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Current Events in the News (commentary)

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The way that neck tie is choking him, he is as red as a tomato.    Just one big blubbering oaf.

It's amazing how all the worlds misfits are just basking in the sun, and just soaking up all the limelight.

Most decent minded people would have just gone away after their shameful scandal.  But I guess it's like someone once said to me years ago,.. "It's hard to keep a good thief down."

One of Canada's biggest pieces of shit.  Justin Trudeau is ranked not far behind him.
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A WHITE volunteer cop who shot dead a black suspect during an arrest claims he thought he was firing a stun gun, not a handgun. Horrific video shows the moment Tulsa County Reserve Deputy Robert Bates shot dead Eric Harris, 44, who was accused of trying to sell an illegal gun to an undercover officer in Oklahoma.

“Taser! Taser!” Bates, 73, is heard shouting, before firing his gun, hitting Harris who was pinned to the ground. Bates quickly realised his mistake: “I shot him! I’m sorry!”

Harris squirmed and yelled repeatedly, “He shot me. Oh my God!”, adding that he couldn’t breathe.

An officer replied: “You fucking ran. Shut the fuck up.”

When Harris says he can’t breathe (“Oh my God. I’m losing my breath”) a deputy replies, “Fuck your breath.”

Now we are coming up with a set of SOPs that save time and money. Get them on the ground first then shoot them, saves bullets and no chance of missing and the suspect getting away.

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A WHITE volunteer cop who shot dead a black suspect during an arrest claims he thought he was firing a stun gun, not a handgun. Horrific video shows the moment Tulsa County Reserve Deputy Robert Bates shot dead Eric Harris, 44, who was accused of trying to sell an illegal gun to an undercover officer in Oklahoma.

“Taser! Taser!” Bates, 73, is heard shouting, before firing his gun, hitting Harris who was pinned to the ground. Bates quickly realised his mistake: “I shot him! I’m sorry!”

Harris squirmed and yelled repeatedly, “He shot me. Oh my God!”, adding that he couldn’t breathe.

An officer replied: “You fucking ran. Shut the fuck up.”

When Harris says he can’t breathe (“Oh my God. I’m losing my breath”) a deputy replies, “Fuck your breath.”

Now we are coming up with a set of SOPs that save time and money. Get them on the ground first then shoot them, saves bullets and no chance of missing and the suspect getting away.

Yeah,  he thought he was firing his Taser but pulled the trigger 8 times. The cop wasn't to bright. He deserves everything that happens to him.  Tosses a promising career down the toilet, likely be going to prison for murder and the lawsuits that will follow will destroy this cop for the rest of his life.
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He's a 73 year old insurance salesman who works part-time as a policemen assigned to the violent crimes squad. I'm not normally critical of police but what's he doing with a 357 anyway?

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He's a 73 year old insurance salesman who works part-time as a policemen assigned to the violent crimes squad. I'm not normally critical of police but what's he doing with a 357 anyway?

At 73 why is he even in a police uniform.  He should be home retired enjoying his pension and basking in Geritol.
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He's a 73 year old insurance salesman who works part-time as a policemen assigned to the violent crimes squad. I'm not normally critical of police but what's he doing with a 357 anyway?

At 73 why is he even in a police uniform.  He should be home retired enjoying his pension and basking in Geritol.

Probably because the poor bastard is still trying to pay off his mortgage, or fund his lazy kids uni fees.

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He's a 73 year old insurance salesman who works part-time as a policemen assigned to the violent crimes squad. I'm not normally critical of police but what's he doing with a 357 anyway?

At 73 why is he even in a police uniform.  He should be home retired enjoying his pension and basking in Geritol.

Probably because the poor bastard is still trying to pay off his mortgage, or fund his lazy kids uni fees.

If he's still funding his kids uni fees then he has raised a lazy irresponsible kids.

One never knows but the one that does it.

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Baltimore, MD (KK) April 27, 2015.  Today was the biggest shopping day of the year in Baltimore Maryland.  Most shoppers forgot to pay for their selections, preferring to run in and out of the CVS drug store, for example, without going through the customary "checking out" procedures.

They have been taught, and the lesson was learned well, that the general Jump-Around-Monkey-Show outside on the street means that all of the drugs and merchandize in the store actually belongs to THEM anyway. 

How cool is that, man?  yuk yuk yuk.

Indeed, one of their elected officials opined that violence was a good thing there in Baltimore.  We say, "Get ON witcher bad seff, sistah!  Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh! Dats wot eyes talkin 'bout!"


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"Gimme dat,.. You white mo fucker!"  "Dats mine!"

I find it funny, well sad actually, that we have had Asian people come here to this country, who at first couldn't even speak our language, but who then quickly learned it, and became very productive well mannered citizens, and who have bettered themselves through their industry and small shops, and are very courteous, nice people to both live and be around.

They don't rob, or loot, or car-jack, or play bumper tag to get you to stop your car so that they can rob, rape, and kill you.  And they also don't burn down their own community the minute that things don't go their way. 

No other race of people have caused us to have to spend so much money on alarm systems, guns, insurance, and in law enforcement, or in our constantly having to build more and more prisons. 

A tremendous amount of wasted money due to their savage, animalistic behavior.


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Woody - you know it actually has little or nothing to do with race or color.  This is all about victimization.  This is all about teaching these people that they are victims of a racist society.  Then, using that as their basic benchmark in life, they justify animal behavior.  Clearly, the first and most important change needs to go from tear gas to live rounds.  Nothing quells the ardor of a mob than live rounds, I'd say.  Meanwhile, the Democrat party promotes all this victimization bullshit because it swells their ranks and their pocketbooks.  These useless pieces of protoplasm are merely tools in the Big Money Race Game.  See, for example, Ape-Mayor Stephanie Rawlings explain how her city needs to "give space" to those who want to kill police.  One is already non-responsive.  Nice job, Ms. Monkey!

I think that businesses who want to open in these kinds of places ought not be given any sort of stipend, incentive, tax break, etc.  No, they should be charged a 25% law and order surcharge to open and serve these communities. 

Live rounds, I tell you; live rounds.

Not sure why Stephanie has a hyphenated last name.  Was part of it her maiden name?  Or mabe that still IS her maiden name: her mom wasn't sure whether it was pimp Rawlings or pusher Blake who knocked her up that time.....

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I think I ran into this guy once at a Seven / Eleven one night.    I recognize his teeth.

  "Aaaaa hisssss hissssss  Gimmie sum of dem Swisher Sweets mo fucker,  Aaaaaa hissss hisss."

And did you notice how the pen was on a chain?  That's because they keep on stealing them, right under judge's nose.  They just can't help themselves.


And his hair!  LOL      Oooooo weee daddy, that's one ugly nigger there!

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