TBG 150 Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 On 9/13/2015 at 8:32 AM, kalevipoeg said: . CC admin does not seem to have that type of power nor interest, and this thread will continue publishing your opinions. Just as we continue to let you, Maturin and others like to you post your opinions. Would like me to make the whole board one sided? I know that would keep you happy, but it won't happen for either side. Because the one side that is barred would scream censorship. And that's exactly what it would be. OR...We can shut down all of the other boards and just leave the boards for the apartments for you to chat in. I'm sure inside of a week we'll have half the membership banned for going off topic. Just continue at each others throats like you have been and all will be happy in paradise again.
Ozi Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 NEARLY 5000 people marched through the centre of the Polish capital on Saturday chanting anti-Islamic slogans, joining similar anti-migrant demonstrations across Europe. Agence France-Presse reports the protesters in Warsaw joined other demonstrations in three eastern European capitals after leaders from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia opposed an EU scheme to fix refugee quotas. Organisers claimed the rally drew 10,000 people, but police would not confirm the figure. Banners included slogans such as “Islam will be the death of Europe”, while demonstrators chanted “Poles against migrants” and “Migrants today, terrorists tomorrow”. Police in the Czech capital, Prague, said some 800 people protested, holding up banners saying “Send them back!” and “Protect the borders”, according to AFP. Demonstrators called on the Czech government to resign and for a withdrawal from the European Union which it joined in 2004. All poorer members of the EU, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic on Friday ruled out accepting refugees under a compulsory quota system outlined by the European Commission, rejecting German pleas for European solidarity in tackling the crisis, AFP reports. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to seal the country's borders and arrest any illegal migrants. The country is close to finishing a 4m-high (13ft) fence along the border with Serbia. More than 4,000 Hungarian soldiers have been brought in to help police enforce a ban which Mr Orban has ordered must come into effect on Tuesday. YES I KNOW THERE WERE PRO REFUGEE DEMONSTRATION BUT THIS SHOWS THE EU IS NOT ALL COMMITTED AFTERALL.
woodworker Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 You liberals question where I get my news.. Geez, you people really do just drift through life with your eyes closed. Just who was it that killed all those reporters in France not too long ago? I will not deny the truth of what my own eyes have seen on the news. I see the reality of the way things truly are, even if it makes you bedwetting liberals upset to have to hear it. Sure,.. Leave it to a liberal to want to eliminate free speech. They can't face reality, and don't want to have to listen to those views that do not coincide with that of their otherwise sophomoric and juvenile school yard mentality. And just as in other occurrences in the news, the liberals here are apparently trying to bully others into having their own way once again, at the expense of those of others. You ask,.. Would I publish the same post if my real name were revealed? Are you trying to intimidate me with that type of question? Well let's get something straight here Charlie, I'm not afraid or ashamed of the views that I hold. And it's because of the problems, and the ineptitude of the liberals in this world that I have taken this stance against them and their failed policies. If you want to destroy your own countries, have at it. But I will fight to defend what is left of my own country and do all that I can to return it to the once great and vibrant country that it used to be. The home of the brave, and the land of the free.
woodworker Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 And look at how the liberal can't refrain from twisting and distorting what another person has said, in order to try to elicit some sort of support from those who haven't read what was actually said. My focus was on those in the middle east that are causing the brutal and inhumane deaths there to those that do not comport to their sadistic Islamic ways. And as far as those refugees now flooding those EU countries,.. Lets see just how beneficial they will become in another ten or twenty years to those countries. And yes, those barbarians there in the middle east do need to be destroyed over there. And then your poor refugees can move back into their homes once again.
TBG 150 Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 That's what they said about Castro being removed from power. All the Cubans will leave So. Florida and return home. When pigs fly. They aren't going anywhere.
