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Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2

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on s'aperçoit ici de l'impressionnante différence d'analyse géopolitique entre les américains américanisés, avec leur petit passé historique de 300 ans, et le reste du monde!!! un sujet très complexe!!!

Here we see the impressive difference between American geopolitical analysis Americanized, with their little historical past 300 years, and the rest of the world !!! a very complex subject !!!

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My boss?  What are you trying to say?  I'll take the bait just this once since you have a bit of a problem with English.

Thank you for your patience with me and I'm really sorry to everything

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If that were the case, you wouldn't have an Iranian nuclear bomb deal.

:D :D nous avons déjà cette bombe enfoncée dans notre cul, mais celui qui a le bouton d'allumage, décide quand il voudra l'allumer!!! ;) 8)

C: We have this bomb down our ass, but the one with the power button, decides when he wants to turn it on !!! ;) 8)

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