Ozi Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 The above illustrates why it is pointless arguing with you. You pick and choose elements that suit you, even making conjecture sound like fact with broad sweeping, generally negative statements that don't educate, illustrate or inform. Not sure why I even bother responding to that diatribe, particularly when you ignored half the comments I made in that and previous posts, then comment about things you obviously know very little about. We have a government that is right of centre, yet bashed by most of your so called right wing media, especially the ABC, funded by the government. Linked is right, watch Al Jazeera but then do some of your own research if you are really interested. Australia has a population of about 26 million, much less than half of many European countries, with a smaller economy to go with it, therefore less capacity to handle refugees. Yet up until this recent problem, Australia had a larger saturation of refugees than many countries, including Italy and Greece. We have an intake of refugees every year, under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) arrangement. We don't refuse refugees entry, just the illegal ones. And they were coming in the thousands until we stopped them, many drowning on the way. Once we turned them around, started processing them off shore and relocating them to other countries, they stopped coming. Some even returned voluntarily. Why? The countries we sent them to weren't their "countries of choice", just like what is happening in Europe. So much for desperation. NOT ALL REFUGEES ARE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. MANY ARE FINANCIALLY MOTIVATED. Spent time in the ME? Obviously not. Like Linked stated, it's normal to see just about everyone armed in some locations. Are you that naïve that you don't think or know that our governments are already arming and training militia as well as military and other groups in the ME? Groups like the Kurds, who Obama has now betrayed and left to the Turks to destroy. The trouble is, we have given them just enough to fight, not to win. If the military had been given the resources it asked for, there would have been less coalition casualties and the ME could have been cleared of most of this trash. That's what the military wanted, it's not what our governments want. Arming old men, women and children? Is that because all the young men aren't there? Come and visit some of our detention centres in Australia, full of young, fit men. Some deserters from their own armies, or deserters from their own families. Capable of fighting and rioting over here to get their so called rights and privileges, too gutless to fight for their countries and families back home. And whose shit is it? Bush's, Blair's, Cameron's and Obama's? Spend some time in country, learn about the various religions, factions within religions, factions within factions, false borders, family feuds, the list is endless. Our current governments didn't create this shit, we just moved the goal posts around, replaced one tyrant with another. This shit has been going on for centuries, we were stupid enough to think we could control it. Muslims are killing Christians and any other religious group they can get their hands on. Muslims are also killing other muslims. Assad, saviour of the ME? Presiding over a four year civil war that has wiped out 250,000 people so far. Or are we talking about Assad, Putin's man in the ME? Assad who is being armed by the Russians. Oh, and did anybody mention Israel? No? Gaddafi once said “We have four million Muslims in Albania. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims.” Obama won't declare war on muslims, yet Gaddafi suggested we should. Coincidently, did you know that the Italian Navy had an arrangement with Libya to turn back refugee boats while Gaddafi was still in power? Approximately 800,000 refugees in Germany alone this year. How many are muslim? Gaddafi is about to be proven right. We are all being taken for a ride mate. You need to understand the bigger picture to understand what is currently happening. Should have never opened the borders in the first place, now it's too late to close them.
Linked Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 Oz man, it's never to late to close borders. it's actually quite easy. if you see an illegal trying to cross shoot'em the rest will turn around.
Timewarp Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 Interesting replies. I read each one carefully. In doing so I can't help but wonder, have any of you ever taken a few moments to reflect and ask yourself who you are so angry at?
woodworker Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 I just reflected, and it's Liberals mostly. :) Then would come cop killing niggers, and then Muslims. Do you know I just heard on the news that the liberal professors there at Washington university are trying to make it a forbidden practice with penalties involved to say the words "Illegal Immigrant" there. They are also trying to instate 'gender neutral' denominations towards the students there. So Sally would be an 'it', not a she, or a her, but an 'it' instead. Which if she's a liberal would make perfect sense, but if not, would be completely absurd. So why don't these feminist just change their names if their so ashamed of their sex. Then Sally could be unit no. 145 instead. You couldn't get any more gender neutral than that. A gossip conversation between two college kids: "Hey, did you get a load of unit 172 at the party last night?" "It is such a tramp". "And unit 643,.. I didn't know it was a queer, did you?" "No, not until I saw it sucking unit 342's cock. Then it all became pretty clear pretty quick."
Ozi Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 Interesting replies. I read each one carefully. In doing so I can't help but wonder, have any of you ever taken a few moments to reflect and ask yourself who you are so angry at? Mate, the list is too long to write down here, but people like you are certainly on it, one of many that has no idea of what happens in the world. Here's an example, easy to follow: Australia has 1,308 hospitals spread around the states and territories, based on 2010 figures, but nothings been built recently. Many of these are small, regional hospitals that don't offer all services. Example, not all private hospitals have ERs. Example, not all can carryout major surgery due to a lack of specialists. Etc, etc. Our hospitals are swamped, over-flowing. It's not unusual to be parked in a bed in a corridor due to lack of rooms or more seriously, left propped up in a waiting room, or sent home, due to a lack of beds. Most medical staff pull at least one double shift a week, with wards grossly undermanned after hours. People do die because they can't always get adequate treatment. So that's 1,308 hospitals servicing 23,700,000 people. That's just over 18,000 people per hospital and remembering, every hospital is already beyond capacity and not all provide every service. Now throw in 20 -30,000 refugees, not progressively but in one hit, nearly all high maintenance unable to contribute anything to the system. That's two more hospitals and resources to manage them. Where do we get them? E-bay?