Maturin Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 On 9/13/2015 at 12:36 AM, ozi said: So you haven't worked out that I'm in the military, that I've had 'exposure' in the middle east, that my role with asylum seekers was stopping them arriving here and if they did get through, detaining them so they can be sent back. Mis-remembering and confused doesn't describe your responses. Missing something so basic is proof that you only read the parts you want to read or you are incapable of understanding and processing simple logic and information. As for Aylan Kurdi washed up on the Turkish beach, there are FACTS THAT PROVE his father IS NOT A GENUINE REFUGEE, so the only debate is whether he is a people smuggler, responsible for the death of 12 people, or not a people smuggler, therefore only responsible for the death of 3 people. Either way, scum. Asylum seekers? Genuine refugees? Now fighting amongst themselves. Why are these young, fit men not fighting to defend their own country. Why is the media NOT showing the real picture of asylum seekers, we see lots of photos of women and kids yet 75% of asylum seekers ARE MEN, FACT. The lie continues. I'm sure you'll understand it when I say that although you've stated you are these things, there is no proof so I will not take your statements as fact. Quite frankly you don't sound like anyone that's served in the military at all. When you read the well measured responses of veterans on here (regardless of whether I agree with them or not) you can see straight away that they're the real deal. You have mentioned nothing about what you do for a living in months, so I had to dig into my memory to remember what it was - hence I pointed to the fact that I might have mis-remembered what you did. That you have continually been posting anti-asylum seeker bullshit and fuck-the-refugees propaganda in the intervening months does not, sigh, prove that you have been in the military. I'm not saying that to score points, but I do need you to understand that I don't believe you. You can argue that all you want, the fact is I'm not asking you to prove it or give your real identity, I'm not interested, I just don't think you're a soldier especially compared to the responses, which are generally on your side of the argument, from actual veterans. Moving on: Many refugees have "escaped" from the camps in Turkey. Quite frankly, if I was there with my family I would be looking to get out and get to Europe - where I could find work and my kids could go to normal state school, ASAP. That his kid was washed up on a beach does not prove (do I have to keep putting that in bold?) that he was a people smuggler. 75% of them are men? What do you think happens to the women out there mate and why don't they make it, doesn't bare thinking about really. That picture you posted with the caption "Asylum seekers? Genuine refugees? Now fighting amongst themselves," is further proof that you're not just losing yourself to the closed ideology and false-narrative acceptance that they use on susceptible people - you're actively taking part in deceiving yourself and the people that listen to you. This photo was taken when the refugees were attacked in Budapest or another part of Hungary by fascist groups with bottles and projectiles. Some of the guys wanted to fight back but were stopped by other refugees - as the photo clearly shows.
woodworker Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 On 9/13/2015 at 4:44 PM, TBG 150 said: That's what they said about Castro being removed from power. All the Cubans will leave So. Florida and return home. When pigs fly. They aren't going anywhere. I know. But I said that to make a point that if the gutless EU countries would joint in to actually destroy these barbarians, then the refugees wouldn't have had to flee their native homes in the first place. Fat chance on the EU taking up arms as well, unless it's against that of it's own citizenry.
woodworker Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 My heart and my hopes go out to those countries that are protesting and opposing this un-welcomed migration into their own communities. They don't need someone to have to draw pictures for them as to the logical outcome over such an event in the next ten to twenty years. Simply put, they don't want Istanbul in their own backyard, or carved up "No go zones" in their communities to where only the Muslims are allowed to inhabit, such as France currently has. It must be a great shock and a bit of a throw back to any visiting tourist now going to France to see 'Abdullah's fine pastries and Bon Bons' painted on the quaint shop signs there. And I suppose it won't be long before the Muslims there end up placing a bronze statue of Mohamed, sabre in hand, and mounted upon his great charger on top of the Eiffel tower there in gay Paree'. Won't that make for a charming picture as well. "Make sure you get all of the horse in the frame Martha,.. They aint going to believe this shit back home."
yadevol Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 The idea that France (or Germany or the UK) has Muslim only no go areas was a lie put out by Fox News that has been debunked more times than I care to mention. As anyone who has visited these countries it is Bollocks.
TBG 150 Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 I haven't visited Europe in 15 years. That's why I'm staying out of this conversation for the most part. I have no faith in any news reporting outlet. They only lie on their own behalf to bolster their ratings.
TBG 150 Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 Simply put...Muslims have no place in a civilized society.
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