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Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7


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Llevaba tiempo sin entrar en el chat y leyendo los comentarios del ultimo mes descubro que por fin los más perspicaces han descubierto que la Srta. Martina es una petarda de las de toda la vida y el Sr. Alberto un cornudo consentido de libro. Mi más sincera enhorabuena. Yo me quedo con los videos de Martina con Nelly que, eso sí, justifican el tiempo invertido en observar a esta pareja. Paz y salud para todos. 😍

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12 hours ago, Adalbert said:

She gets a back massage from Alberto. Earlier it was clear how such a thing ends, now let's see if something else happens. 😄


Una escena bastante íntima y un tanto erótica para una pareja que se supone que ha roto. Podría explicar los celos de GF4.

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1 hour ago, JYBRD said:


A fairly intimate and somewhat erotic scene for a couple that is supposed to have broken up. It could explain GF4's jealousy.


But to your point Byrd, some lovers would not tolerate a significant other who has an FWB.

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5 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

Wow, GF4 is pretty hot.  Watching those two together would break RLC!

Well, lets hope its a start. You're right, GF4 is quite attactive. Hopefully she'll be given a name. If Martina stays in the apartment after Alberto moves on, things could get interesting. And if the apartment does get interesting, RLC vieweship will skyrocket again and Martina will once again get top billing. Now comes the suspense...will the soap opera ressurrect?

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