Timewarp Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I would like to point out that there have been quite a few attempts to interject Creationism into public schools. I could site many examples but for now I will point to just one. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/04/creationism_in_louisiana_public_school_science_classes_school_boards_and.html I see a recurring scenario that seems to have become the norm with regard to the limits of religion in this country. Someone will go over the line as with the article or a Nativity scene on the front lawn of City Hall and then claim religious persecution when someone points out that it is unconstitutional. It's really a very simple argument. Do we want our government to be secular or not? I would submit that a majority of Americans would side with the founding fathers who clearly seem to feel that this was the best choice.
woodworker Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I have a scientific mind, and love those things that have advanced our understanding of things. But for me, science and God do not collide with each other, just as they didn't with Sir Isaac Newton, or Copernicus, or Albert Einstein, or many others who were so key to our civilization. I know that the world is billions of years old, and that dinosaurs did exist. But I also believe that somewhere down the line that God put a spark of divinity within us in order for us to start to contemplate those things that are bigger than us. We do not just scurry about like the other animals do with no other thought than what will I eat. To me, that is what was meant by "Man does not live by bread alone." Anyway, that's just the way that I think when it comes to science and God.
TBG 150 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I was taught Creationism in my early years of school. (mid 60's) Then upon entering Junior High School and enrolling in a much loved Science class, I realized that I had been fed a bunch of nonsense in my early years in school and in church. I can't believe I fell for that. :doh: Further studies led me to believe that religion has no logic. It's more of a brainwashing. Quite similar to today's American public schools. But now they call it an 'indoctrination'. I did however continue to like the Christian themed, so called religious music. After much music study, I came to know and understand that certain pieces were used to create Christian hymns, taking away from the original composition only a part of the composition and adding verses to them to create the Hymns popular in certain religious celebrations, from Christmas to weddings.
woodworker Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I too don't go to church, and have only been to church maybe five or six times in my life. And in that it was mostly for weddings and funerals. And that as far as the Bible goes, I too have found it deeply flawed, with the exception of that of the New Testament. And if it were not for the words of Jesus Himself, I probably would not have come to believe in God in the way that I do. But I have found His words to be both unassailable and truthful. To be honest, I don't like talking about God and Jesus just for the sake of conversation. As I have said once before, I tend to be very private about such things whenever possible. But I mention this now only to let some good people know, that I too don't belong to any organized orthodoxy.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 How to win an argument about God when confronted with an atheist: 1) God, in all religions, is the Creator. Not just of us, but also the Universe that surrounds us. 2) Therefore, if no God of any sort exists, then you and I don't exist either. 3) So why are we having this argument if you are correct in your religious belief that no God exists? (Subscript: I'm an agnostic. I do not presume to define God in any set terms. God defines itself. But I will never allow a government or a group of people define my relationship with God.)
kevinsback Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 How to win an argument about God when confronted with an atheist: 1) God, in all religions, is the Creator. Not just of us, but also the Universe that surrounds us. 2) Therefore, if no God of any sort exists, then you and I don't exist either. 3) So why are we having this argument if you are correct in your religious belief that no God exists? How does that win anything? It just says' I say God exists, therefore God exists.' The atheist would surely reply: 1) There is no God 2) Therefore the world exists without having been 'created' 3) Therefore people who explain the existence of the Universe through a creation theory, have also come into existence without having been 'created'
Timewarp Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 It is similar to the "the Bible is the word of God because it says so in the Bible" argument.
Maturin Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 "Because God said so." Which one? "The God." By 'The' I presume you mean the god of the particular religion you were randomly born into? "Yes of course. My God says so." How do you know? "Because he told his emmissary." And how do you know that the emmissary didn't just make it up? "Because he said God told him." Which one?
teeshot Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 God exists because nothing real could be credited for things that are. The Bible says nothing. It is a jumble of characters placed on a page that are interpreted by someone to mean what they believe they are to mean by way of their upbringing.
StnCld316 Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 It is similar to the "the Bible is the word of God because it says so in the Bible" argument. Religion is a Mind Controlling matter. They Brainwash People on a daily basis and suck every last dollar they can at the collection plate from the gullible and weak minded over someone that could be a fictitious character. Others have gone before me but none of them have come back to prove of any such existence in any way, shape or form.
Timewarp Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 Religion is a Mind Controlling matter. They Brainwash People on a daily basis and suck every last dollar they can at the collection plate from the gullible and weak minded over someone that could be a fictitious character. Others have gone before me but none of them have come back to prove of any such existence in any way, shape or form. To be honest, I generally avoid religious arguments. I don't feel it is my place to challenge people's beliefs and I will only do it when I see someone being abused by a religious type or someone being blatantly hypocritical. Some people cling so tightly to their beliefs, in many cases as the result of damage of one sort or another, that I think it is cruel to try and produce doubt in their minds.
StnCld316 Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 To be honest, I generally avoid religious arguments. I don't feel it is my place to challenge people's beliefs and I will only do it when I see someone being abused by a religious type or someone being blatantly hypocritical. Some people cling so tightly to their beliefs, in many cases as the result of damage of one sort or another, that I think it is cruel to try and produce doubt in their minds. Personally I think the only way people are going to actually find out if there is or isn't. They have to wait till they leave this earth to actually find out for themselves.
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