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Under Maintenance !

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if i resume, Jenny and Nikki provided a so poor performance, so they decided to remove temporarily the appartement.

It got screwed up when Nikki brought Captain Anonymous on board. The guy was just there for the free meals.  They call them Freeloaders.
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To anybody's knowledge has RLC ever sent them an email like the one that was sent today?

To what I have seen on the forum so far.  It says Nora and Kiko are with them until Oct.18. 

It doesn't say anything about putting them back online until their departure.

I'd say let offline until they vanish.

I have said it many threads ago and many times that this apartment would function fine without Nora and Kiko's guidance.  I got chastised by a few who didn't believe such.  Now they will believe.  :lmao:  :lmao:

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To what I have seen on the forum so far.  It says Nora and Kiko are with them until Oct.18. 

It doesn't say anything about putting them back online until their departure.

I'd say let offline until they vanish.

I have said it many threads ago and many times that this apartment would function fine without Nora and Kiko's guidance.  I got chastised by a few who didn't believe such.  Now they will believe.  :lmao:  :lmao:

from rlc: Nikki and Jenny left the project. Nora and Kiko will stay with us till October 18th and we'll go back to the all-girls format afterwards!

we'll just wait and see!  :)

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from rlc: Nikki and Jenny left the project. Nora and Kiko will stay with us till October 18th and we'll go back to the all-girls format afterwards!

we'll just wait and see!  :)

They'll likely just wait till after Oct.18 and then start with their new all girl format.

Let the old wound die and rot.  Then bring on the new Cavalry of Hot Babes with no more need of babysitting services.  Sorry Nora,  but  Happy Trails.

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Most likely in the apartment currently lives Nora, Kiko, Jenny and Nikki. Apartment returns back to online after Jenny and Nikki have left. I assume this will be happen very soon.

Kiko was mentioned in the Newsletter, which means that he will be officially part of the project till October 18th. Until now, he has been just a guest. That would not be mentioned if the apartment will return to online until after their departure.

What will happen after the departure of Nora and Kiko, is a mystery. Probably there will be at leats one permanent girl, and others will change, as until now. There is also the possibility that all girls will be permanent.  When is this going to happen, was not mentioned.

If there will be only one permanent girl, will she be better than Nora was? Hard to believe

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Most likely in the apartment currently lives Nora, Kiko, Jenny and Nikki. Apartment returns back to online after Jenny and Nikki have left. I assume this will be happen very soon.

Kiko was mentioned in the Newsletter, which means that he will be officially part of the project till October 18th. Until now, he has been just a guest. That would not be mentioned if the apartment will return to online until after their departure.

What will happen after the departure of Nora and Kiko, is a mystery. Probably there will be at leats one permanent girl, and others will change, as until now. There is also the possibility that all girls will be permanent.  When is this going to happen, was not mentioned.

If there will be only one permanent girl, will she be better than Nora was? Hard to believe

si cette maison n'a plus de gérante, je pense que cela deviendra vite difficile, et l'appartement sera très rapidement dans le même état que celui de martha!!! de plus, nora présentait les filles au microcosme de Barcelone. sans elle, les nouvelles filles ne connaitront que la plage en hiver!!!

if the house has no manager, I think it will soon become difficult, and the apartment will be very fast in the same condition as martha !!! in addition, nora girls presented at the Barcelona microcosm. without it, the new girls will experience only the beach in winter !!! :screwy: :no:

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si cette maison n'a plus de gérante, je pense que cela deviendra vite difficile, et l'appartement sera très rapidement dans le même état que celui de martha!!! de plus, nora présentait les filles au microcosme de Barcelone. sans elle, les nouvelles filles ne connaitront que la plage en hiver!!!

if the house has no manager, I think it will soon become difficult, and the apartment will be very fast in the same condition as martha !!! in addition, nora girls presented at the Barcelona microcosm. without it, the new girls will experience only the beach in winter !!! :screwy: :no:

No other apartments have a manager and they function fine.  This one will function the same.  The girls that will live there will just have to take some pride and do some cleaning instead of loafing around all day with their thumb up their ass and nose stuck in a phone or laptop.

I am surprised the Snake hasn't slithered at me yet.  :lmao:

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