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Here we go again

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I'm not sure you understand just who the man is. You'd be hanging out on Motherless or Xhamster without him and Nora.

Leora was added as an afterburner for the jet engines; but the driving engines and pilots were already installed by the time she came.

Now I'll get blasted for being a cryptic pontificater. Again. Dammit.

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For those of us who have been around for a long time, it is a familiar scene with Nora (Nastya) leaving again. Somehow this departure seems a little different. Rather than a defiant, confident and headstrong Nora I see a note of sadness - even an occasional  tear - as she hung up the phone in the bathroom and packs...(but maybe just the sniffles!) Controversial...yes, but certainly a strong bit of glue and anchor that has held RLC together for a long time!

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Agree Vincente - Nora has an addictive property about her. At times one dislikes her dictatorial (no pun intended) attitudes and her mopey moods, but like it or not, she has a captivating and almost mysterious spirit about her. Certainly no other RLC lady is like her. She has  wove her unusual charm around followers for several years. 

When she left the first time, I would have thought she would have at least looked at the camera and winked or smiled but no...faded out the door with her green suitcases...and never looked back.

I saw her depart.

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I really do not understand the hatred towards Nora from some on this board.  I, for one, will be very sad to see her go.

For me, RLC has always had certain apartments that represented a core that held it together.  Nora et al has been one of them. Not always perfect. Not always titillating. Sometimes boring.  And often VERY entertaining and always worth checking in to see what's going on.  I guess those with a vote on who stays and who goes do not agree with me.

Let's hope the replacments are as good!

To Nora:  a heartfelt thank you.  I hope things work out for you, wherever you end up.

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I really do not understand the hatred towards Nora from some on this board.  I, for one, will be very sad to see her go.

For me, RLC has always had certain apartments that represented a core that held it together.  Nora et al has been one of them. Not always perfect. Not always titillating. Sometimes boring.  And often VERY entertaining and always worth checking in to see what's going on.  I guess those with a vote on who stays and who goes do not agree with me.

Let's hope the replacments are as good!

To Nora:  a heartfelt thank you.  I hope things work out for you, wherever you end up.

I don't have any hatred toward her. It's just that they had their day on RLC and it's time for them to move on to the next chapter of their life. The girls coming to this apartment are grown adults. They don't need a babysitting service to guide them.
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Kiko & Nora smile and laugh often, much more so than any other couples that have been on RLC. I'd much rather hang around with people who have a sense of humor and enjoy life than a bunch of people who just sulk, cry, fight, argue and fuck for fucking's sake.

Some of the visiting girls were cute, but we knew all along that they were temporary, conscious of the cameras, and, being models, they often came off as plastic dolls with a contrived presence.

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Well I have only seen Nora with the 2 Ks and they probably did need a babysitter. I felt they were fairly immature and would require some authority figure to tell them to tidy up etc. Of course another thing in Nora's favour is that she had a great bum. I was often distracted by it in the kitchen.

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Some of the visiting girls were cute, but we knew all along that they were temporary, conscious of the cameras, and, being models, they often came off as plastic dolls with a contrived presence.

wish I could give this statement a 10000 likes!!!!!

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Nora may have been Queen Bee but the one she was with Kiko was a drone bee all they do is eat the honey and screw the Queen they due no work. Worthless!! Glad to see new People instead of the Queen and her drone BYE BYE

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