Timewarp Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 You might want to read back through the comments. I haven't typed a single word that has anything to do with the refugee situation anywhere in the world. I actually have a varying set of beliefs, some progressive, some far more conservative. I do enjoy asking provocative questions as they often can be very revealing. For the record, I don't get angry at people based on their opinions, particularly when I don't know what all of them are.
woodworker Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 Well, It's not easy straddling the fence that way. Someone very, very, wise once said, "You can not serve two masters." For me there is only correct and incorrect, right or wrong, good and evil. And if your looking for some shades of gray in there, then I suggest you pick up that trashy, sappy, and down right silly book that had some fifty different shades of gray within it. I too came out with a book for women called "Black and Blue." And it's not nearly as laughable or as sappy as that one by that woman author, E.L. James. But it is brutally honest. Now watch, some small minded liberal out there is going to think that I was serious, and is going to turn me into the authorities for being a woman basher. Well, in some ways I suppose you could be right, especially in the case of feminist, but not to where I would leave any bruises. Most of them are ugly enough as it is.
woodworker Posted September 5, 2015 Posted September 5, 2015 All humor aside. All I'm saying is that if you want to travel in a safe plane or take a pleasurable trip in a rocket ship one day, then you had better hope that the mathematics and the engineering involved in making that plane or ship is correct and not incorrect, and that the gauges are all functioning properly and are right, and not wrong, and that the people involved in building or maintaining those vessels were not Muslims or evil. That's all. ;D
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 6, 2015 Author Posted September 6, 2015 I'm a Goldwater conservative. Therefore I am a registered Libertarian, just not from the pot smoking branch of the party. All Americans who are conservative are libertarians. We are extremists of a different sort than that which floats around Europe, therefore Europeans (especially Marxists and National Socialists) cannot understand us. Here's the point, and it is a fulfillment of principles first fully explained in John Locke's work. The purpose of the government, over which we the people are sovereign, is to maximize the LIBERTY of each individual to the maximum practical extent. Therefore, real American conservatives currently don't think the Democrats should be robbing our bank accounts and we don't think the Republicans should be sneaking into our bedrooms. What we earn with our sweat and honest efforts is ours, and what we do with other consenting adults is nobody's business but our own. Re: marriage -- It's a contract between two people. The job of the State is to fricking record it so it can be adjudicated in the event of dissolution or death. Period. Re: war -- The purpose of the Federal Government is to protect the borders, represent the States in the matter of foreign policy, and enforce the Bill of Rights. The cheap greedy bastards can't even to that right... Good. Now you can all quit ragging on Left Wing vs Right Wing. It's an irrelevant concept. Either you support individual liberty or you support the power of a centralized government that will inevitably be corrupted by its power.
Ozi Posted September 6, 2015 Posted September 6, 2015 So the body of the three year old washed up on a beach has focused the world’s attention on the refugees fleeing Syria. The father so far, has given three different versions of the events: - The boat overturned and he didn’t know they had drowned until he was informed after his family were found on the beach; - He was controlling the speedboat after the smuggler abandoned them and he held his dead wife and children; - He held his two kids in the water and saw his wife floating off. There are claims that his application for asylum had been rejected. Turns out not to be correct. His brother’s application is on hold because he hasn’t provided enough information to prove his refugee status. An application had never been submitted for him. His aunt, in an interview has described in the minutest detail a second by second report of how the boat departed Turkey up to the vessel flipping and the three family members drowning. And I mean second by second, word for word, as supposedly described to her by her nephew. Her version of events is the most heart breaking, saddest of all, so is probably the storyline they will stick to. What has been cut from interviews with her and is not being reported anymore is; - they weren’t fleeing from Syria, they were actually living in Turkey and she had been paying his rent; - the decision to pay people smugglers to cross to Greece was because she expected his application for asylum in Canada would be rejected; - they had decided to attempt to reach Canada illegally; his wife didn't want to go because she knew how dangerous it could be, but he insisted (according to the Aunt's story). What has also been conveniently left out of the Aunt’s interview is the fact that they left Syria for a number of reasons, including the fact that he couldn’t afford a $14,000 bill to fix his teeth, which he could probably get done for nothing if he was a refugee in Europe or Canada. Despite all the bleeding heart stories for this guy, he is not and has not been accepted as a genuine refugee by any organisation, including UNHCR. It would appear he was a financial refugee who paid people smugglers and caused the death of his family out of nothing more than greed.
woodworker Posted September 6, 2015 Posted September 6, 2015 It makes you wonder just how long it will take, ten, maybe twenty years from now when some of these European countries will end up changing their name. Who knows anymore with these liberal fuck-up's over there now running the show. Islam is just a spreading disease upon this planet. Nothing more than that.
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