responds positively and he turns away, etc.  The key is not his expressions, but hers.  She knows that the rejection is all part of the game and, in the end (so to speak) they fuck like bunnies.  Sometimes she can't finish and takes care of that in the tub a bit later.  The overriding feature of that relationship is one of fake drama and playfulness.  It may be a childish game, but that's not any of our business.... then again, he looks 12 with his new haircut.  The bottom line: they both get off on her whining, begging, nympho routine.  They both are good at the game.  Stay tuned.

But then again, I might be wrong.

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