dougiestyle4u Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 When I see Paul sleeping while Leora is doing things by herself this song comes to mind - "Only The Lonely" by Roy Orbison. 1
pulo filipe Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 Leora exit Paul Sleeping in Malia's room in dreams romantic
GAG-HER Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 46 minutes ago, pulo filipe said: how is malia Last i heard she was doing ok. 1 4
Anode Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 Leora est sortie avec une gros somme d'argent pour acheter quoi ?
henriPas Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 7 minutes ago, Anode said: Leora est sortie avec une gros somme d'argent pour acheter quoi ? des neurones ????
Newark52 Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 10 hours ago, ddhm said: I am THE ONLY ONE who isn’t afraid to speak my mind and have an opinion about Leora and her RLC actions in a way that doesn’t come positive for her on cameras presence - AS A TENANT , NOT AS A GIRL , SHE’S ALWAYS GREAT - … I AM THE ONLY ONE who doesn’t speak , praise , celebrate her sexual accomplishments BECAUSE after 10 years on cameras I WAS / AM / WILL always hope to see Leora’s life as she’s deserved to be shown and not the 3,000th masturbation ( that actually the forum members only participate here - recently to demolish Paul ) … I feel blessed today that OPINIONS , ARGUMENTS , COMMON SENSE posts have made it to the forum . Somehow , lost for months people who have been hiding ( ?? ) , people who appear only with emojis , people who speak for Leora inky about sex , YOU EVEN that aren’t so active ( but you admit that you notice at least my posts on the whole forum , why by the way ?? ) posted today and well done , wasn’t about sex but for real life occasions and situation concerning this woman . A proof that this topic can have some really great discussions when members wish .. I WONDER WHY IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABOUT SEX and not speculations , criticism , fair posts and worth back and forth chat .. For me , my problem of this apartment is that it doesn’t satisfy me - JUST ME AND MY REASONS WATCHING RLC - of the things that it is offering and I HAVE NO PROBLEM to come out LOUD AND CLEAR and post this and express my disappointment . The majority condemns Paul , the sex and private moments , me I am condemning the ( NON ) REAL LIFE that we are watching. You tell me that suddenly and after the posts of “ where is Max ? “ he appeared just like that ? WHERE ARE LEORA’S FRIENDS that TODAY we are learning that she has made a lot before Paul ? YOU TELL ME that NOBODY / NOONE / NOTHING else can ever be happening in this apartment except masturbation / blowjobs and Paul picking his nose ? YOU TELL ME THAT WHILE IN AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL of the apartments of RLC people have no problems to appear on cameras , at Leora’s , AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL of her friends she has made 4 years in Czech Republic , NOBODY WISHES TO APPEAR … REALLY ?? As you understand , as EVERYONE criticizes the private moments of Leora and Paul ( whether are nice / satisfactory or not ) , I AM THE ONLY ONE who posts my own way about the real life of this apartment ( that doesn’t exist in this apartment ) .. I am sorry that it comes out so negative for Leora but it is the same and EVEN MORE when people speak negative about the sex libido of Paul , his skills and knowledge .. Last but not least , I WISH I COULD REVEAL TO YOU the amount of people that DON’T POST HERE exactly to avoid people and reactions like Masterchef , Scutus , Pepe and SO ON and SO ON .. People ( DOZENS I ASSURE YOU AND YOU NEED TO BELIEVE ME ) share the same opinions like me but simply don’t post anymore because they don’t want to face all this stupidity . I truly feel like the Last of the Mohicans 😂 but i will not stop and won’t allow myself to be shut from people who see all as POSITIVE and without QUESTIONING .. I DO … And I will always hope they appear and then you can see how many share the same thoughts like me . You are certainly are "THE ONLY ONE" and the thought of a Greek "Mohican" now that would be really something You would be doing well if you could reveal the names of all the people who don't post on ANY of the CC Forums let alone Leora's that you allegedly communicate with when RLC are averaging in excess of 190,000 hit's a day, but of course you being so clever already know that. 1 3
Mister Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 I really wonder what Paul does on the computer and what exactly he works/does. Regards
jimbo4 Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 25 minutes ago, Newark52 said: You are certainly are "THE ONLY ONE" and the thought of a Greek "Mohican" now that would be really something You would be doing well if you could reveal the names of all the people who don't post on ANY of the CC Forums let alone Leora's that you allegedly communicate with when RLC are averaging in excess of 190,000 hit's a day, but of course you being so clever already know that. He is correct that several people do not post anymore because of perceived tacit intimidation from some otherwise non participating members, who though they do not contribute ( apart from emoji's and Gifs ) wish to control the forum. Whether this number totals " Dozens " I wouldn't like to guess and is of course debatable, but in the case of this particular Leora forum there have been a few that I know of that have dropped out because of this reason. 1 1
pulo filipe Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 8 minutes ago, Mister said: I really wonder what Paul does on the computer and what exactly he works/does. Regards In the field of cell phone repair With the company that is in Russia 1
Gerald Knauft Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 36 minutes ago, Newark52 said: Du bist auf jeden Fall „DER EINZIGE“ und der Gedanke an einen griechischen „Mohikaner“ wäre wirklich etwas Es würde Ihnen gut tun, wenn Sie die Namen aller Personen preisgeben könnten, die in KEINEM der CC-Foren posten, geschweige denn die von Leora, mit denen Sie angeblich kommunizieren, wenn RLC durchschnittlich mehr als 190.000 Zugriffe pro Tag hat, aber natürlich Sie Ich bin so schlau und weiß das schon. Also, Leute ! Macht doch endlich mit dem Personenkult um die arme Leora Schluss. Sie war eine Ikone von RLC als Sexdarstellerin. Aber wie alles im Leben gibt es auch bei ihr ein Verfallsdatum. Klingt hart aber das ist die Realität. Sie war mal ein Mädchen mit Alleinstellungsmerkmalen. Jetzt ist sie nur noch eine unter vielen anderen und sollte auch so beurteilt werden. Ohne Heiligenschein. Über ihre Beziehung mit Paul urteile ich nicht. Das ist und bleibt Privatsache wie bei all den anderen. Nur die Auswirkungen können, wie bei den anderen Mädchen auch, Gegenstand von Diskussionen sein. Und da geht es eher ins Negative. Sie kann nicht ewig bei RLC bleiben, so sehr sich das einige Abonnenten wünschen. Vielleich taucht bei den Kandidatinnen für eine bezahlte RLC-Mitgliedschaft ein adäquater Ersatz für Leora auf. Man kann ja hoffen. Dann sollte es aber ein Mädchen sein das eine Teamplayerin ist und eine freundliche kommunikative Ader hat. Das kann aber nicht eine Einzelwohnung weitab der Basis wie jetzt in Prag sein. 1 3
Anode Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 il y a une heure, pulo filipe a dit : Dans le domaine de la réparation de téléphones portables Avec la société qui est en Russie Bonjour Pulo ; Paul ne répare rien du tout ,il est pas foutu de réparer la rampe d’Éva alors un portable faut pas y compter !!!!!
ddhm Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 1 hour ago, Newark52 said: You are certainly are "THE ONLY ONE" and the thought of a Greek "Mohican" now that would be really something You would be doing well if you could reveal the names of all the people who don't post on ANY of the CC Forums let alone Leora's that you allegedly communicate with when RLC are averaging in excess of 190,000 hit's a day, but of course you being so clever already know that. Nothing to comment on your post , you told me with your previous post to let you know things and I answered you .
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