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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #30


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5 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Hi Ash'! Hope you are keeping well.

She may well see something good in Paul, but from my observations she would have to dig deeper than he digs up his nasal organ to discover it.

Thx, hope all well on your end also! If you keep talking about Paul picking his nose, I'm gonna barf! I've had a thing about that since I was a kid. does he?!  He eats them at  times?  I'm done I don't care what he he does with those disgusting snockets!

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il y a 18 minutes, Mi02 a dit :

Vous n'êtes que des pauvres jaloux et aigris qui ont raté leur vie et qui dépensent leur argent sur un site qui n'a le moindre respect pour vous. Paul au moins vit sa vie sans regarder les autres ni les juger avec une femme qui la respecte plus qu'elle ne vous respecte. Si vous êtes mieux que lui comme vous le pensez allez vivre votre vie comme vous le méritez et laissez leur vivre leur vie comme ils le sentent. Pour rappel c'est vous qui le payez pour regarder sa vie et personne n'est obligé pour ça. Vous êtes plus misérable que lui donc soyez humble et payez et taisez-vous!!!

Ne seriez vous pas un adorateur de Paul vous trouvant vous même dans son état ?

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21 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

Has she ever spoken of going to another place to sight see?

Yes, leora arranged for all the family to have a holiday in Georgia last month, including Aunt (O) and uncle from spain, and they all had a great time. They then offered for leora and paul to stay in spain with them. 

Also as jimbo has hinted she has been offered a chance of getting a dual citizenship in another country, but that only works for HER at the moment and will take 3-6 months when applied for. 

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11 minutes ago, GAG-HER said:

Yes, leora arranged for all the family to have a holiday in Georgia last month, including Aunt (O) and uncle from spain, and they all had a great time. They then offered for leora and paul to stay in spain with them. 

Also as jimbo has hinted she has been offered a chance of getting a dual citizenship in another country, but that only works for HER at the moment and will take 3-6 months when applied for. 

Why didn't she and Paul go and be with them?

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il y a 12 minutes, GAG-HER a dit :

Oui, Leora s'est arrangée pour que toute la famille passe des vacances en Géorgie le mois dernier, y compris la tante (O) et l'oncle d'Espagne, et ils se sont tous bien amusés. Ils ont ensuite proposé à Leora et Paul de rester en Espagne avec eux. 

De plus, comme Jimbo l'a laissé entendre, on lui a offert une chance d'obtenir une double nationalité dans un autre pays, mais cela ne fonctionne que pour ELLE pour le moment et prendra 3 à 6 mois lorsqu'elle sera demandée. 

Bonsoir gag-Her ;

mais Paul a toujours sa nationalité Russe et n'a pas de visa a Prague  

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11 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

Why didn't she and Paul go and be with them?

You only have to look at the political situation, and without Schengen citizenship getting out of the EU is far easier than even trying to get back.

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2 hours ago, ddhm said:

So many coincidences that things  for Leora don’t seem to work … so many things .. when there have been OTHER rumors that they think of the next destination

That was the idea IF PAUL COULDN'T COME TO PRAGUE, it was a hypothesis. When Paul managed to come to Prague the idea was automatically cancelled. It doesn't seem like such an impossible or difficult thing to understand.

You're mixing too many things together. The fact that she wants to try to work there in Prague is not inconsistent with the fact that Leora would also consider moving IF PAUL DOESN'T COME TO PRAGUE.

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