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irmas in the laundry room yes she is but shes not feeling good plus she upset.its different.irmas does everything in plain view of the cameras if she going to masturbate she  will do it in plain view and not hide like the little girl does.

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On ‎2016‎-‎01‎-‎04 at 1:46 PM, bookmaster8 said:

MrBox, I agree with a lot of your posts. But, not this one. I think she made some very astute observations. I don't think that Ilona thinks of anyone but herself. If she interacts with the other girls, it is usually because she is getting something out of it. She really doesn't seem to care about anyone other than how she can benefit from any interaction with them.

"Granted the young lady has a nice body but she is so narcissistic ,self absorbed and inconsiderate of others that her behavior negates any pleasure one might get from looking at her body. "

This is maybe true. I do not know what he can envision. ... But I am firmly convinced that all the girls of this apartment had sex already.

So if you find a error in my interpretation of his text, I would like to respond.

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MrBox, I agree with a lot of your posts. But, not this one. I think she made some very astute observations. I don't think that Ilona thinks of anyone but herself. If she interacts with the other girls, it is usually because she is getting something out of it. She really doesn't seem to care about anyone other than how she can benefit from any interaction with them.

I'm with you on this one bookmaster. I've said in a few previous posts that Ilona's main concern is being Top Dog.

She certainly appears to me to have a colder, more calculating personality than the other two girls.

I also have to say that after reading the last few pages of this thread, some of the posts are starting to become

overly personnal between posters. This site was almost a war zone a few months ago until the mods pulled it back.

Please let's keep it to friendly banter. Everyone is different. Some people like canito are quite passionate in their posts,

and use phrases that, if taken out of context, can sound worse than intended. I have not seen anything like the

disrespect and blatant insults that were hurled at some the previous girls. Jenny especially had countless posts which

were just downright nasty.

So please everyone, two steps back, deep breath, and let's all be happy!!!

:) :) 


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Upndown, I agree with you. Canito is just stating his opinions albeit passionately. I am a passionate person so I understand.

But, I have to say people here are parsing too much and analyzing too much the personalities of these girls. This apartment no matter what is head and shoulders better than any since K & K. And though I love, loved K & K, they never did anything. At least with these girls there is a small chance something will happen! That tiny chance keeps our interest so well. Oh wait, am I implying that they are getting lots of views by leading us on? I didn't say it, lol!!! but......

Heck, I am enjoying it anyway!!!

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